Eldorado Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees met Thursday, June 9.
Here are the minutes as provided by Eldorado Memorial Public Library District:
June 9, 2016
Present: Trustees-Sheila Baird, Walter Baker, Bob Barker, Jeff Campbell, Janet Davis, Susan Justice, Mike Vessell, Director-Felicia Murray, Bookkeeper-Patsy Simpson
No members of the public were present.
President, Sheila Baird called the meeting to order at 5:02pm.
The minutes of the May meeting were approved as presented.
Bob Barker presented the treasurer’s report. After discussion, Mike Vessell made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay the bills; Janet Davis seconded. All voted aye with a roll call vote.
Felicia Murray reported library monthly statistics which included circulating 2,484 books, 224 e-books, and 56 Zinio magazines. Interlibrary loan consisted of 606 loaned items and 502 borrowed items. Fifteen new patrons registered, and 604 people used computers. The library collected $1,559.00 which included $802 from the city of Eldorado. Mrs. Murray announced that 44 young readers are registered for the summer reading program so far, including 7 teens. She and the Norris City librarian visited 3 southern libraries-Anna, Metropolis, and Golconda.
Unfinished business included a discussion about installing more sidewalks and a ramp so that a cart can be rolled more easily. Greg McKinney will contact Bob Barker to decide on exactly what is needed.
New business included:
Bob Barker, Felicia Murray, Patsy Simpson, Walter Baker, Jeff Campbell, and Sheila Baird will serve on the Budget Committee
After a discussion of personnel salaries, Bob Barker made a motion to raise the salaries as proposed; Walter Baker seconded. All voted aye with a roll call vote.
Simon Naas and his team have completed the landscaping except for 2 plants. He will send the bill for payment after they are planted. Mrs. Murray discussed the possibility of installing landscape timbers to retain the rock. The maintenance man is watering the new plantings regularly; he is also painting the parking lot.
The Prevailing Wage Ord. #146 was adopted after a motion by Janet Davis and a second by Jeff Campbell. All voted aye with a roll call vote.
Mrs. Murray, on the advice of counsel, suggested that the Working Cash Fund be abolished and that those funds be placed in the Reserve Fund. Bob Barker made the motion, and Walter Baker seconded. All voted aye with a roll call vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm.
The next meeting will be July 14, 2016, at 5 pm.