State Rep. John Cavaletto (R-Ill.)
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Recent News About State Rep. John Cavaletto (R-Ill.)
Cavaletto calls on Cullerton to send school funding bill to Rauner
Rep. John Cavaletto (R-Salem) wants to know what motivation other than political gamesmanship is keeping Senate President John Cullerton (D-Chicago) from sending the state's public school funding measure to Gov. Bruce Rauner.
Cavaletto tells Salem residents to bring out their shred-worthy documents
Rep. John Cavaletto (R-Salem) wants Salem residents to rid themselves of some sensitive documents and some worries at a paper shredding event on July 15.
Cavaletto: 'Sadness, pride' part of fallen firefighter ceremony
The 24th Annual Memorial Program for Illinois Fallen Firefighters in Springfield pulled Rep. John Cavaletto (R-Salem) in two directions recently, he said.
Cavaletto dishes on breakfast program on visit to Patoka
Students throughout lllinois might still be able to skip classes, but they won't have an excuse for skipping breakfast anymore if a pilot program co-sponsored by Rep. John Cavaletto (R-Salem) succeeds.
Cavaletto hails hold on replacing correctional center nurses
Nurses at correctional facilities throughout Illinois held onto their jobs -- at least temporarily -- after all sides agreed to work toward a better solution than subcontracting the work, Rep. John Cavaletto (R-Salem) announced on Thursday.
Analysis: Nine private taxpayers for every state/local government worker, pensioner in 107th House District
Among registered voters, private sector taxpayers outnumber state and local public sector workers and pensioners nearly nine to one in the 107th Illinois House district, according to a Southeast Illinois News analysis.