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Monday, May 13, 2024

City of Harrisburg City Council met June 18

Meeting 06

City of Harrisburg City Council met June 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council met at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Room of City Hall, Harrisburg IL.

Mayor John McPeek called the meeting to order. Mayor John McPeek presided over the meeting with Commissioners Raymond Gunning, Roger Angelly, Rupert Johnson and Ron Morse answering roll call.

Pastor Dan Masters of the First Church of God led the group in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to approve the consent agenda.

Regular Meeting Minutes June 04, 2020

Brown & Roberts Inc. – Design Engineering Bill #1 - $132,307.60 – STP Optimization

Brown & Roberts Inc. – Job No. 2019-136 Bill #1 - #1,030.40 – STP Right of Way

Mott Excavating – Job No. 20-058-03 - $17,817.85

Brown & Roberts Inc. Engineering Bill #2 - $1,200.00

Siegel’s Uniform - #445693 - $195.98 –– Council Contingency – K. Wilson PD Gear

Cherry Street Printing & Awards - #14441 - $803.03 – Council Contingency

Harrisburg Lake – Relinquish – Sherry Bishop/Wilma Hinant

1st Addition, Block 1, Lot 1E

Harrisburg Lake – Petition – Becky Corso

1st Addition, Block 1, Lot 1E

Harrisburg Lake – Relinquish – Becky Corso

2nd Addition, Block 2, Lot 9

Harrisburg Lake – Petition – Ryan Prather

2nd Addition, Block 2, Lot 9

Harrisburg Lake – Relinquish – Doug Hale

2nd Addition, Block 1, Lot 7

Harrisburg Lake – Petition – Brent Farris

2nd Addition, Block 1, Lot 7

Seconded by Commissioner Ron Morse. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Keith Moran from Moran Economic Development joined the meeting via zoom. He began by discussing the Business District Plan. The plan can utilize this program to improve business attraction and take care of some current properties. This will help with infrastructure as well. The program is a sales tax based program. It give a community the opportunity to increase the sales tax up to 1%, but Harrisburg is considering ¾%. Those dollars must be spent within the business district area. The money can be used to make improvements. There are a lot of people that come from outside of Harrisburg to shop and this puts a lot of strain on police protection and the infrastruction system. The money can be used to help in those areas.

When this is all said and done, Harrisburg’s sales tax will be at 8.75% which is below Marion, Herrin, Carbondale, and Benton. This program can generate a considerable amount of money, in the upwards of about of about $800-$900,000 annually. This could be a game changer in terms of what Harrisburg can accomplish.

We cannot just serve one area in the community. The area does have to qualify. There is a good size for the business district which qualifies. There are about 884 parcels. The business district stands from the movie theater south to the main quarter and picks up downtown and goes south down to Ron Morse Drive. This is a substantial business district area. The area meets the qualifying status.

A considerable amount of the area is flood prone which in the old days there was a TIF program that generated millions of dollars that was used to invest in the levee system and the storm water improvements. Harrisburg does not have that revenue stream anymore so this could at time alleviate those issues that are always prevalent in the city.

There are quite a few derelict buildings. One of the main things to accomplish with this program is to get rid of some of the derelict buildings which is not so easy. This business district program will be a great tool and help the city further this and it will allow a revenue stream to buy property. There is some old infrastructure and the business district program can be used to help alleviate.

There is a general all-purpose plan, but there are some specifics to highlight. Property evaluations are constantly declining in this area. We have picked the right area for the business district and we would like to see some investment occur. Maybe with the removal of derelict property, investments in facades and public infrastructure, we will see a further investment occur.

In terms of the business district program, we will use these types of things to market the City to the outside world. This could help get the name City of Harrisburg on the map to the development community in the State of Illinois. We want to attract some new businesses, get businesses rehabbed and fixed up so that we don’t have the current vacancy, especially downtown. This is a beautification effort. These dollars can help with aesthetics improvements, beautification of downtown on the square, restoration/restore of buildings and streetscapes that are already in the work to include sidewalks.

The way this program will work is that annually the Council will have a budget and Council will lay out a series of projects to be accomplished using the business district funds. Once the program is approved, pass an ordinance setting a public hearing which will be before the July 16, 2020 council meeting at 5:30 p.m. then this should get adopted in August and sent to the Illinois Department Revenue and this go into effect January 01, 2021. The City will start seeing the money in April 2021. Keith Moran asked if anyone had any questions. Mayor John McPeek stated he thinks everyone understand the program because we have been talking about this for so long.

Commission Ron Morse made the motion to adopt the ordinance to authorize the City Clerk to advertise for a public hearing on July 16, 2020 for the Establishment of the Business District in Harrisburg. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Keith Moran presented a façade application from Rick Brockett. He explained Rick Brockett owns the lot next to his State Farm Insurance Agency. It is currently a gravel lot, not the most beautiful looking area, but he is looking to make it a green space. Rick Brockett will do a lot of the work himself. He is looking for just a little assistance to help with the landscaping and beautification. He would receive up to $2500.00 and the project will probably be close to $10,000.

Mayor John McPeek stated this program has been used by Nina Brown’s office, Town Square Pub, and The Burg Café. Mayor John McPeek stated Rick Brockett would receive up to $2500.00 and this money is from the Façade Program in TIF. Commissioner Roger Angelly asked if Rick Brockett would hire someone, we bid the job or if he bids the job. Mayor John McPeek states Rick Brockett has the job completed, he submits pictures, and everything to the City and we write him a check for $2500.00

Commissioner Ron Morse made the motion to give $2500.00 to Rick Brockett for the project and improvement application for the façade at 312/316 E. Poplar Street. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Jim Brown from Brown and Roberts Inc. stated to Council that they received notice that a dam inspection is required for one of the old side channel reservoirs. The City has three dam inspections required, side channel reservoirs, Harrisburg Lake and Sarah Impoundment. He would like have authorization to go ahead and do that for the City.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve Brown and Roberts Inc. to have authorization for reservoir dam inspections. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Jim Brown from Brown and Roberts Inc. discussed the motor fuel tax bid tabulation sheet. The bid opening was held on June 11, 2020. The materials bid were CA6 and CA7 along with applied oil and chipping which is HFE150 and CA16. The low bidder on oil and chipping was Illini Asphalt at $53,756.75. The low bidder on the aggregate CA6 and CA7 was LaFarge at $23,598.00. If the City wants to proceed with the expenditure of the MFT money, it is appropriate to pass a resolution accepting those proposals.

Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to accept Resolution 20-0618 for Illini Asphalt Corporation and LaFarge. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Jim Brown with Brown and Roberts Inc. presented a change order for the 2014 Water main Rehab Phase I project that Mason Bryant has been working on. He has requested a change order for an additional seventeen days to get the project completed. There is still concrete and sidewalks to put back along with basic clean up to do. The project is up on June 28, 2020 and he is asking for an extension until July 15, 2020.

Commissioner Ron Morse asked Jim Brown if there was money that can be withheld from this project. Jim Brown stated money is being withheld. He stated he has liquidated damages and he can be assessed $200.00 per day once he goes past the July 15, 2020 date. There is an adequate amount of money. There are still a lot of loose ends on Granger Street.

Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to accept the change order for water main project for Bryant Construction. Seconded by Commissioner Ron Morse. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Jim Brown from Brown and Roberts Inc. presented a change order for the DCEO Sidewalk project. This a change order/final for Mott Excavating for $4912.35. Commissioner Roger Angelly asked if something was added to this project. Jim Brown stated we need to use all the grant money. Treasurer David Cox stated this will come out of the City money. This is not to get the grant up to $75,000 but this money will come out of sidewalk money. Jim Brown asked for this change order to be tabled so he can check on this item. He will get back to them at the next meeting.

Mayor John McPeek presented a mobile home permit from Kimberly Powers. It will be placed at 701 Marshall Street. She meets the specifications. Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to accept the permit application from Kimberly Powers. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Eric Hegger from Hegger Constructions addressed Council regarding the City Hall project. Things are moving along really well. The only issue they have run into is the City Building sign is not foam insulation. It is one large limestone piece and it cannot come out. This is not an issue. It can be fixed and made to look good. The hole will be patched and refinished over the top of it.

Attorney Kolby Smithpeters reported on Personal Property Replacement Tax that Treasurer David Cox asked to be reviewed. The City is currently paying 11.86% of the personal property replacement tax. This is what has been paid for years past. He believes everything is in line in paying the 11.86% and there is no reason to change it. He stated no action needs to be taken.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning announced the Boot Drive hosted by the Fire Department. They will be at Wal-Mart and Rural King from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. It is a Boot Drive for the fireworks donation.

Commissioner Roger Angelly discussed the possibility of hiring two employees for the Water/Sewer Department. He made the following statement:

In arriving at this decision, I am mindful that the City has the right to determine the standards of selection for employment, the right to revise programs and procedures to meet changing conditions to better serve the needs of the public, and to determine the content of job classifications with a view toward the technology required for the performance of the work.

The standards of selection for these employees will take into consideration the technology required in performing the work which will require in part a good working knowledge of computers, computer experiences, and computer skills.

Part of the standards of selection will relate to public communication skills as the employees shall be subject to assignment of the water office on a periodic basis as needed and required.

The standards of selection will include the ability to do field work but with an emphasis on computer skills and communications skills with a view toward the changing conditions of the services to the public requiring that the employees may be assigned to office work. The lack of computer skills and lack of communication skills will preclude the selection of candidates for the positions.

If there are any comments about my plans for possibly hiring these two employees with this criteria please let him know.

Commissioner Roger Angelly stated they are needing help in the water office. They have been able to handle it with two people and they are doing a great job, but there may be days when one of them is off and the flow is heavy. This has been done in the past. He is trying to get two positions for one. A couple of individuals have been interviewed and they have computer skills. Commissioner Roger Angelly brought this before Council to see if it is okay to proceed in this manner. All Council and the Mayor was in agreement to proceed.

Commissioner Roger Angelly stated the pandemic has brought a lot of things to light. He is proposing the water office be moved to the bottom floor. He has looked at Congressman Shimpkus’s office but it does not have two doors. He has looked at the genealogy room. He would like to swap rooms and they can have the water office. It may be possible to make a drive-thru on the side where the old doors are located. This would make the water office on the bottom floor, give it a drive-thru and the customers can be served better. He asked if he can proceed with this project. Commissioner Ron Morse stated Commissioner Roger Angelly will need to discuss this with the genealogy department. They need to have some heads up. He needs to have a cost of renovating it and a plan. Commissioner Roger Angelly said this a start. He wants to make sure everyone is on the same page. Commissioner Roger Angelly stated he believes TIF funds can be used. He will start on the plan and get a price.

Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to authorize the City Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for a backhoe for the Water/Sewer Department. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than July 02, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to authorize the City Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for a skid steer for the Water/Sewer Department. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than July 02, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek reminded the citizens about the 4th of July fireworks display being held at the Saline County Fairgrounds beginning around 9:00 p.m. The City has raised $17,500 in donations.

He announced the new Facebook page, Instagram page, and updated city website. A new program has been implemented called Step-Up. This will make an impact on the community and will consist of volunteers and there has already been interest from organizations and individuals volunteering to help clean-up Harrisburg and make our town look even better. Please contact City Hall or go to the website with any questions about this program.

Citizen Joe Hutchison approached regarding correspondence from the Attorney General’s Office. It appears the council has committed official misconduct under the color of law. He would like to speak with Raymond Gunning and Michael Riden to pursue this. He has a statement from the Attorney General’s Office stating council had improper language about him in Executive Session. He states that skirts more than official misconduct. He requested a meeting while he is here in person so he can get it scheduled or find out when they are available.

Mayor John McPeek stated he emailed the letter to Kolby Smithpeters. Citizen Joe Hutchison asked the Police Chief and Police Commissioner for a meeting. Mayor John McPeek stated it was not going to happen. Citizen Joe Hutchison asked “It’s not going to happen”? Mayor John McPeek stated there is no reason to have a meeting with them. Citizen Joe Hutchison stated he would like to report a crime.

Commissioner Roger Angelly asked what he reported to the Attorney General. Citizen Joe Hutchison responded the open meetings act violation. Commissioner Roger Angelly asked what they told him. Citizen Joe Hutchison said council was dead in the water. The report just came out today. He stated you will see in the next few weeks. He stated Commissioner Roger Angelly especially will see. Commission Roger Angelly said he hopes so.

Citizen Joe Hutchison would like to request a meeting with the Police Chief and the Police Commissioner. He would like to file a charge of official misconduct. Mayor John McPeek asked on who. Citizen Joe Hutchison stated on the City Council and the Mayor. Mayor John McPeek stated the City needs to speak to their attorney. Citizen Joe Hutchison stated they can talk to their attorney.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated if he has a complaint to contact the Police Department and fill out a complaint. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters stated he claims official misconduct against the City Council and that he is speaking about, Citizen Joe Hutchison interrupted and stated he knows what he is speaking about when they discussed him in Executive Session and he claims he was the only topic. Citizen Joe Hutchison stated “you are getting ready to go to court fellas”. Commissioner Roger Angelly said let’s go. Citizen Joe Hutchison stated they are getting ready to see it. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters informed Commissioner Raymond Gunning that it was up to him if he wanted to meet with Joe. Citizen Joe Hutchison said evidently there is a huge process around Harrisburg. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters asked if the complaint is a civil case. Citizen Joe Hutchison said it is a criminal official misconduct case, not a civil 1983 which is coming next for $10,000,000 by the way fellas. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters said Citizen Joe Hutchison would have to file a complaint which is the process. Commissioner Raymond Gunning asked if Citizen Joe Hutchison should go to the State Police. Citizen Joe Hutchison responded no that he has to use all resources and that Kolby can explain it to them. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters did not know who the charge is against. Citizen Joe Hutchison stated it was against the City Council and the Mayor. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters asked as a whole? Citizen Joe Hutchison responses as a whole. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters stated that Commissioner Raymond Gunning is probably right and that the City police won’t investigate our City council as a conflict of interest. Citizen Joe Hutchison said you have to use every local resource before you involve the State Police. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters does not believe the City police can investigate their own City council. Citizen Joe Hutchison asked who they can investigate.

Citizen Joe Hutchison stated he was going to ask one time for the appointment. He wants an appointment to make an official police complaint for official misconduct against the city council and the mayor. He asked if he could get that appointment. Commissioner Raymond Gunning said sure and he asked him to talk to Chief Riden. Citizen Joe Hutchison addressed Chief Riden. Chief Riden said he would get in contact with him. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated if it was a conflict of interest it will be forwarded on to the property agency.

Mayor John McPeek informed Citizen Joe Hutchison that he should probably have his attorney present. Citizen Joe Hutchison said if we are going to litigation then he will have his attorney present too. He asked if that is what they wanted to do, to go to litigation. He stated he has an attorney twenty-hours a day, seven days a week. Commissioner Roger Angelly stated he probably needs it. Citizen Joe Hutchison said Commissioner Roger Angelly probably needs it when he beats up on old people. Citizen Joe Hutchison said he is not 120 years old pal. Commissioner Roger Angelly asked what that was supposed to mean. Citizen Joe Hutchison said it means he is not 120 that means he is 48 years old which makes it real good for him. Citizen Joe Hutchison said it makes Commissioner Roger Angelly old and feeble. Commissioner Roger Angelly asked him if he was old and feeble. Citizen Joe Hutchison’s response was yes. Commissioner Roger Angelly asked if there was anything he wanted to call him. Citizen Joe Hutchison said no and all he wants is the appointment and he wants to go. Commissioner Ron Morse said he just got it. Citizen Joe Hutchison said he did not get his appointment.

Attorney Kolby Smithpeters stated he needs to call the police department which is the correct way to set an appointment. He can call Chief Riden at the police department. Citizen Joe Hutchison said he has called him for a week straight and he doesn’t return his calls. Commissioner Raymond Gunning asked the Chief to call Citizen Joe Hutchison tomorrow. Chief Riden informed Citizen Joe Hutchison that he would get in touch with him. Citizen Joe Hutchison appreciates it and that was good enough and he appreciates everyone’s time.

Citizen Sharon Vandenberg approached council about her concerns. She know the police have been patrolling her neighborhood. She knows that she is to call the police with any problems. Every time she calls the police, the drug users have hand-helds and scanners. They are now coming back on her and threatening her nephew. They are being nasty. She said something has to be done about this. There are seven drug houses within a two block area. She has no trespassing signs around her house. They will come by and raise cane. The minute they hear the police are coming, you don’t see a one of them, but the minute they are out of the area, they are right back out.

She has found syringes. She picks them up and properly disposes of them. She commends the police for the increased patrolling. This happens late at night. She has had her car broken into. Mayor John McPeek asked Chief Riden to make sure they continue to patrol. She gives her permission for the police to sit in her driveway to watch the activity. Chief Riden appreciates it. Commissioner Raymond Gunning suggest she continue to call the police. She is tired of the drugs.

Commissioner Ron Morse made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 6:43 p.m.




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