Carrier Mills-Stonefort High School
Recent News About Carrier Mills-Stonefort High School
How many Saline County students failed their math exams in 2023-24 school year?
More than 9 in 10 Saline County public high school students aren't at grade level in math.
84.3% of Saline County students failed their 2023-24 English exam
More than 8 in 10 Saline County public students aren't at grade level based on their performance in the English portion of the 2023-24 SAT.
Saline County's student body comprised mostly of white students in 2022-23 school year
In Saline County schools, there were more white students than any other individual ethnicity in the 2022-23 school year, according to the Illinois State Board of Education.
10.6% of teachers are leaving their jobs at Saline County
With an average salary of $52,000, 89.4% of teachers remain on their positions in Saline County schools, according to the 2023 three-year average.
How many white students were enrolled in Saline County County schools in 2022-23 school year?
In the 2022-23 school year, 86.5% of students enrolled in Saline County County school districts identified as white.
How many multiracial students were enrolled in Saline County County schools in 2022-23 school year?
In Saline County County schools, 195 multiracial students were enrolled in the 2022-23 school year, according to the Illinois State Board of Education report.
Saline County County Education: 59 Hispanic students were enrolled in schools in 2022-23 school year
In the 2022-23 school year, 1.7% of students enrolled in Saline County County school districts identified as Hispanic.
Saline County County Education: 123 Black students were enrolled in schools in 2022-23 school year
In Saline County County schools, 123 Black students were enrolled in the 2022-23 school year, according to the Illinois State Board of Education report.
How many multiracial students were enrolled in Saline County County schools in 2021-22 school year?
In the 2021-22 school year, 6.7% of students enrolled in Saline County County school districts identified as multiracial.
How many Hispanic students were enrolled in Saline County County schools in 2021-22 school year?
In Saline County County schools, 36 Hispanic students were enrolled in the 2021-22 school year, according to the Illinois State Board of Education report.
Enrollment Analysis: Black students comprised 3.3% of Saline County County’s student body in 2021-22 school year
In Saline County County schools, 125 Black students were enrolled in the 2021-22 school year, according to the Illinois State Board of Education report.
Saline County County Education: 3,277 white students were enrolled in schools in 2021-22 school year
In the 2021-22 school year, 87.1% of students enrolled in Saline County County school districts identified as white.
3,740 students enrolled in Saline County in 2021-22 school year
Enrollment numbers in Saline County schools rose over the previous year, according to the Illinois State Board of Education.
Saline County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2021-22 school year
Eldorado Elementary School stood out in Saline County with 579 students enrolled in the 2021-22 school year, according to the Illinois State Board of Education report.
Discipline at Carrier Mills-Stonefort High School: Multiracial students most affected in 2021-22 school year
Multiracial students, constituting 13.6% or 17 of Carrier Mills-Stonefort High School's total student population of 125, accounted for 13 out of the 66 total suspensions (19.7%) in the 2021-22 school year, averaging roughly one suspension per student, according to the latest student discipline report by the Illinois State Board of Education.
Saline County schools: Which ethnicity was most represented in 2021-22 school year?
In Saline County schools, there were more white students than any other individual ethnicity in the 2021-22 school year, according to the Illinois State Board of Education.
Truancy rates in Saline County schools improved in 2021-22 school year compared to the previous school year
Saline County schools had a truancy rate of 10.4% in the 2021-22 school year, the Illinois State Board of Education reported. That’s higher than the state average.
What Illinois school saw highest truancy rate during 2021-2022 school year?
Schools among Saline County had the 43rd highest truancy rate of 10.3% during the 2021-2022 school year, according to the Illinois State Board of Education report.
Analysis: 81.7 percent of students in Saline County schools failed state English exam in 2022
More than 8 in 10 Saline County public high school students aren't at grade level in English.
How many students failed their Math exams in Saline County in 2022?
Nearly 9 in 10 Saline County public high school students aren't at grade level in Math.