
SE Illinois News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Shawnee Community College trustees repay inter fund loans

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The Shawnee Community College Board of Trustees met Nov. 7 to repay inter fund loans.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:


A regular meeting of the Board of Shawnee Community College District No. 531 was held on November 7, 2016. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Dr. Manul Goins. The roll call was as follows:

Present Absent Ms. Cathy Belcher

Mr. Chris Boyd

Dr. Manul Goins

Mr. Steve Heisner

Mr. Don Patton

Mr. Randall Rushing

Ms. Maxine Russell MS. Faith Diel, Student Trustee

Others Present Dr. Tim Bellamey, President John Schneider, Attorney Katie Armstrong, Marketing Coordinator Vickie Artman, Vice President of Instructional Services Jipaum Askew-Robinson, Vice President of Student and Administrative Services Brenda Brown, Science Instructor Becky Casper Lynn, Executive Assistant to the President Gary Davis, Presidential Search Consultant Lindsay Johnson, Ambassador Sponsor Sheryl Ribbing, Science Instructor Tiffiney Ryan, Chief Financial Officer Ambassadors:

Tonya Dailey - Egyptian High School Blaise Davis - Vienna High School Aaron Jones - Century High School Adam Jung - Anna-Jonesboro High School Jalynn Maze - Goreville High School Marisa Oliver - Vienna High School Brandy Prater - Shawnee High School Noah Prater - Anna-Jonesboro High School Ryan Schroeder - Massac County High School Mary Sweitzer - Cobden High School Caleb Theis – Dongola High School Tia Whitaker - Cairo High School Megan Wilkins - Massac County High School

Dr. Bellamey introduced the guests present. The ambassadors introduced themselves, told where they are from and what they are majoring in at SCC. They then exited the meeting along with sponsor, Lindsay Johnson.

A motion was made by Mr. Don Patton and seconded by Mr. Chris Boyd to approve the consent agenda as follows:

?. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 3, 2016

B. Consideration of Treasurer's Reports

C. Approval of Bills

Education Fund S946,092.02 Building Fund 90,891.83 Restricted Bldg Fund 0.00 Bond & Interest Fund 0.00 Auxiliary Enterprises Fund 56,324.81 Restricted Purposes Fund (grants) 87,088.71 Restricted Purposes Fund — FWS 11,261.34 Restricted Purposes - PELL 1237,817.50 Restricted Purposes - SEOG 17,000.00 Trust and Agency Fund 8,201.55 Audit Fund 11,400.00 Liab. Prot. Settlement Fund (TORT) 29,003.93 GRAND TOTAL S2,495,081.69

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins — yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Ms. Faith Diel – yes (advisory vote) Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Ms. Cathleen Belcher and seconded by Mr. Randall Rushing to approve the addendum to the restricted purposes fund to repay all inter fund loans outstanding originally made on 12/31/15, 3/31/16, 4/30/16, 5/31/16, and 6/30/16 from the Education Fund to the Restricted Purposes Fund. ($155,000)



November 7, 2016

Date Vendor

9/30/16 Shawnee Community College $155,000.00

Education Fund Ullin, IL 62992

To repay all inter fund loans outstanding originally made on 12/31/15, 3/31/16, 4/30/16, 5/31/16, & 6/30/16 from the Education Fund to the Restricted Purposes Fund.

Chairman Secretary


On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Ms. Faith Diel – yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher- yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, O abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.


Sheryl Ribbing reported:

Allied Health/Nursing

Connie Daily's class of ADN Community Health Nursing students have reached out to 100's of people in the tri-state area teaching the community about health related topics.

Some of their topics include: the importance of hand washing in cold and flu prevention, proper nutrition, oral health, the importance of exercise, fighting obesity and the need for proper sleep. High Schools were taught about head injuries, drug and alcohol dangers and bullying.

Our students taught in

28 elementary Schools in Southern Illinois

2 elementary schools in Kentucky

1 elementary School in Missouri

1 Paducah day care

3 day cares in Southern Illinois.

5 Southern Illinois high schools

1 Kentucky high School

1 Illinois Jr. high School

A Cub Scout troop in Cape Girardeau was taught First Aid to assist in their earning of a


* one student taught the local transit drivers about sedentary jobs and preventing blood clots

We received positive feedback from the community about their teaching by Way of evaluations that were faxed to us. We are very proud of our students and their hard work with this teaching project.

Business, Occupational, and Technical

Thursday, October 6: Ruth Smith and other SCC representatives visited the Rend Lake Marketplace to tour the Cosmetology program facilities to gain information for possible options in the potential Nail Technician program at SCC.

o Wednesday, October 12: Phyllis Sander, along with several SCC Computer System students, attended Dr. Sam Chung's presentation concerning ISAT offerings (programs and courses), future changes to the programs, and scholarship opportunities for the ISAT programs at SIU-C. o Friday, October 14: Phyllis Sander met with Tom Imboden, Associate Professor and

CyberSecurity Director at SIU-C, to work on an option to share SIU-C's NetLab+ hardware and Software for SCC's networking and security courses. o Friday, October 21: Ruth Smith met with advising staff and English instructors for conversation about Accuplacer scores for English classes. O Saturday, October 29: Ruth Smith and Future Teacher Organization members assisted with the Family Fall Festival set up. Students voluntarily arrived before 8:30 to provide assistance. O Saturday, October 29: Phyllis Sander and Phi Beta Lambda members assisted with the

Family Fall Festival by managing the bouncy house. Students provided safety and maximum capacity monitoring during the continuous flow of children in order for all the children present to be served with the activity. o Tuesday, November 1: Craig Bradley, Sherrie Malone, Phyllis Sander, and Ruth Smith met to discuss potential changes/updates for BOT programs.


o October 3 - JoElla Basler attended SAAC meeting. o October 10 - Sandy Fontana attended a webinar titled: Tips and Tricks of the IRW Classroom with Lisa Hoeffner. Hoeffner has coauthored a textbook published by McGraw Hill. (IRW Stands for "integrated reading and writing in the classroom) o October 17 - JoElla attended SAAC meeting. o October 18 - JoElla took part in Gen Ed CQI meeting to complete CQI assessment forms for

FY 16-17. o October 21 - JoElla and Sandy Fontana took part in a meeting to reconstruct SEM and Developmental English curriculums. This is an ongoing and arduous task, but it will translate into improved outcomes and experiences for students. o October 26 - JoElla, Ryan Thornsberry, and Sandy Fontana participated in a meeting to discuss Accuplacer scores with regard to English sequence placement. o October 28 - JoElla met with Vickie Artman and Gabby Farner to discuss coreduisite courses for developmental English courses.


• October 25", Tony Gerard gave a presentation to a group of 35 teachers participating in ENTICE (Environment and Nature Training Institute for Conservation Education). SCC's Snakes and turtles were used in the presentation.

o "Thanks to all of you for participating in the ENTICE (Environment and Nature Training

Institute for Conservation Education) Illinois' Wetland Ecosystem Organisms workshop last Tuesday at the Cache River Wetlands Center in Cypress!"


Vickie Artman's written report:

The Spring schedule is complete and now available on-line for view. The official first day to register was October 31st. Madrigal tickets are now on sale for two performances on December 3" at 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. The prequel is titled, "The Legend Lives On" which highlights how the Kingdom of Chelsea came to be. It is written by Charity and Tim Frizzell and will once again be a Medieval Dinner Concert. The Christmas concert is scheduled for the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, November 22nd beginning at 7:00. Contributions for the local food pantry are requested. SIU College of Applied Sciences and Arts hosted a College to Career Showcase for Shawnee Students in the fast growing fields of Information Systems Technology on Wednesday, October 12" from 12 - 1 in the River Room. The Chair of the School of Information Systems and Applied Technology, Dr. Sam Chung, gave a 50 minute discussion and Advisor for ISAT degree programs, Shannon Gwaltney, presented information on fast growing occupations which corporations are recruiting ISAT graduates for worldwide, including a Cyber Defense contract held by ISAT and other exciting opportunities for our students and graduates. On October 10, Sandy Fontana attended a webinar titled: Tips and Tricks of the IRW Classroom with Lisa Hoeffner. (IRW stands for integrated reading/writing classroom) Hoeffner has coauthored a textbook published by McGraw Hill. Vickie Artman attended a Chief Academic Officer meeting at Kankakee College on October 21. Topics of discussion included: the redesign of the SAT, its relevance to community college placement policies and recruitment practices, Governor's office creation of the Cabinet on Children and Youth (A cabinet has been formed to focus on the young from birth to age 24), Revised Program Review Manual, New Program Approval Manual, and ISBE College Readiness Definition Adoption. JoElla Basler took part in Gen Ed CQI meeting to complete CQI assessment forms for FY 16-17. Gabriele Farner is leading the review of the SCC catalog. Faculty have been reviewing programs and courses carefully for needed changes. JoElla Basler, Dee Blakely, Gabriele Farner, and Sandy Fontana took part in a meeting to reconstruct SEM and Developmental English curriculums. This is an ongoing and arduous task, but it will translate into improved outcomes and experiences for students. JoElla Basler, Ryan Thornsberry, and Sandy Fontana participated in a meeting to discuss Accuplacer scores with regard to English sequence placement. JoElla Basler met with Vickie Artman and Gabriele Farner to discuss coreduisite courses for developmental English courses. Dr. Dee Blakely worked with Faculty to verify prerequisite courses prior to migration to Colleague. The first Family Fall Fest was a huge success. We had approximately 500 community members attend with lots of support from faculty and staff.

o Lorita Pickett announced that she archived the last inactive student record. This project began roughly 20 years ago and has encompassed over 100,000 student files. Some as Small as 2 pages, others with over 100 pages. The project allows on-campus advisors access to Student records from their desktops. It has been quite the relief to have this completed. If you See Lorita, congratulate her on a job well done

o Dee Blakely has been asked to serve on the statewide advisory committee for the MyCreditsTransfer project that is connected with the Transfer Coordinators. She will meet by phone once a month to discuss transfer issues across the State. The advisory committee is comprised of both university and community college personnel, as well as representatives from IBHE and ICCB.

Adult Education

o Ginger McBride met with Gabriele Farner, Candy Eastwood, Pam Barbee, Doris Martin, and Sherry Hamlin from River to River Residential Corporation regarding CNA training for some incumbent workers from the Ullin Cache River facility who need to upgrade their skills and earn a credential in order to keep their jobs. Adult Ed participated to assist in TABE testing and providing Basic Skills Instruction for the workers. Mindy Ashby and Ginger met with the individuals, administered TABE tests, and counseled students on Basic Skills instruction. We will work together to provide support class in conjunction with their CNA course in January. o Ginger participated in the Southern 7 Healthy Region Coalition Meeting on October 13. She

will be serving on a Subcommittee of that Coalition focusing on a Regional Strategy addressing Heroin and Opioid Prescription Drug Abuse and Overdose. That subcommittee will meet on November 8. o Ginger attended the Area Planning Council Meeting for Southeastern Illinois College Adult

Education Program on October 20. She was saddened to hear that SIC will be temporarily Suspending their Adult Education Program due to funding issues. Adult Ed has strong relationships with neighboring programs and will assist SIC in ensuring that Students have access to Adult Ed Services until their program re-opens. o The 1st Quarter Daisi Performance Reports were submitted on October 26th. o Adult Ed FY 17 Funding Allocations have been released. Federal Basic funds have been

allocated in the amount of S86,650. State Basic and State Performance Funds are estimated and are contingent upon a State Budget being signed. State Basic funds have been estimated at Sl 11,540 and State Performance Funds are estimated at S23,595. Both State Basic and Federal Basic fund allocations represent an increase over last year's awards. O Ginger participated along with Dee Blakely, Danielle Boyd, Vickie Artman, Gabriele Farner, Lisa Root, and Stacy Simpson in the Curriculum Build Workdays for the new Colleague System on November 1st and 2nd. The group is in the process of entering the current courses into the production environment for the new system. o The FY18 Area Planning Council Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Novermber 17th

at 11:30 a.m. in the River Room at SCC.

Library and Learning Resource Center

o Tracey Johnson, librarian, met with SSS students for a workshop on MLA citations. Citation help has been requested often, and the library is preparing to update resources to the new MLA 8" edition citation style. o Christina Faith, part-time library clerk, is building a set of self-paced lessons to teach

Students crucial research skills and how to navigate databases. They will be in Moodle under Training, in a shell called Library Research, and include an introductory lesson, a unit on each database, and a special unit for nursing students. o By Oct. 27, the library had answered 36 virtual reference transactions, 9 of which were 10-20 minute Sessions about APA format and citation. One student finished off a transaction by Saying, "Thanks for all of your help; this chat is a great tool" and other students, particularly from the nursing program, have also indicated that they find the chat useful. o The library continues to see an increase in students using the library as a study space, at

tables, study carrels, and in study rooms. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings may see 20-25 students in the library at one time. Thirty or more students may be using the library throughout any one hour. o Rob Lucas offered a session for faculty on using SCC's online tutoring service, eTutoring. o Rob with librarian Tracey Johnson offered a session for faculty on copyright and the internet

entitled, "Can I Use This Website?' o Rob held a BreakoutEDU demonstration for faculty and staff. BreakouteDU is a kit and a template that allows educators to create fun and challenging hands-on learning experiences that promote critical-thinking, teamwork and problem-solving. o Rob with tutoring coordinator Mindy Ashby held a "Lunchtime Learning Lounge' trivia

contest for students. LLL trivia contests are monthly and combine fun questions about different college services with information that students need to succeed. o Rob helped with the SCC Family Fall Festival manning the Minecraft booth for kids to play a

Variety of games in Minecraft, the popular "sandbox' computer game.

Center for Community and Economic Development IL SBDC

o Brett Whitnel and Kyle Echols attended the monthly meeting of the Union County Chamber of Commerce on October 6. Brett and Kyle provided information about upcoming events and Workshops and Kyle gave a brief overview of the services of the American Heart Association Training Center.

o Candy Eastwood, Brett Whitnel and Kyle Echols participated in the Fall In-Service

Professional Development Day at SCC on October 7.

o Candy Eastwood attended the Fall In-Service for Family Counseling Center in Vienna on

October 11.

o Candy Eastwood, Brett Whitnel and Kyle Echols assisted with the Shawnee Experience

Recruitment Day on October 11.

o Candy Eastwood attended the monthly meeting of the Union County Economic Development

Corporation on October 12.

o On October 12, Candy Eastwood, Gabriele Farner, and Ginger McBride met with Sherry

Hamlin, River-to-River Corporation, Pam Barbee, Workforce Investment Board and Doris Martin, Shawnee Development Council to develop a plan to assist workers at Cache Valley Apartments complete the CNA Training Program. The facility will upgrade to a Supportive Living Facility in January and all workers must be CNA certified.

o Candy Eastwood gave a presentation to the Village of Karnak Board on October 17 in

regards to the 2017 Eclipse.

o Brett Whitnel, Vickie Artman and Jipaum Askew-Robinson attended the Metropolis

Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet on October 27.

o Candy Eastwood is assisting with the planning and preparation for the Family Fall Festival

schedule for Saturday, October 29.

Health Services

o Kyle Echols and Candy Eastwood are working on proposals to maintain the stability of the

American Heart Association Training Center. With the reduction in credit hour reimbursement, the center must implement some changes in order to maintain its viability. Kyle and Candy presented information to Dr. Bellamey, Vickie Artman and Gabriele Farner, which will assist with the sustainability of the program.

o Kyle Echols and Candy Eastwood will meet with Training Coordinators from the Vienna

Correctional Center and Shawnee Correctional Center to review current procedures and introduce some changes for the upcoming semester.

o Since August 1, the AHA Training Center has held 117 classes and trained 646 students in

First Aid/CPR.

Higher Learning Commission Report

o SCC received official notification from the Higher Learning Commission that the Standard

Pathway Four Year visit will be held on October 29 and 30, 2018. o The HLC Steering Committee will meet on November 9 to begin planning for the 2018 visit.

Extension Centers

Anna Extension Center - Lindsay Johnson, Director

• The CNA equipment for the new lab was moved into the extension center on October 1".

o On October 3rd, SCC hosted a FAFSA Completion event at the Anna Center.

o The Anna Extension Center staff attending the Professional Development Day at Main

Campus on October 7th.

o The Union County Chamber of Commerce hosted an event called Coffee with the Candidates at the Anna Extension Center on October 11". The event brought in many citizens asking questions to the County's candidates.

On October 11" SCC's Experience Day was held at Main Campus. The Anna Extension Staff assisted with the event.

• On October 18", the Anna Extension Center held a mock fire drill.

O Anna Extension Center hosted the Regional Office of Education public meeting on October


• On October 21" the Union County Hospital hosted a meeting for Hospital Managers in the conference room. o SCC Community Ed Class, Container Gardening, met on October 24th at the Anna Center.

• CPR class was held in the conference room on October 26". o SCC Community Education class, Harvest Owl Painting, met on October 26th. o The Union County Rotary Club held their monthly meeting in the conference room on

October 27". o SCC Community Ed class, Food Plot 101, met in the conference room on October 27th. o Driver Safety for October:

& 232 applications entered * 134 completions, certificates processed * 5 classes (2 Carbondale, 2 Anna, 1 Metropolis) with a total of 54 students

Cairo Extension Center - Stephanie Fisher, Coordinator

o Stephanie Fisher continues to help maintain a clean, safe environment for learning. e She responds to all inquiries from campus or community. o Notices are posted from Main Campus and kept updated. o Monitor copier usage, fix mis-feeds when necessary. o Communicated with the in-house instructors on the following topics,

& FCC Building Safety Policy dated 10-10-16. * Prepared sign in sheet for Bartlett per his request. * Reiterated late night lock-up procedure with all in-house instructors. o Continued to assist with community users in Computer Lab. (print legal work, guide to i-net

design for resumes etc. o Worked with student volunteer to purge files, retaining 2011 to present files. o Monitored phones, assisted students and instructors with various procedures (faxing to Fin. Aid., sending/receiving completed tests/assignments via interoffice mail. Class monitor during testing when required. o Assist students with online class procedure, Moodle, Turnitin.

Metro Extension Center - Faye Joyner-Keene, Director


o Working part-time, light duty o Scheduling for spring-classes, rooms, etc. o Recruiting instructors o Proctoring exams and covering the front desk e Distributed info and messages during the days of internet and phone outage o Work with the Bylaws Committee for Rotary o Student advisement and referral o Seeking printer bids


o The input of Massac County High School dual credit applications/enrollment forms were

completed by Hayley Story. o On October 6th, Hayley Story attended the Massac County High School College Fair and

presented information on SCC programs and services. o Hayley Story organized and participated in the SCC sponsored football game at Massac

County High School on October 7th. Gayla Smith also participated in this event.

o On October 18th, Hayley attended the FAFSA Completion Event at Massac County High


o SCC scholarships were presented to Massac County High School students by Hayley on

October 18th .

o Hayley was invited by Gayla to be a guest speaker at a Kiwanis meeting on October 25th. o She presented information on dual credit classes and how the program benefits the



o September 16th participated in Metropolis Homecoming Parade o September 27th Evelyn Davis (TRIO) held meeting in Room 122 o October 5th Drivers' Safety o October 7th participated in Professional Development at main campus o October 11th participated in SCC day o October 12th Brett Whitnel Room l l l (a 2pm meeting with client o October 21st Brett Whitnell Room 111 (a 2pm meeting with client o Numerous ITV classes with handouts and tests to proctor as well assisting students with

completion of their Financial Aid


Jipaum Askew Robinson's written report:

Admissions and Records

o Title IX & NSO warnings were put on 517 students. O Monica Brahler and Dee Blakely partnered with Mindy Ashby and several faculty members

to set Accuplacer Scores to replace COMPASS/ASSET as the college's placement test.


O Advisors/recruiters are nearly finished collecting spring dual credit registrations.

EAS (Early Alert System)

There are 244 referrals to the Early Alert System thus far in the semester. Continue to work with the Completion and Persistence Committee. Advisors continue to work with their probation Students. There have been 12 counseling referrals.


o Transfer Fair was held October 19". There were 6 representatives and over 60 students


Attending the Illinois Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (IACRAO) on October 25"-October 28" in Alsip, Illinois. I am currently serving as the Southern District co-chair elect, and after the conference will be the co-chair for the Southern District. I share the responsibility with an employee at Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale.

Financial Aid

o Hosted FAFSA Completions from 2 to 6 p.m. as follows: October 3"-Anna Extension Center; October 5" Vienna High School; October 18"—Massac High School; October 24"-Main Campus; October 27" Cairo Extension Center.

o Hosted FAFSA Completions for Student Support Services (SSS) on October 12" and

October 13".

O Awarded $1,295,693 Pell Grant to 573 students (as of 10/24/16).

O Awarded $16,500 SEOG (Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant) to 34 students (as of


o Presented financial aid information to all district high school seniors who attended Shawnee

Experience on October 11".

o ISAC Webinar on October 26".

O Ellucian financial aid training on October 31.

Student Support Services

O APR (Annual Performance Report) Season

o University of Illinois Urbana and University of Illinois Springfield among other colleges outside of the region to expose students to other opportunities for advance education.

o First Fridays Events

o Early Registration Advising

o Career Development Tours: 1. River Radio and 2. Southeast Hospital

Educational Talent Search

O October 5 - FASA completion- Cairo o October 18 - FASA completion Metro o October 20 - Kuder testing - Goreville o October 24 — FASA completion- Main campus o October 26 - Student Improvement meeting o October 27 - River Radio tour

Student Success Center

110 Request for tutoring forms have been submitted since the first week of semester. Ten peer tutors have been trained and are actively tutoring. Attended the SAT Implementation Workshop at Vienna High School on October 6". Presented ACCUPLACER to the High School Guidance Counselors at the SCC Experience Day on October, 11". O Met with River to River, Candy Eastwood, Gabby Farner and Ginger McBride on October

12" to discuss a plan to help employees at River to River get their CNA license.

• Re-Certified on October, 12"as Pearson VUE Test Administrator. o Attended the Title IX Task Force Initial Meeting held on October 18th. O Met with Rhonda Dillow, Connie McGinnis and Monica Brahler to finish cut scores for math

placement on October 19". O Trained Gayla Casper on the ACT Administrator Duties for national test dates on October

20". O Visited River to River in Ullin with Ginger McBride to help administer the TABE test to

potential CNA students on October 20". O Administered the ACCUPLACER to Ruth Smith's English 047 Class on October 24th. o Held the second Lunch Time Learning Lab with Rob Lucas on October 26th. Students

participated in trivia questions about the Library. It was a great Success O Met with English Department to finish English cut scores for ACCUPLACER on October

26". O Certified one individual with the Work Keys Paraprofessional Certification.

o The college raised over $1,000 for our professional English tutor, Marilyn Crites. Marilyn

sent a very sincere email to the SCC family.

From Marilyn: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you---the students, staff, faculty, and administration of Shawnee Community College---for the wonderful outpouring of kindness, Support, and generosity you have shown me. The time, effort, and creativity you put into the fundraiser for me throughout the month of September was absolutely amazing. So many of you helped with activities, volunteering your time and hard work that I am in awe. And the generous monetary donations have just been overwhelming

I cannot begin to tell you how much this outpouring of love and support means to me. I truly am blessed. I will always be extremely grateful to you all for helping to make a very difficult time much easier for me.

So many people participated in one or more ways, but I would like to extend a very special thanks to Mindy Ashby, who came up with the idea and coordinated the fundraising project the entire month of September. Also, I would like to especially thank Leslie Weldon, Lee Ann George and her mother, Sandra Montgomery, Erica Poat and Stephanie Davault, Renee Wright, Latrina Spence, Jipaum Askew-Robinson, Dr. Tim Bellamy, Connie Lowery and the Cafeteria Staff, Coach John Sparks, Coach Howard Dillard, Michelle Bradley, and the wonderful SCC Students.

Thank you all so very much!'

Career Services

O Advising for the Cairo Center on Fridays. o 11/9/16 Job Application workshop at Cairo Extension Center 0 1 1/10/16 Job Application workshop at Mounds DHS o 1 1/16/16 Kuder Joppa High School 0 1 1/17/16 Kuder Dongola High School o 1 1/29/16 Kuder Shawnee High School


o Mindy Ashby will temporarily assume the duties of Disability Coordinator until a new coordinator has been hired. Lee Ann George will really be missed by the Student Affairs family.

SAINTS Athletics

Men’s Basketball (John Sparks)

o Men's Basketball finished the preseason with a record of 7-0

o (a Vincennes University 3-0 (vs. Parkland, Malcom X, & Volunteer State) o Vs. Crowley's Ridge 4-0 o (a Midwest Jamboree (SIUC) 3-0 (vs. Three Rivers, West Plains, & State Fair) o Team pictures, player profiles, and updated schedule are posted online. o The men open up on the road at #7 Southwest Tennessee at 7:30pm (Memphis, TN)

Women's Basketball (Howard Dillard)

o The Lady Saints traveled to Dyersburg State for a scrimmage. o Team pictures, player profiles, and updated schedule are posted online. o The Women open up on the road at Southwest Tennessee at 5:30pm (Memphis, TN)

Baseball (Greg Sheppard)

o The spring season schedule will be available within a couple of weeks.

O Greg will be attending a Baseball recruitment showcase in Sikeston Missouri in

November and Kennett Missouri in December.

Softball (Lana Richmond)

o The softball team is working hard this off season in the weight room and the classroom. O Lana Richmond was selected to the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame. (Congrats Lanal) o Softball players Heaven Hooper, Kendall Carter, and Taylor Howard were all recognized

as Academic All-Americans for 2016. These ladies deserve high praise for their commitment to excellence in the classroom.

Student Clubs and Organizations

O Celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month

o Quinceanera o Salsa Dancing o Chips and Salsa o Facts on Hispanic Heritage

O Over 45 students from various student clubs and organizations volunteered to operate for

SCC Fall Festival.


3-NOV-15 3-Nov-16 +/- % Chg 2,643 Unduplicated Head Count 2,523 -120 -.05%

17,231.5 Total Credit Hours 15,832.5 - 1,399 -.08%


Tiffiney Ryan's written report:

Chief Financial Officer

o Conducted weekly staff meetings with directors of all departments; IT,

Maintenance/Grounds, Bookstore, Human Resources and Business Office. O Attended weekly Colleague meetings when available with the Ellucian project manager, IT,

and our team leaders. O Attended Colleague Budget development (3 days) and Finance Project Accounting training

(2 days) on site training. o Continued work with Baysinger Architects on needed repairs to the Educational Center

ceiling. The contactor was on site this morning. He is going to have to research the best Way to complete the needed repairs before he can provide an estimate. The area with the damage is referred to as a cloud. Put simply, a cloud consists of boards with fabric pulled over it. He is going to check to see if the cloud can be cleaned and painted or if we will have to replace the fabric. The cost will be significantly different and the contractors that will be needed will be different depending on the required repairs. o Collected paperwork for removal of surplus items. Some departments need more time to go

through their items, so we have postponed this until the spring and will send reminders out in early Spring on this.

Continuing research on upcoming policy changes. A new board policy for Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with disabilities which is required by 30 ILCS 575 has been sent to the attorney for review. This has come back from the attorney and will be presented at the December Board Meeting for first read. Public Act 99-604 Local Government Travel Expense Control Act will require the college to set maximum allowable reimbursements for travel expenses and more specific documentation on travel. We are working on revising our current policy and forms to reflect the required changes as well. Administration received further information on the Travel Act requirements at meetings this month and is working to include those in the policy. Attended the SCC professional development day on campus. Worked with CCIC board members and consultants on health insurance renewals and the transition to the new third party administrator (TPA). Held a phone conference with our contact at Consociates to discuss open enrollment needs as well as the relationship with them as the new TPA for our health insurance. Attended colleague assignment contracts meeting remotely to discuss employee roles and to get an overview of how this task will work in colleague. Attended a meeting with the Human Resource Director, the President and the Vice Presidents to review FLSA changes on overtime coming on December 1.


Attended a free Zerto conference in St. Louis. Zerto is our backup solution that allows us to replicate our data to our offsite storage location. Attended a regional community college IT meeting at JALC. Working with ATI and nursing to resolve issues with the ATI Software. Working with Gary Davis on the presidential search website and technical details. ERP trainings included Budget Development, Mobile Discovery and Planning, CROA Web Intelligence and Universe Design, CROA Planning HR, Test Payroll Simulation, Academic Records and Registration, and Weekly Status Meetings. Working with Clearwave about providing service to the Metro Center. Working with the bookstore to upgrade the server and registers before buybacks.


Worked with Fall Festival committee on planning & set up for the event. Continued to work with automotive instructors on needs for the auto shop. Worked with the list of surplus equipment. Continued oil changes and maintenance on fleet vehicles. Continued to work with cosmetology on layout for the nail tech lab program. Continued to work on help desk requests. Wrapping up mowing for the season. Completing painting and carpet replacement on office H 2013 while vacant.


Continued meeting with faculty regarding spring selections. Working with publishers to create bundles.

Working on spring textbook lists.

Prepping for buybacks.

Working on CQI reports.

Creating signage/fliers/receipts for spring. Working with Booklog and IT to upgrade to new wireless server (old one is 13 years old and not able to make any further updates). Made several donations baskets to go out to the community.

Business Office

Attended Ellucian Training for Accounts Receivable, HR/Payroll, Budget Development and Projects Accounting.

Completed monthly close out and board reports. Continued planning for the setup of the Accounts Receivable module in Colleague. Continued with work on payroll set up in Colleague and completed live sim in October. Continued work on importing data from the legacy system to Colleague. Researched policy and procedures to ensure proper set up of colleague.

Human Resource Department

Attended CROA report training. Health Screening Planning, Communication and Setup. Submitted ICCB Faculty & Staff Salary & Fringe Benefit report. Met with Title IV Community Task Force members. Tested live payroll in new Ellucian system. Attended Safety Committee Meeting. Was Selected as chair of Professional Development committee. Met with Gary Davis regarding Presidential Search Checklist & Timeline. Tallied faculty & staff votes for Presidential Search Committee.


Faith Diel reported:

The cosmetology program hosted the Hispanic Heritage Day. It took place in the cafeteria and everyone was offered free chips and salsa. A few people from that program explained that in Hispanic culture a girl would have a Sweet 15 Quinceanera and a special dance called the Salsa which they demonstrated. The community Fall Festival was held on October 29 the 12 games/activities.

"with 50 students volunteering to man

She will be attending the ICCTA SAC meeting in Naperville, IL later this week and will give a report at the next meeting.


Don Patton reported:

Don and Manul Goins attended the Association of Community College Trustees Annual Congress in New Orleans October 6-8. Dr. Goins reported that the Congress was very beneficial and has one of the best trustee trainings you can get. Don reported that he attended a workshop regarding "students too distressed to learn'. Issues that affect Students learning includes food and housing security. These issues significantly affect students' mental health. Nationally the ratio of counselors to students at community college is 1 to 3,000. The ICCTA Board of Representatives will be meeting later this week in Naperville, IL.


Tim Bellamey's written report:

I attended the Council of Presidents retreat on October 20" and 21" in Peoria. We received legal updates regarding community colleges. Among the items noted was Public Act 99-063, which limits outgoing boards of trustees from entering into a new employment agreement with a president, chancellor, or CEO, prior to the new board being sworn in. The blackout period begins 45 days prior to the Tuesday following the first Monday in April in oddnumbered years and extends until the first organizational meeting of the new board. There is an emergency exception to the new law. The new travel expense control act was also discussed. This law requires boards to set limits on travel reimbursements for meals, hotel, airfare, etc. Any expense above the limits must be approved by board action before the reimbursement will occurs. We are currently drafting our policy and will present it for approval at the December meeting. We also discussed the proposed bachelor of science in nursing for community colleges. It appears that ICCTA and ICCB support moving forward with legislation to allow community colleges to offer the BSN. I expect legislation will be proposed in the spring legislative session. The universities have indicated they will vigorously oppose this legislation so I the likelihood of passage is uncertain at best. I attended the SICCM Board of Directors meeting on October 25". We discussed at length options for the future operation of SICCM as well as the status of each program. Currently there are four programs operated through SICCM: Occupational Therapy Assistant, Surgical Technology, Medical Lab Technician, and Veterinary Technician. The Occupational Therapy program has the largest enrollment but the field is becoming saturated and employment options are declining. The Medical Lab Technician program is the highest demand field but enrollment is typically low. We have withdrawn from the Veterinary Technician program leaving only Rend Lake and John A. Logan active in the program. The feedback from hospitals regarding surgical technology is that they prefer training registered

nurses for those jobs. In summary it appears the Veterinary Technology and Surgical Technology programs could be dropped leaving only the Occupational Therapy and Medical Laboratory Technician programs as viable options. I have indicated, as have the president's of Kaskaskia, Rend Lake, and Southeastern Illinois College that we cannot afford to financially support SICCM as it is currently constituted. We currently have class and program sharing agreements with SIC and Rend Lake that could allow us to provide joint programming should we decide not to continue as a member of the consortium in the future. These agreements can also be used to create new program opportunities. I will present a new joint agreement at the December Board of Trustees meeting that will facilitate development of programs among the three colleges. The next Board of Directors meeting will be November 29". o I attended the Southeast Regional Trustees meeting at Southeastern Illinois College last Thursday. Also in attendance from SCC were Vickie Artman, Jipaum Askew-Robinson, Tiffiney Ryan, and Gabrielle Farner. Matthew Berry, Legislative Liaison for the ICCB presented the program. O We will host a dedication ceremony for the veterans monument that was moved from the Foundation Housing and is now located in the area between the front parking lot and the gym. The fenced area also has benches and will be designated as an outdoor study area dedicated to our veterans. The ceremony will take place Saturday, November 12" at 2:00 p.m. followed by a luncheon for veterans and a basketball game at 3:00. Veterans in attendance will also be recognized at the game.

A motion was made by Mr. Don Patton and seconded by Ms. Maxine Russell to adjourn into executive session at 5:52 p.m. for the purpose of discussing:

1. Consideration of extension, alteration, performance, or compensation of employees' employment A. Consideration of ratification of employment of part-time faculty/staff for the fall semester 2016

B. Consideration of resignation of a management level employee C. Consideration of resignation of a board member D. Consideration of presidential search consulting agreement E. Consideration of items concerning presidential search

2. Consideration of items that have led or may lead to litigation

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Ms. Faith Diel - yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Randall Rushing and seconded by Ms. Cathleen Belcher to adjourn out of executive session at 6:50 p.m.

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Ms. Faith Diel – yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes

Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Ms. Maxine Russell and seconded by Mr. Chris Boyd to approve the minutes of the executive session held on November 7, 2016.

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Ms. Faith Diel – yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes

Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Don Patton and seconded by Ms. Maxine Russell to approve the Property/Casualty/Liability Insurance bid with Selective Insurance in the amount of $72,762, the Primary Earthquake Insurance bid with Beazley in the amount of $31,760, the excess Earthquake coverage bid with RSUI in the amount of $33,114, the Worker's Compensation Insurance bid with State National in the amount of $30,475 and the Storage Tank Pollution Liability Insurance with Nautilus in the amount of $4,385. 16.

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Ms. Faith Diel - yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Chris Boyd and seconded by Mr. Randall Rushing to approve the FY2016 College Audit as presented.

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Ms. Faith Diel – yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Ms. Cathleen Belcher and seconded by Ms. Faith Diel to approve the changes to the Alcohol and Controlled Substances Compliance and Testing Policy #4381 as presented.



Shawnee Community College desires to satisfy the requirements of the federal and state Drug Free Workplace Acts (41 USCA, 701 et seq. and 30 ILCS 580/1, et seq.) In accordance with these statutes and the concerns of the College for a safe environment and workplace, SCC has resolved to maintain a drug and alcohol free Workplace and thus has implemented a zero tolerance drug & alcohol policy, which is set forth as follows:

The following rules are extremely important and an employee who violates any one of them will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

1. Alcohol - An employee shall not possess, use, transfer, offer, or be under the influence of any intoxicating alcohol while at work or on company business. This rule prohibits using any alcohol prior to reporting to work, during breaks or meal periods.

Drugs - An Employee may not possess, use, transfer, offer, share, attempt to sell or obtain, manufacture, or be under the influence of any drug or similar substance and also may not have any drugs or similar substances present in the body. Thus, an employee who tests positive for any illegaldrug violates this rule. This rule also pertains to prescription drugs being taken without doctor's authorization or without the proper prescription. An employee may not possess any type of contraband or paraphernalia that is associated or affiliated with the use, possession, distribution, manufacturing of any illegal substance or drug while on the premises of SCC, in any vehicle owned or controlled by SCC, or while conducting any job duty on behalf of SCC. 3. Prescriptions/ Over-the-counter Medications - It is the employees responsibility to check the potential

effects of prescribed drugs and over-the counter medications with your doctor or pharmacists before starting work, and to immediately let your supervisor know when such use makes it unsafe for you to report to work or do your job.

Employees who are aware of the possession or use of alcohol or illegal drugs by another employee are required to report the matter to a Vice President, Dean or the Director of Human Resources.

Pre-Employment Testing. All safety sensitive employees are required to pass a DOT pre-employment urine drug test upon hire or prior to being finally approved for hire. (Truck Driving Instructor & Bus Drivers)

Mandatory Post Accident Testing. Post accident drug and/or alcohol testing will be conducted when an accident with a college vehicle occurs. (This test may be waived at the President's discretion.)

Random Drug Testing. All positions regulated under DOT will be required to submit to a random drug test.

Reasonable Suspicion Testing or Reasonable Cause. The College reserves the right to request a urine or blood test sample from an employee in the event any of the following occurs:

o Observable symptoms or unusual behavior by the employee;

SCC reasonably suspects the employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, based on objective symptoms, including but not limited to, factors related to the employee's appearance, behavior, speech, and/or other factors: The odor or smell of alcohol or drugs on the employee's breath or clothes or in an area (such as in a vehicle, office, work area, or restroom) immediately controlled or occupied by the employee; O Alcohol, alcohol containers, illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia in the employee's possession or in an area

controlled or occupied by the employee (vehicle, office, desk or restroom); o Unexplained or significant deterioration in job performance;

Unexplained significant changes in behavior (e.g., abusive behavior, repeated disregard of safety rules or procedures, insubordination, etc.); o Criminal citations, arrests or convictions involving drugs and alcohol;

O Employee admissions regarding drug or alcohol use; o Any involvement in any work-related accident or near misses; O

SCC reasonably suspects the employee has, or may have been involved in the use, possession, transfer, distribution, manufacture, and/or sale or drugs or alcohol in SCC controlled areas, on premises owned by SCC, while on duty, or while operating a vehicle or potentially dangerous equipment which is owned, leased or controlled by SCC, or while employee is acting on SCC's behalf: A test results in a finding of a dilute sample or reasonable suspicion that a sample has been tampered with will result in re-testing; or SCC has reason to believe an employee tampered with a previous urine or drug test.

Duty to Cooperate. An employee who fails to cooperate in the administration of this policy may be terminated and such failure or refusal to cooperate may be considered a violation of this policy. This includes, but is not limited to, such things as:

o Refusing to consent to testing, to submit a sample, or to sign required forms: o Refusing to cooperate in any way (for example, refusing to courteously and candidly cooperate in any

interview or investigation, including any form of truthfulness, misrepresentation or misleading statements or omissions.); o Any form of dishonesty in the investigation or testing process.

SCC reserves the right, at its sole and exclusive discretion, to conduct unannounced searches of its facilities and property for alcohol and/or illegal drugs. Employees are expected to cooperate in such searches. Searches of employees and their personal property may be conducted when there is reasonable suspicion that an employee is in violation of this policy. An employee's consent to such a search is required as a condition of employment and the employee's refusal to consent may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

After the test, the employee may be placed on an immediate suspension from work until the results are obtained. If suspended, the employee may be suspended with or without pay at SCC's sole discretion and subject to other requirements of SCC. Results shall be maintained in a confidential manner in accordance with federal, state and/or local law. Employees subject to testing may request written test results, and in the event of a positive test, employees may request an explanation of the results in a confidential setting.

If an employee's test is positive and reveals the employee is intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics, prescribed or over-the-counter medications in excess of prescribed dosages, stimulants, amphetamines, barbiturates, or illegal drugs, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination.

Failure of any employee to consent to testing when requested to do so will be considered insubordination and may result in disciplinary action against the employee, up to and including termination.

SCC may also require all prospective employees to take and pass a pre-employment drug screening. If so, offers of employment are conditioned on the successful completion of the drug screening procedure. Transferred or promoted employees may be required to take and pass a subsequent drug test as a condition of transfer or promotion.

Violation of any part of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination, and if appropriate, referral for prosecution by local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies.

Recognizing that certain educational programs and/or activities expose students, participants, faculty, staff and observers to a greater risk of injury due to the nature of the activity, the Board authorizes the Administration and its designees the right to randomly test students/participants enrolled in such programs for the illegal use of any controlled substance or the use of legal substances impairing the ability of the student/participant to perform an activity or participate in any College sponsored event. In addition, the Board authorizes the Administration and its designees the right to remove any individual who appears to be under the influence of any controlled substance (drugs and/or alcohol) or who appears to be unduly under the influence of any legal or illegal drug impairing the immediate safety of the said individual or others participating in a College activity or while on College premises.

Certain fields of study require practical experiences which should be practiced without impaired judgment from drug or alcohol use. All students in health care and other required programs must pass a drug screening test before entering their practicum/clinical/externship as well as be subject to random testing throughout their program. Students may also be tested should there be reasonable suspicion that illegal use of any controlled substance (drugs and/or alcohol) or the abuse of legal drugs has occurred in such a manner in which an individual's ability to participate safely in an activity has been compromised or has comprised others attending or participating in the activity or on the College premises. A reasonable suspicion referral for testing will be made on the basis of documented objective facts and circumstances that are consistent with short term effects of substance abuse.

Prior to enrollment in such educational programs deemed by the administration to require drug testing or participation in extracurricular activities, students must agree to participate in the drug screening program.

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Ms. Faith Diel - yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Steve Heisner and seconded by Dr. Manul Goins to approve the changes to the Group Insurance Policy #6290 as presented.


Employees (these wheeehsistently average 30+ heurs) who on average, over a 12-month period, Work 30+hours, will be offered health insurance. Insurance would be effective on the first day of the month following thirty (30) days of eligible employment. Revised June 2015, July 2016

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes MS. Faith Diel – yes (advisory vote) Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Chris Boyd and seconded by Mr. Don Patton to approve the withdrawal of the Ag Mechanics (AGR 2184) certificate effective the spring 2017 semester.

On roll call Vote, the members voted as follows: Ms. Faith Diel -yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher- yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Chris Boyd and seconded by Mr. Randall Rushing to approve and adopt a resolution authorizing participation in the abatement of real property tax in the Massac County Enterprise Zone at a rate of 100% for a period of five (5) years.

Resolution No.


WHEREAS, pursuant to 20 ILCS 65.5/1 et seq., (formerly Ill. Rev. Stat. 1991, Ch. 67%, Section 601 et seq.) hereinafter referred to as the "Act", the State of Illinois authorized the Creation of enterprise zones, together with creating incentive programs; and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, the City of Metropolis ("Metropolis"), the Village of Joppa ("Joppa") and Massac County (the "County"), by Ordinance, on June 29, 1988, established the original Massac County Enterprise Zone, as amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the "Original Zone"), which included certain real estate located in Metropolis, Joppa and Massac County; and,

WHEREAS, in connection with the creation of the Original Zone, Metropolis, Joppa, and the County adopted certain real estate tax abatement incentives, retail sales tax exemption incentives, and other incentives authorized by the Act, that promoted economic growth, encouraged economic development, created and retained jobs, and reduced unemployment in the area of Metropolis, Joppa and the County; and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to Metropolis, Joppa and County Ordinances, Metropolis, Joppa and the County extended the term, boundaries, and incentives provided for in the Original Zone, and in connection therewith the term of the Original Zone was extended to and will terminate on December 31, 2018, pursuant to the Act; and,

WHEREAS, the Original Zone in fact accomplished, in part, the public purpose of promoting economic growth, encouraging economic development, promoting job creation and job retention, and reducing unemployment in the area of Metropolis, Joppa and the County; and,

WHEREAS, Metropolis, Joppa, the County, and the City of Brookport ("Brookport"), desire to jointly build upon the past public and private investments and accomplishments arising out of the Original Zone, to further pursue the public purpose of promoting economic growth, encouraging economic development, promoting job creation and job retention, and reducing unemployment in the area of Metropolis, Joppa and the County; and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Act 97-0905, the State of Illinois amended the Act to provide for the creation of a new enterprise zone after the natural termination of such enterprise Zone created earlier under the Act, and in connection therewith, Metropolis, Joppa, Brookport and the County propose to apply to, and obtain designation from, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (hereinafter referred to as "DCEO") to establish a new enterprise zone, from and after January 1, 2018, encompassing a part of Metropolis, Joppa, Brookport and a part of the unincorporated area of the County; and,

WHEREAS, Metropolis, Joppa, Brookport and the County (collectively, the "Applicants") propose to jointly file an application with DCEO to designate, enact and create a new enterprise Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "Enterprise Zone Application") under the provisions of the Act, to create the new Massac County Enterprise Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "Massac County Enterprise Zone") to include certain real estate within the jurisdictions of Such Applicants, for the purpose of promoting economic growth, encouraging economic development, promoting job creation and job retention, and reducing unemployment within the jurisdictions of the Applicants, said real estate being more fully depicted in the attached Exhibit A (such real estate hereinafter referred to as the "Enterprise Zone Area"), which is attached hereto and hereby incorporated by this reference as though fully stated herein; and,

WHEREAS, in order to offer a property tax abatement incentive within an enterprise Zone, the Applicants must provide, in the Enterprise Zone Application to DCEO, a resolution from the governing boards of taxing bodies which are participating in the abatement of property tax; and,

WHEREAS, the GOVERNING BOARD OF SHAWNEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE (hereinafter referred to as the "Government Entity") hereby finds that the creation of the Massac County Enterprise Zone is necessary in order to promote economic growth, encourage economic development, create and retain jobs, and reduce unemployment in the region; and,

WHEREAS, it is now necessary and appropriate that the governing board of the Government Entity to authorize its participation in the abatement of real property tax on improvements made to real property in the Massac County Enterprise Zone in order to promote economic growth, encourage economic development, create and retain jobs, and reduce unemployment in the region.


1. The findings and recitals made in the prefatory portion of this Resolution are hereby adopted.

2. Subject to the Conditions set forth in paragraph 3. of this Resolution, the Government Entity shall and does hereby extend and provide the real estate tax abatement incentives described in Exhibit B (hereinafter referred to as the "Incentive"), which is attached hereto and hereby incorporated by this reference as though fully stated herein, on property located within the Enterprise Zone Area, as Such property is depicted in the attached Exhibit A, as amended from time to time.

3. Conditions: The Incentive set forth in paragraph 2. of this Resolution, is subject to, and conditioned upon, the following:

a. The Incentive shall apply only to those projects located within the

geographic boundaries of the Massac County Enterprise Zone, as amended from time to time, which are industrial projects or commercial projects; and,

b. The Incentive shall apply only to the ad valorem taxes generated by an increase in assessed valuation resulting from the remodeling, rehabilitation or new construction of improvements or projects after the same have been duly assessed; provided that such abatement shall not exceed the total project costs incurred in the remodeling, rehabilitation or new construction of the improvement or project; and,

C. The Incentive shall apply only to that parcel, tract or lot of real estate physically located within the Enterprise Zone Area, which has been remodeled, rehabilitated or improved after the date of certification of the Massac County Enterprise Zone by DCEO, pursuant to the Act; and,

d. Any real property located within the Enterprise Zone Area and also located within a Redevelopment Area created pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act (65 ILCS 5/11-744-1 et seq.) shall not be eligible for any abatement authorized hereunder; and,

e. While the Incentive is in effect, the Government Entity shall continue to receive all ad Valorem taxes resulting from the equalized assessed valuation for Such real estate for that tax year immediately preceding remodeling, rehabilitation or new construction of the improvement or project; and,

f. For a period of five (5) years following the expiration of the Incentive, the property owner shall not protest, challenge or seek a reduction in the Taxable Value (as shown on the "Illinois Tax Bill" provided by the County) of the property; and,

g. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, if the term of any abatement of ad valorem taxes has not expired as of January 1, 2018 on any qualified commercial project or industrial project located within the Original Zone, then such abatement shall not terminate, but shall instead continue in full force and effect until the natural termination of Such qualifying project's five (5) year abatement; provided, however, that such qualifying project shall not be entitled to more than seven (7) years abatement during the term of the Massac County Enterprise Zone; and,

h. For the purposes of this Resolution, the term "Qualifying Project" shall mean those projects which meet each condition set forth in Paragraph 3(a) through 3 (g) of this Resolution.

The passage of this Resolution shall be inscribed permanently in the records of the proceedings of the Government Entity.

This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval

and recording according to law, only in the event that the Massac County Enterprise Zone is approved by DCEO.


Tim Bellamey, President


Signed and sworn to me this 7th day of November, 2016.





Notary Public in and for the Shawnee Community College Board of Trustees, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly passed by the governing board of

Shawnee Community College, being entitled:

Resolution No.


Adopted by the governing board of Shawnee Community College at its regular meeting held at Shawnee Community College, Ullin, Illinois on the 7th day of November, 2016.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said district at my office in Ullin, Illinois, in said district this 7th day of November, 2016.


Print Name




1. Real Estate Tax Abatement Incentive (Industrial Projects or Commercial Projects):

Subject to the Conditions set forth in paragraph 3., of this Resolution, the Massac County Clerk is authorized and directed to abate the ad valorem real estate taxes imposed by the Government Entity via the Government Entity's real estate tax levy on any Qualifying Project, which are industrial projects or commercial projects, beginning on that year in which the commercial Qualifying Project or industrial Qualifying Project is assessed for ad

valorem real estate tax purposes by the Massac County Supervisor of Assessments based upon the Scheduled Tax Abatement Incentive Calculation as follows:

Year One: An amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the ad valorem taxes extended by the Massac County Clerk attributable to one hundred percent (100%) of the assessed value of the Qualifying Project as established by the Massac County Supervisor of Assessments.

An amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the ad valorem taxes extended by the Massac County Clerk attributable to one hundred percent (100%) of the assessed value of the Qualifying Project as established by the Massac County Supervisor of Assessments.

An amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the ad valorem taxes extended by the Massac County Clerk attributable to one hundred percent (100%) of the assessed value of the Qualifying Project as established by the Massac County Supervisor of Assessments.

An amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the ad valorem taxes extended by the Massac County Clerk attributable to one hundred percent (100%) of the assessed value of the Qualifying Project as established by the Massac County Supervisor of Assessments.

An amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the ad valorem taxes extended by the Massac County Clerk attributable to one hundred percent (100%) of the assessed value of the Qualifying Project as established by the Massac County Supervisor of Assessments.

An amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the ad valorem taxes extended by the Massac County Clerk attributable to fifty percent (50%) of the assessed value of the Qualifying Project as established by the Massac County Supervisor of Assessments.

An amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the ad valorem taxes extended by the Massac County Clerk attributable to fifty percent (50%) of the assessed value of the Qualifying Project as established by the Massac County Supervisor of Assessments.

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Ms. Maxine Russell - yes MS. Faith Diel – yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Don Patton and seconded by Ms. Cathleen Belcher to approve the individuals listed below to serve as the 2016-17 Presidential Search Committee.

Search Committee Chairman Board Member/District Employer Faculty

Executive Administrative Staff Professional Staff Extension Center Directors

Grant Staff Classified/Support Staff Student Representative Superintendent Representative Human Resource Director

Steve Heisner Randy Rushing Ian Nicolaides Ryan Thornsberry Tiffiney Ryan Chris Barr Lindsay Johnson Faye Joyner Keene Deborah Johnson Becky Casper Lynn Faith Diel To Be Named Emily Forthman (Non-Voting Member)

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Ms. Faith Diel - yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes

Mr. Chris Boyd – yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Ms. Maxine Russell and seconded by Ms. Cathleen Belcher to ratify the employment of part-time faculty/staff for the fall semester 2016 as presented.

Cornelious-Weldon, Leslie CEP 198/199-01 S980.00 Iltis, Robert COM 999-43 $490.00 Johnson, Clarissa First Aid/CPR Instructor S18/hour Walker, Sharon SEM 01 1 1-95N S725.00

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Ms. Faith Diel - yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher – yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Chris Boyd and seconded by Ms. Faith Diel to accept and approve the resignation of LeeAnn George effective October 31, 2016.

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Ms. Faith Diel – yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Ms. Maxine Russell and seconded by Mr. Don Patton to accept and approve the resignation of Chris Boyd effective December 31, 2016.

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Mr. Chris Boyd - abstain

Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Ms. Faith Diel – yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes Results: 6 yeas, 0 nays, 1 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Ms. Maxine Russell and seconded by Mr. Chris Boyd to approve the consulting agreement with Dr. Gary Davis as presented.


This Agreement is made this -th day of , 2016, by and between the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF SHAWNEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 531, UNION, ALEXANDER, MASSAC, PULASKI, JOHNSON, AND JACKSON COUNTIES, ILLINOIS (The "College”) AND GARY DAVIS (“Davis”). The parties intend by the Agreement to establish the terms under which Davis will perform certain consulting services to College.

1. Services to be Performed by Davis. Davis agrees to perform the following consulting services for the College on an as needed basis:

Provide consulting services and advice regarding the search for a new College president, including services as agreed in meetings with the Board of Trustees or their Chair or Vice Chair, as outlined in an agreed timetable and as agreed in other prepared materials. Davis can utilize college staff support services and those of the Executive Administrative Assistant to the President/Board as made available to him by the Board of Trustees.

Compensation. Davis will be compensated at the rate of $50.00 per hour for each hour he devoted to the Shawnee Community College presidential search. Davis shall be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses that are approved in advance by the College, Without mark-up. Expenses may include long distance telephone charges, reproduction/printing charges, and travel for business purposes including mileage at the current IRS mileage allowance rate, lowest available coach airfare, lodging, meals and similar out-of-pocket expenses reasonably and actually incurred.

Davis shall submit invoices monthly for all services rendered to the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees and to the Executive Administrative Assistant to the President/Board. The college shall pay the amounts due within 30 days of the date of each invoice after approval by the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees.

Independent Contractor Status. The parties intend for Davis to be an independent contractor and not an employee of the College. The parties agree as follows:.

Davis shall have the right to perform services for others, subject to the other limitations set forth herein. Davis shall have the sole right to control and direct the means, manner and method by which the services required by this Agreement will be performed, including the location where the services are performed. Davis shall furnish all equipment and materials used to provide the services required by this Agreement. The College shall not provide insurance coverage of any kind for Davis or Davis's staff. The College shall indemnify and hold Davis harmless of and from

any and all claims, liability or damage arising out of the performance of the services to be provided hereunder.

E. The College shall not withhold from Davis's compensation any amount that

would normally be withheld from an employee's pay.

4. Confidentiality. Davis shall hold in strict confidence all confidential and proprietary

information disclosed to him during the course of providing services hereunder, and may disclose this information on a need to know basis only. This provision shall not apply to information with (a) was readily available to the public at the time of receipt; (b) subsequently becomes known to the general public through no fault of the party receiving this information; or (c) is required to be disclosed by law or a governmental agency.

5. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement on written notice to the other party at any time and for any reason. Upon termination of this paragraph, College will pay Davis for all fees and expenses accrued to that date.


Chair, Board of Trustees Of Community College District No. 531, counties Of Union, Alexander, Massac, Pulaski, Johnson, And Jackson, State of Illinois


Vice-Chair, Board of Trustees Of Community College District No. 531, counties Of Union, Alexander, Massac, Pulaski, Johnson, And Jackson, State of Illinois


Gary Davis

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Ms. Faith Diel – yes (advisory vote) Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Don Patton and seconded by Mr. Randall Rushing to adjourn.

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows: Ms. Faith Diel - yes (advisory vote) Ms. Cathy Belcher - yes

Mr. Chris Boyd - yes

Dr. Manul Goins – yes

Mr. Steve Heisner - yes Mr. Don E. Patton - yes Mr. Randall Rushing - yes Ms. Maxine Russell - yes Results: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 0 absent. The Chairman declared the motion carried.

Submitted By:

Mr. Steve Heisner, Secretary


Ms. Cathy Belcher Mr. Chris Boyd



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