Metropolis Water/Light/Street Committee met Wednesday, July 13.
Here are the minutes as provided by Metropolis:
Water, Light and Streets Committee Meeting Minutes
DATE: Wednesday, July 13, 2016
PLACE: City Hall Council Chambers
Time: 1:00
Barfield Present
Hall Present
McManus Present
Taylor Present
Moved by Alderman David McManus and Second by Alderman Charles Barfield to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 6-8-2016 as presented;
Barfield Yea
Hall Yea
McManus Yea
Taylor Yea
The motion to take action on vacating 1st Street between Cherry and Yasoda Streets was only discussion. A represented from River Ag of Illinois Inc. came to inform the Committee we will not need to vacate; we only need to cross over or under the street. They are going to add another bulk tank and were told by John Weiter with HMG to go under with a separation of 18”. The road in question could be capped off at Cherry Street and closed but will need to investigate bringing back to Committee for further discussion.
The payment is for the screen and hydraulics leaving out the 10% retainage fee until the work is completed and inspected informed Doug Hawes with HMG.
Moved by Alderman David McManus and Second by Alderman Charles Barfield to recommend to the full Council to take action on Payment No. 1 to HMG Constructors for the Influent Screen Replacement at the WWTP in the amount of $153,978.75;
Barfield Yea
Hall Yea
McManus Yea
Taylor Yea
John Weiter with HMG asked for a motion to proceed on Phase 2 at the Water Treatment Plant. We have completed Phase 1 removing a third shift and installing all the automation. We are changing the plant from Class A to Class B. The difference is Class A is a surface water plant and has a man on site while B is a well plant going through a filtration and no man power needed on site. The newly installed alarm will alert us if things go wrong during the night; we still need people throughout the day checking chemicals. We will need to remove the cones that have not been in use for the last 10 years to save costs of maintaining and repair the roof and structure. This cost of this project will be $785,000.00. John stated he will meet with the EPA in Springfield explaining in detail then will ask them to come to the site here in Metropolis. A 6 month start time is predicted to begin construction.
Moved by Alderman David McManus and Second by Alderman Charles Barfield to recommend to the full Council to take action to proceed on Phase 2 at the Water Treatment Plant;
Barfield Yea
Hall Yea
McManus Yea
Taylor Yea
Doug Hawes with HMG noted the motion is for 17 manholes leaving 3 left to complete the project.
Moved by Alderman David McManus and Second by Alderman Charles Barfield to recommend to the full Council to take action on Payment No 4 for the Interceptor Manhole Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $133,033.50 to Visu-Sewer;
Barfield Yea
Hall Yea
McManus Yea
Taylor Yea
The Combined Sewer Separation Project is going from West to East completing 6, 7 and 8 Streets currently working on 9th Street.
Frank Walsh asked for his annual motion of a blanket purchase for chemicals needed at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. There was discussion if we could obtain better pricing getting the products for both plants and was told the price we have is the lowest.
Moved by Alderman Charles Barfield and Second by Alderman David McManus to recommend to the full Council to take action on blanket PO to Brenntag in the amount of $110,000 from July 2016 through June 2017 for Sodium Hypochlorite and Sodium Bisulfite at the Waste Water Treatment Plant;
Barfield Yea
Hall Yea
McManus Yea
Taylor Yea
The cost of each dehumidifier is $3,428.00 and will be used in the pump and the filtration room.
Moved by Alderman Charles Barfield and Second by Alderman William Carrell to recommend to the full Council to take action on the purchase of two additional dehumidifiers for the Water Treatment Plant from Sylvane in the amount of $6,856 ($3,438 each);
Barfield Yea
Hall Yea
McManus Yea
Taylor Yea
*Discussion only on the motion to sale of property for building homes on city owned property. There has been inquires on the property on 4th Street to divide out in 100x100 lots with a price set for each lot. After the home was built and sold the lot would be paid for. Discussion that we do not want to get into the real-estate business but would like to see homes built and on the tax roll. The homes would be 2 and 3 bedrooms and built using floodplain regulations.
Chief Masse came before the Committee with suggestions that all side streets be 20 miles per hour unless otherwise posted to eliminate speeding in residential areas and subdivisions. The cost of signing all the streets was questioned and if we could do that against a state law of all residential areas are a speed of 30 miles per hour. We will look further into this and get back to the Committee stated Chief Masse. No motion was made for the speed issues on Carter and other subdivisions.
Discussion for a new pole to be installed overhead for maintenance Woodhaven and will do all the work in-house.
Moved by Alderman Charles Barfield and Second by Alderman William Carrell to recommend to the full Council to take action on truck testing for the Light Department in the approximate amount of $3,000-$3,500;
Barfield Yea
Hall Yea
McManus Yea
Taylor Yea
Corporate Council shared with the Committee electrical updates and say there has been more inquiry for solar panels from our citizens. We need a policy in place since the Governor has been an advocate for solar. We have an electrical efficiency program where $20,000 for lighting is allocated annually. The new applications have a few changes but are available. We already have helped business in town with this efficiency program.
We have been looking into pre-paid meters and more CO-OPS are going to these types of meters. Simply pay as you go and will be alerted when you need to add more kilowatts using your phone or coming into the office. This will also save needed time in the Light Department not having to go out and shut off meters for non-pay
*The Mayor acknowledged all the hard work and dedication from our employees cleaning up the streets after the tornado last week.
Moved by Alderman Charles Barfield and Second by Alderman David McManus to go into Executive Session for item listed on the agenda; TIME 2:10
Barfield Yea
Hall Yea
McManus Yea
Taylor Yea
Moved by Alderman Charles Barfield and Second by Alderman David McManus to approve the minutes of the Executive Session and that they remain closed;
Barfield Yea
Hall Yea
McManus Yea
Taylor Yea
Moved by Alderman Charles Barfield and Second by Alderman David McManus to adjourn;
Barfield Yea
Hall Yea
McManus Yea
Taylor Yea