Southeastern Illinois to offer mini semester | Courtesy of Shutterstock
Southeastern Illinois to offer mini semester | Courtesy of Shutterstock
Southeastern Illinois College (SIC) will be offering mini semester courses this spring, both online and on campus, for courses ranging from public speaking to plant maintenance to biofuels system technology.
Some classes will last eight weeks and others will go through May, depending on the course.
SIC launched a 12-week online program Feb. 6 that allowed students to take Introductory microeconomics, American government and introductory sociology.
Starting March 7, two one-hour credit courses, agriculture waste to biofuels and algae feedstocks, will be offered.
A second 12-week session begins March 7. Classes offered will include principles of speaking; rhetoric and composition I and II; intro to biofuels; plant maintenance; biodiesel production; ethanol production; and biofuels system technology.
An evening welding class will begin March 7. Concealed weapons training and CPR classes are also offered through the spring semester.
Additional mini classes are available on campus.
A full list of available courses as well as registration information is available on the college's website.