The White County Board met Aug. 9 to pay current bills. | File photo
The White County Board met Aug. 9 to pay current bills. | File photo
The White County Board met Aug. 9 to pay current bills.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the county:
AUGUST 9, 2016
7:00 P.M.
A special meeting of the White County Board begun and holden this 9th day of August 2016 in
the Courtroom of the White County Courthouse in the City of Carmi.
Chairman Trout called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Clerk Dozier called the roll with Dosher, Ray, Usery, Puckett and Trout all present.
Chairman Trout asked if the Board had received copies of the minutes of the previous meeting
and were there any additions changes or deletions. Mr. Usery made a motion that the reading of the
minutes of the previous meeting be waived and that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved
as proposed in writing. Motion seconded by Dosher. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.
Chairman Trout asked for a motion to pay all current bills. Mr. Ray made a motion to pay all
current bills, seconded by Usery. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.
Mr. Brian Ray, County Engineer, stated that Patching will begin tomorrow on the Centerville
blacktop tomorrow. He also stated that the oil and chipping should begin in early September. Mr. Ray
explained that the White County Farm Bureau has been after him to get a side arm ditcher and he has
now acquired one.
Mr. Adam Allen, Director of the Ambulance Service, presented the Board with the Ambulance
report. He stated that there were 146 calls in July.
Mr. Puckett stated the City/County Jail Committee met before the meeting. He stated there are
66 prisoners and the income was $73,998.00. Mr. Puckett stated that there could be new mandates to
keep federal prisoners. The mandate will require additional training and a yearly audit of the jail. The
training would deal with rape of prisoners in jail facilities and transgender populations. Mr. Puckett
stated that the cost could be around $3,500.00 for training and $9,000.00 a year for an audit. Mr.
Puckett stated that the prisoner keep prices would definitely have to be negotiated to be able to cover
the additional cost.
Chairman Trout stated that a special meeting of the 9-1-1 Board will be held on Monday, August
15, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the Courtroom.
The Coroner has submitted his report in writing.
Mr. Ed Baumgart attended the meeting as a representative from Farm Bureau. Chairman Trout
stated that Mr. Brooks York member of the Farm Bureau had called him before the meeting inviting the
County Board to their dinner on August 24, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Baumgart stated that it would be a
meet and greet so that the Farm Bureau members could meet the County Board.
Mr. Kevin Kern and Mr. Mike Snedeker gave a presentation about an insurance plan from the
Hope Trust. Mr. Snedeker explained how the hospitalization program worked. The gentlemen left
health applications and pages of references. Mr. Snedeker stated that if White County was interested in
a long term relation with managed health care they could fill out applications for a quote and then they
would meet with the employees of the County and the Board. Mr. Snedeker and Mr. Kern stated that
since the County had renewed with Blue Cross/Blue Shield they would not have to be in a rush to do
anything but they should look at a January 1, start- up date.
Chairman Trout asked the Board to accept the resignation of Gail Barton from the Egyptian
Health Department. Mr. Mike Ray explained that Mrs. Barton has gone back to work for the Health
Department and therefore she can’t serve on the Board. Mr. Ray made a motion to accept her
resignation, seconded by Usery. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.
Chairman Trout asked the board to appoint Don Allen to fill the vacancy on the Egyptian Health
Department Board created by Gail Barton’s resignation. Mr. Ray made a motion to appoint Don Allen to
the Egyptian Health Department Board, seconded by Usery. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.
Chairman Trout asked that Mrs. Diana L. Campbell be appointed to the White County Housing
Authority Board for a five year term. Chairman Trout explained that Mr. Robert Layton was going off of
the Board and did not want to be reappointed. Mr. Ray made a motion to appoint Diana Campbell to
the White County Housing Authority Board, seconded by Usery. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.
Chairman Trout asked the Board to consider the 2017 Holiday Calendar. Mr. Dosher made a
motion to approve the 2017 Holiday Calendar, seconded by Usery. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.
Chairman Trout stated that the Board had a quote from Clear Wave to consider. Chairman
Trout asked the Board to table this item until next month. He asked Clerk Dozier to get a quote on the
cost to run the inside lines and asked Mr. Puckett to meet with Jade Money of Clear Wave to see exactly
what all their company will be providing.
Chairman Trout stated that the next meeting is a day meeting. It will be Tuesday, September 13,
2016 at 9:00 a.m.
Mr. Dosher made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Usery. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.