Carmi City Council met Tuesday, Sept. 6.
Here are the minutes as provided by Carmi:
Minutes: City Council Meeting of September 6th, 2016
The Carmi City Council met Tuesday, September 6th, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Room of the Municipal Building, 225 East Main Street.
Prior to opening the council meeting, Mayor Pollard asked Alderman Winkleman to give the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Pollard presided with the following Aldermen present: Steve Winkleman, Mark W. Blake, Keith Davis, Lance Yearby, Sheila Jo Headlee, Jack Lamont, Doug Hays and Mike Knight.
Minutes for the August 16th, 2016 council meeting were presented. Motion made by Alderman Knight and seconded by Alderman Winkleman to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”
Mayor Pollard asked the council to consider Ordinance No. 1507, an Ordinance to set date for a Public Hearing for the City of Carmi Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Plan and Project. Motion made by Alderman Winkleman and seconded by Alderman Hays to approve Ordinance No. 1507 as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”
Mayor Pollard then asked the council to consider Ordinance No. 1508, an Ordinance prescribing rates and charges for water sold and furnished by the City of Carmi, Illinois, from its Municipal Water Works and Distribution System, to consumers of said system. He stated that it is exactly what was disused at the last council meeting. City Clerk Brian Allen stated that there is no 5% city tax on water as was discussed at the August 16th council meeting. Motion made by Alderman Hays and seconded by Alderman Knight to approve Ordinance No. 1508 as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes”.
Mayor Pollard asked the council to consider Ordinance No. 1509, an Ordinance authorizing the creation of a flat rate of $4.00 monthly water meter charge to direct billed water purchasers and consumers from the Municipal Waterworks Distribution System of the City of Carmi. Alderman Knight asked if Mayor Pollard has heard from John Acree about the EPA loan. Mayor Pollard stated that he has not. Motion made by Alderman Lamont and Alderman Davis to approve Ordinance No. 1509 as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”
Mayor Pollard then asked the council to consider collection of final notices and entering into an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Carmi, Illinois and Illinois State Comptroller for the Debt Recovery Program. Alderman Headlee stated that the City of Grayville uses the Illinois State Comptroller’s Office to collect money on final utility bills. Motion made by Alderman Headlee and Seconded by Alderman Winkleman to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Carmi, Illinois and the Illinois State Comptroller as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”
Mayor Pollard asked the council to consider creating an Ordinance that allows an Alderman that is absent from a council meeting to be able to participate and vote in said meeting through electronic means. City Clerk Brian Allen explained that the municipal handbook states that the Alderman must not be able to attend the meeting for one of three reasons: personal illness, employment purposes or for business for the City of Carmi, or for a family or other emergencies. Vacations do not qualify for this and it cannot be over a cell phone, it would have to be over video conference or an intercom system so that the council and the crowd can hear the Alderman clearly and additionally, so that the Alderman can hear the council and the crowd clearly. It can be used for an open session or a closed session as well. Alderman Winkleman questioned what kind of equipment they would need. Clerk Allen stated that they would need to add a land line to the council room, and get a teleconference phone or video conference system. Alderman Davis commented that he did not like the idea of using it for closed session. Alderman Winkleman stated that he does not want to spend the extra money. Alderman Yearby stated that he wants to be a part of the meeting when gone or called out for active duty. There was no motion to proceed.
Reports and/or updates from Mayor Pollard
Mayor Pollard stated that the Waste Water Treatment Plant was chosen as a finalist for an award from the Illinois Association of Pollution Control.
City Supervisor Mike Buckman stated that the City will be flushing hydrants next Monday (12th) from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. for the next four weeks. He added that everyone needs to be careful around transformers and fenced in electrical areas. Please call in to Carmi Light and Water (618)382-5555 to let the city know about any work that needs to be completed around any fenced in electrical areas. Mr. Buckman stated that the Railroad has been no shows for the last four to five meetings that have been scheduled with him. They are working in Kentucky and then they want to complete the work at Stewart Street and clean Route #1 on Main Street.
Reports from Standing Committees
Business or Comments from Visitors
Motion made by Alderman Headlee and seconded by Alderman Davis to adjourn.
At 5:54 p.m. the council adjourned.