"When the ground shakes, and a poor nation’s economy is destroyed; when the waters rise, washing away a community’s hopes and dreams; when a child suffers neglect and abuse; when violence tears apart nations; where is God? If God is all powerful, and if each one of us is a beloved child of God, then how can God allow tragedy and suffering to infest his creation?
Illinois state Sen. Jason Plummer (R-Edwardsville) is convinced that Planned Parenthood’s secret construction of a so-called mega abortion clinic in southern Illinois is a 'disaster' for the pro-life movement as well as state taxpayers.
Illinois state Rep. Darren Bailey (R-Louisville) points to the findings of a new Kiplinger report that the state now ranks as the “least tax-friendly” in the country as another example of just how much Democrats in Springfield have lost their way.
The Land of Lincoln is suffering a number of financial woes, fueled in large part by unfunded pension liabilities, but neither Illinois nor any other state should expect a bailout from Uncle Sam, according to a resolution introduced into the senate last summer.
Illinois state Rep. Patrick Windhorst (R-Metropolis) wants residents of his district to be mindful that October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and that they should be doing all they can to make certain everyone around them is safe.