
SE Illinois News

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Hamilton County Board met Jan. 17.

Hamilton County Board met Jan. 17.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

The January 17 th , 2017 Regular Hamilton County Board meeting was convened pursuant to law at the hour of 6:00 p.m., courtroom, courthouse, McLeansboro, Illinois. Chairman Miller asked everyone in attendance to join in the Pledge to the Flag. On roll call, the following members were noted as being present which represents a quorum:

John Chapman Here

P E Cross Here

Willie Grubb Here

Chad May Here

Brad Miller Here

5 Here

MOTION By Willie Grubb seconded by Chad May to approve the minutes of the December 20 th , 2016 Regular Hamilton County Board meeting and the December 20 th , 2016 Recessed meeting of the September 20 th , 2016 Regular Hamilton County Board meeting as circulated. Motion carried.

Ms. Connie Beck, University of Illinois Extension Director presented copies of the University of Illinois Extension budget that Connie had been asked to prepare for the board. Ms. Beck went over the budget and explained the line items and how the funds were being collected and dispersed. Ms. Beck had also submitted the annual request for funds that were budgeted for the Extension’s FY 2016 (July 1 st , 2016 through June 30 th , 2017) fiscal year in the amount of $25,000.00. Ms. Beck noted that because the Extension’s fiscal year begins July 1 st , of each year, the Extension normally makes their request in January after the County’s budget has been approved.

MOTION by P E Cross seconded by John Chapman to approve the University of Illinois Extension FY 2016 (July 1 st , 2016 through June 30 th , 2017) budget request in the amount of $25,000.00.

On roll call, the members voted as follows:

P E Cross Yes

John Chapman Yes

Chad May Yes

Willie Grubb Yes

Brad Miller Yes

5 Yes

Motion Carried

MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to approve Resolution #2017-02 regarding participation by Elected Officials in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund allowing county board members that were participating prior to being re-elected to continue participation in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.

On roll call, the members voted as follows:

John Chapman Yes

Willie Grubb Yes

P E Cross Yes

Chad May Yes

Brad Miller Yes

5 Yes

Motion Carried

MOTION by P E Cross seconded by Willie Grubb to approve the recommendation of Chairman Miller to appoint Chad May to the Public Safety Committee to replace Joe Bernard.

On roll call, the members voted as follows:

P E Cross Yes

Willie Grubb Yes

Chad May Abstain

John Chapman Yes

Brad Miller Yes

4 Yes 1 Abstain

Motion Carried

Dorothy Smith, Chairman of the ETSB board gave the E-911 report. Dorothy noted that the sheriff’s office has received 1,008 (911) calls since July 2016. Dorothy stated that the ETSB board is currently working on a “Fire Hydrant Map” for the county. She explained that a “Dry Hydrant” is where ponds are used by firefighters as a water supply source. Dorothy noted that there are several “Dry Hydrants” in Hamilton County. Dorothy made the board aware that several appointments / re-appointments would need to be made at the February 21 st , 2017 Regular meeting. She noted that Jason Stewart, Don Cox and Dorothy Smith’s 3year terms were expiring in February and county board representative, Willie Grubb’s 1 year term is also expiring. Dorothy reported that all were willing to remain on the board; therefore it was her recommendation that the county board make re-appointments at the February 2017 regular meeting. Dorothy discussed the loan request that was discussed at the December 20 th , 2016 Regular Hamilton County Board meeting. The board approved a $40,000.00 loan from the Insurance fund to be paid back by November 30 th , 2017. These funds have not been transferred because County Clerk, Mary Anne Hopfinger was under the impression that an Inter-Governmental agreement was to be drafted and signed by both parties. State’s Attorney, Justin Hood researched this issue and noted that no agreement needed to be signed but stressed that the loan had to be repaid on or before November 30th , 2017. The board directed County Clerk Hopfinger to authorize the transfer of $40,000.00 from the Insurance fund into the Emergency Telecommunications Service Board fund.

EMA Coordinator, Nathan Taylor reported that to date, the county has received ½ of the reimbursement funding for EMA. Nathan noted that the 3 rd and 4 th , quarter funds have been approved but due to the state budget impasse, funds have not been released.

Board member Chad May gave the board a demonstration of the GPS Tracking system reports that have been installed in several of the county owned vehicles. Chad explained that the documentation of point and time were on this report. Chad noted that the historical report showed the time line of the vehicles.

Chad brought up discussion regarding the county collection of 1 ½ % interest on tax bills that are not paid by the first installment date. It was noted that according to state statute, the county has the authority to impose a fee of 1 ½ % interest on all taxes due that are not paid by the first installment date. Chad noted that he thought it would be in the county’s best interest to research this issue to see how much revenue is being lost annually by not imposing this fee. Chad made the board aware that Hamilton County is one of two counties that do not enforce this practice. Supervisor of Assessments, Mark Becker noted that it was in the 5% range of people that actually pay their taxes by the first installment date. Mark stated that this change would not be well received by the community. After much discussion, it was decided that for now to leave things as is but possibly look at moving the due dates up for tax bills. County Clerk, Mary Anne Hopfinger, noted that in Hamilton County, historically the tax bills have been due in September and October of each year, but due to errors being resolved and implementing a new tax system, tax bills have been later than usual.

Chad noted that he has been researching what avenues the county has to invest the coal revenue. Chad noted that the best option would be CD laddering. This stradgey could be very beneficial for the county. The board also discussed looking into other funds that currently have large balances and investing these funds as well. PE Cross suggested that Chad continue researching investing a portion of funds with large balances to get a better return on the county’s money that is just setting in local banks drawing very little interest. John Chapman noted that the county has at least $2.5 million dollars that the county board could consider investing. It was recommended to talk to Sarah Hall, Hamilton County Treasurer and make some kind of recommendation at the February board meeting on what amount to possibly invest.

Chad also brought up discussion of doing a cost study because the state is looking at implementing flat rate recording fees. This would hurt small counties like ours. County Clerk, Mary Anne Hopfinger reported that she and Sheriff Crow had actually met with a representative and is in the process of doing a cost / fee review for both offices. Mary Anne noted that in her 10 year tenure a cost study has never been done. It was noted that a cost study is required by state statute if fees are changed. Mary Anne reported to the board that the fee charged for this service will come from the County Clerk Document Storage fund.

Chairman Miller noted that a $626.78 check for November 2016 Royalty payment had been received and that no royalty summary report has been submitted for December 2016 from Hamilton County Coal.

MOTION by Chad May seconded by Willie Grubb to approve the October through December 2016 invoice submitted by Southeastern Illinois Regional Planning & Development Commission in the amount of $1,141.70 for local dues. On roll call, the members voted as follows:

Chad May Yes

Willie Grubb Yes

P E Cross Yes

John Chapman Abstain

Brad Miller Yes

4 Yes 1 Abstain

Motion Carried

MOTION by Chad May seconded by P E Cross to approve the claim / invoice submitted by Dr. Lawrence Fillinghm , Regional Superintendent of Schools, District #20 in the amount of $2,947.79 for the 3 rd quarter of FY 2017, January through March 2017.

On roll call, the members voted as follows:

Chad May Yes

PE Cross Yes

Willie Grubb Yes

John Chapman Yes

Brad Miller Yes

5 Yes

Motion Carried

MOTION by John Chapman seconded by Willie Grubb to accept check #35270 in the amount of $4,166.68 from the City of McLeansboro for January and February 2017 payment of the Central Dispatching Agreement between the City of McLeansboro and the County of Hamilton.

On roll call, the members voted as follows:

John Chapman Yes

Willie Grubb Yes

P E Cross Yes

Chad May Yes

Brad Miller Yes

5 Yes

Motion Carried

MOTION by John Chapman seconded by P E Cross to accept checks from the Hamilton County Health Department for October 2016 Salaries $9,159.39 November Salaries $9,671.44 and December Salaries $12,724.14, December 2016 Fringes $1,997.89 and December 2016 Insurance $1,544.48. Motion carried.

County Clerk, Mary Anne Hopfinger noted that this bring the Health Department current with outstanding salaries.

MOTION by P E Cross seconded by John Chapman to approve the Claims List and Late Claims with signatures of approval. Motion carried.

It was noted that a meeting is being scheduled for Friday, January 20 th , 2017 with the Police Commission Committee, Sheriff Crow, DK York representing the dispatchers, Jason Stewart, representing the sheriff’s deputies, Mary Anne Hopfinger and Staci Barker representing the payroll department and Flint Taylor, Business Agent for Laborer’s Local #1197. The purpose of this meeting is to clarify holiday pay concerns and the “On Call” documentation for payroll purposes.

Highway Recommendations 

MOTION by PE Cross seconded by John Chapman to approve Resolution 2017-01 RE: County Maintenance appropriating $225,000.00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Allotment for maintenance on County and State Highways and meeting requirements of the Illinois Highway Code for the period of January 1, 2017 through December 31 st , 2017. On roll call, the members voted as follows:

P E Cross Yes

John Chapman Yes

Chad May Yes

Willie Grubb Yes

Brad Miller Yes

5 Yes

Motion Carried

County Clerk, Mary Anne Hopfinger, was given the ok to pay for the ceiling repair project once an invoice is received. This claim is to be paid out of #1141 courthouse repairs.

Under public comment: Willie Grubb brought up discussion of changing the meeting dates from the 3 rd Tuesday to the 2 nd Thursday. Chairman Miller asked for this issue to be put on the February 2017 agenda.

MOTION by Chad May seconded by John Chapman to adjourn. Motion Carried.



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