The Carmi City Council met Dec. 20 to approve a loan application.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the council:
Minutes: City Council Meeting of December 20th, 2016
The Carmi City Council met Tuesday, December 20th, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Room of the Municipal Building, 225 East Main Street.Prior to opening the council meeting, Mayor Pollard asked Alderman Winkleman to give the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.Mayor Pollard presided with the following Aldermen present: Steve Winkleman, Mark W. Blake, Keith Davis, Lance Yearby, Sheila Jo Headlee, Jack Lamont, Doug Hays and Mike Knight.Minutes for the December 6th, 2016 council meeting were presented. Motion made by Alderman Hays and seconded by Alderman Lamont to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”Mayor Pollard asked the council to approve November 2016 Financial Reports. Motion made by Alderman Headlee and seconded by Alderman Winkleman to approve the Financial Reports as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”Mayor Pollard then asked the council to approve December 2016 Vendor invoices. Motion made by Alderman Winkleman and seconded by Alderman Davis to approve the Vendor Invoices as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”Mayor Pollard asked the council to consider Ordinance No. 1519, an Ordinance to Vacate a Portion of the Intersection of Walnut and Ratcliff Streets in the City of Carmi, Illinois. City Attorney Greg Stewart added that ‘including storm sewers’ needs to be inserted into the Ordinance. This language will be inserted into Section 2, Page 3 and will read ‘telecommunication easement including storm sewer easement’. Motion made by Alderman Winkleman and seconded by Alderman Knight to approve Ordinance No. 1519 as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”Mayor Pollard asked the council to authorize City Attorney Greg Stewart to prepare a corrected deed for St. Polycarp Cemetery regarding the legal description from the City of Carmi. Mr. Stewart stated that there is an inaccurate description in the deed from a long time ago, and the city needs to resurvey the property before they do anything. Motion made by Alderman Winkleman and seconded by Alderman Davis to table the discussion for further review. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”Mayor Pollard then presented City Administrator Sandra Irvine to discuss Josh and Megan Harms DBA Harms Construction asking the council to approve their application for $37,500 loan from the City of Carmi’s revolving loan fund. Mrs. Irvine stated that they have purchased the old Razzle’s Building at 201 West Main Street. The building will be used for their office and they currently have six (6) full time employees which qualifies them for the loan amount. Motion made by Alderman Hays and seconded by Alderman Blake to approve the loan application in the amount of $37,500 as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”Mayor Pollard then asked the council to consider Ordinance No. 1520, an Ordinance approving TIF #2 Redevelopment Agreement #1 between the City of Carmi, White County, Illinois and Josh Harms DBA Harms Construction. Mrs. Irvine recommends a one-time incentive of five thousand dollars ($5,000) to help with upgrades to the outside of the building. She stated that since TIF #1 and #2 are joined together, the five thousand dollars ($5,000) will come out of TIF #1 and as TIF #2 starts to generate money, it will go back into that account. They will not be paid until the work is done to the building and receipts are produced. Motion made by Alderman Lamont and seconded by Alderman Hays to approve Ordinance No. 1520 as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”Mayor Pollard asked the council to consider the Renewal of Risk Management Insurance for the City of Carmi for the period of January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 from Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services Inc. City Clerk Brian Allen stated that there is a less than one (1) percent increase. They went down in worker’s compensation and cyber liability. Alderman Headlee asked the amount of the worker’s compensation grant. Clerk Allen answered that it was a little over six thousand dollars ($6,000) and that the money goes to the safety director and he uses it for things that are needed. Motion made by Alderman Hays and seconded by Alderman Headlee to approve the Renewal of Risk Management Insurance as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”Reports and Updates From Mayor PollardMayor Pollard wanted to remind the public that the offices will be closed Friday December 23rd, Monday December 26th, and Monday January 2nd for the Holidays.Mayor Pollard wanted to congratulate Mike Buckman for being awarded employee of the year. He has asked him to give an end of the year update as well.City Supervisor Mike Buckman stated that there were two hundred and fifty-nine (259) work orders on street lights alone this year. There were five hundred and thirty-nine (539) work orders in the Line Department and Tree Trimming Department. The Street Department had two hundred and twenty-eight (228) work orders filed, with one hundred and thirteen (113) of them being for trash bins. There were one hundred and one (101) work orders filed in the Water Department. The Sewer Department had seventy-seven (77) work orders. The Parks Department got very little work orders. The grand total for eight (8) departments was one thousand and sixty-one (1,061) work orders filed through the office. The serviceman gets three hundred to six hundred (300-600) work orders in a year which means there is approximately five thousand (5,000) work orders produced this year. Mr. Buckman wanted to thank the city and citizens for nominating him for employee of the year.Mayor Pollard wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!Reports from Standing CommitteesAlderman Knight stated that the gate was changed at the airport because it was worn out. He wanted to thank the city employees who rang the bell at Wal-Mart on December 2nd; they raised one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200). He also wanted to thank the public for supporting the Salvation Army, it is very much appreciated.Alderman Lamont stated that the compost site is closed for the winter.Alderman Winkleman questioned if the recycling container is being used. Mayor Pollard stated that it was it was full and they just came and emptied it last week and it is being used on other days and not just Saturdays.Alderman Davis stated that he is running again for alderman.Business or Comments from VisitorsCitizen Laura Prior stated that she would like a copy of the minutes from City Clerk Brian Allen.Motion made by Alderman Headlee and seconded by Alderman Hays to go into closed session to discuss personnel issues. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”At 5:56 p.m. the council went into closed session.Motion made by Alderman Headlee and seconded by Alderman Davis to return to open session and adjourn. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”At 6:23 p.m. the council returned to open session and adjourned. Brian K. Allen, City ClerkJeff Pollard, Mayor