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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Frankfort Park District Board of Commissioners met April 14.

Frankfort Park District Board of Commissioners met April 14.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Commission:


President Barz called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. 


PRESENT: Commissioner Barz Commissioner Reilly Commissioner Farina Commissioner Ruvoli Commissioner Rak Commissioner Feehery (joined at 7:00 p.m.)

ABSENT: Commissioner Schedin

3. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA – Approved as presented. 

5. CONSENT AGENDA – Items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member so requests in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

A. Approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2017 

B. Approval of the Special Meeting Minutes of February 21, 2017 

C. Approval of the Committee Meeting Minutes of February 21, 2017

Commissioner Reilly so moved and Motion seconded by Commissioner Rak. A roll call vote was taken. Aye: (5) Ruvoli Rak, Reilly, Farina, Barz Nay: (0) Abstain: (0) Absent: (2) Schedin, Feehery

Motion approved.

6. APPROVAL OF BILLS - President Barz asked for a motion to approve the bills. Discussion was held to clarify refunds on cancelled classes. 

Commissioner Reilly made a motion to approve February Accounts Payables and Payroll in the amount of $82,050.33 which includes travel and Lodging and Travel expenses. 

Aye: (5) Rak, Reilly, Farina, Ruvoli, Barz Nay: (0) Abstain: (0) Absent: (2) Schedin, Feehery

Motion approved.

Discussion was held to clarify IAPD reimbursements, BCBS bills and Attorney’s bill. Ryne will email commissioners information on BCBS monthly fee. 

Commissioner Reilly made a motion to approve March 2017 Accounts Payables and Payroll in the amount of $53,916.30 which included Travel and Lodging Expenses. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rak. There being no further questions or comments, a roll call vote was taken.

Aye: (5) Rak, Reilly, Farina, Ruvoli, Barz Nay: (0) Abstain: (0) Absent: (2) Schedin, Feehery




 President Barz informed the Board that he attended the Legislative Breakfast. Discussions of pending bills and the impact on Park Districts were held. 

 Executive Director Hassett answered questions regarding IT upgrades. 

 The 50th Anniversary was discussed and it will be on the Agenda for the Committee Meeting. 

 President Barz suggested that an AED be installed in the Concession Stand at the football field.

9. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT Executive Director Hassett noted the following from her written report: 

 Regarding the Impact Fees, Director Hassett told the Board that the attorney continues to work with the village attorney to draft appropriate language related to their ordinance and current intergovernmental agreements that are in place 

 On February 9, 2017 an official request letter was sent to the Village of Frankfort asking for a land conveyance to return the parking lot at the Puent Building to FPD. Gina was informed that the Village delayed any action until their April Meeting. 

 Gina will set up a meeting with 2 commissioners, Steve Hogan and herself to further discuss Defined Contributions for Health Insurance. 

 The playground equipment for Stone Creek Park has been ordered, when the performance bond and signed contracts are received application to the Village will be submitted. 

 Gina is waiting for the paperwork on Old Stone Park. One of the two pieces of land was not deeded to the current contractor. $15,000 is in escrow with the Village and will be released as soon as the paperwork is received. 

 The staff continues to work on the Budget 

 Operation Playground invited residents of 21 households to an open meeting to discuss the Pump Track. Two individuals came and gave good responses. Parking and traffic were the negatives. The general consensus of all in attendance was to locate the track close to Old Plank Trail. 

 Operation Playground also indicated that as a fund raiser, they might hold a Beer Tasting in June and cancel the golf outing. Gina was informed that Smokey Barque petitioned the Village for the same thing during June as well and let Phil Simmons know. 

 IAPD’s Parks Day at the Capitol in Springfield will be on May 2nd. Gina will attend it along with the Legislative Conference held on May 3rd .



a) Board meeting was today (03-14-2017). 

b) LWSRF is still looking for new members. Gina will send information on applying to Tom Ruvoli. 

c) The staff is continuing their efforts to begin construction on the Road Project. Bids have been accepted and contracts are pending.

d) Bids will be sought for the new Sensory Room. 

e) April 15th is the LWSRF Bunny Breakfast. 

f) Gina will send information to the Board on the Theater Performance held at the end of April.


a) Ryne informed the Board that a draft of the Budget will be available for the March Committee Meeting. 

b) The staff sent a list of files to the Local Records Commission to get approval to dispose of them at our Earth Day event. 

c) Ryne and Sue will go to Orland Park on March 22nd to get some additional training on ActiveNet. Discussion was held. 

d) President Barz inquired if the Sara Springs building would be in the budget. Discussion was held on the condition of the building that is mostly used for storage. Decisions need to be made on short term fixes and long term plans.



a. Ed is assessing his department’s needs for the Budget. 

b. Commissioners and Main Parks are the last two parks to have the tree trimming done as weather permits. 

c. Ed is working with the contractor to keep the Puent Building project on track. 

d. Pricing to update the Security Systems is a bit difficult to compare. Some propose purchase and others leasing. Ideally all building would be under one system for alarm monitoring and inspections. 

e. Now that the system has been updated for inspections, Ed was able to identify efficiencies and deficiencies of buildings, parks and equipment. He is working with the staff to identify remedies and make repairs. 

f. The guard rail at Commissioners Park that is damaged is still on the list to be repaired. 

g. The drainage at the football field was evaluated and Falcon Football was in discussions with the Village fregarding the improvements that they want to make. 

h. A discussion of Ed conducting park burns was held. 

i. Williams Architects evaluation of reconfiguring the gym at The Founders Center will be on the next Committee Meeting Agenda.


a. First proof of the Summer Brochure has been received and corrections are due to the printers by March 17th. The final draft needs to be returned to the printer by April 4 th. It will be delivered to residents April 24th. The website will be updated with the brochure approximately April 15th and Registration begins April 19th . 

b. The Frankfort Community Showcase is on March 18th.at Lincoln Way East from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The park district will have a booth that will highlight the programs and events of FPD. In addition the dance troupe will perform. 

c. The Craft Show is March 25th at the Founders Center. 

d. March 27-31 is the Chicago Fire Spring Break Soccer Clinic. 

e. March 28th is the 12th Annual Family Fun Fly. 

. On March 30th a Spring Break Camp will be held with 15 enrollees so far. 

g. April 8th will be an egg hunt with Peter Cottontail and lunch with the Easter Bunny. 

h. Earth Day, April 22nd will be celebrated. 

i. The 4TH of July fireworks meeting will be held March 22nd and Gina will attend. 

j. It was suggested that head shots of the Commissioners be hung in the lobby of the Founders Center.


a. A comprehensive report outlined the many articles and postings in social media and printed matter. 

b. Gina noted that there was a nice article regarding the Pump Track in the Tribune. 


a. Gina has followed up several times with the company that manufactures the ponds that was discussed in the Committee Meeting. They are very busy and she will continue to pursue. 

b. The Capitol Plan is being evaluated and might include updates to Heritage Knolls Park as the Budget allows.


12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – President Barz encouraged everyone to vote in the April 4th election. 


 Maurice told everyone that he and his wife are new parents. His sports programs are running smoothly. Margaret let him know that a member of a committee that she is on complimented Maurice. 

 Commissioner Rak, suggested an Adult Prom as an event that could also be a fund raiser. 

 Commissioner Ruvoli thanked Stacy for making space for Operation Playground to promote themselves and their projects. He is still trying to follow up with Dept. of Transportation regarding the Laraway road expansion. He suggested opportunities for the Budget- disaster recovery; invest in current ponds; -he will email some of his ideas to the staff. Pond upkeep was discussed. 

 Commissioner Farina congratulated Maurice on his new baby. Cancelled programs resulting in refunds were a concern and several ideas to retain the revenue were suggested by the commissioner. She let all know that Arabella Salon is partnering with the Lions on March 16th as a fund raiser for the Brya family. 

 Commissioner Feehery congratulated Tom on becoming IAPD President and Congratulated Maurice on becoming a father. 

 Commissioner Reilly thanked Gina for bringing in Steve Hogan to the last Committee Meeting. The Lions are conducting a blood drive at the Frankfort Community Showcase. He thanked Ed for all his hard work.

14. ADJOURNMENT – President Barz moved to adjourn the Frankfort Park District Board of Commissioners monthly meeting of March 14, 2017 at 7:39 p.m. Hearing no objections all present voted Aye. Motion passed by a voice vote.
