City of Hamilton City Council met January 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
The Hamilton City Council met in regular session at 7:00pm with Aldermen Bob Eddings, Dave Bierbaum, Bill Johnson, Beverly Boone, Steve Schlatter, and Debbie Summers answering roll call. Mayor Steve Lowman and City Attorney Stan Tucker were both absent. Dave Bierbaum is acting Mayor Pro Tem in Lowman’s absence.
Bierbaum led everyone in the “Pledge of Allegiance”.
Bierbaum asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the January 3, 2016 meeting. Eddings made a motion to approve the minutes. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll was called with Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter and Summers voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.
Finance & Appropriations:
Eddings reported the Finance Committee will hold a meeting on Monday, January 23rd at 5:30 pm.
Eddings reported that the City had received the following deposits:
•December 6$ 1,810.05Circuit Clerk’s Fines
•December 9$ 1,974.19Personal Property Replacement Tax
•December 12$17,323.55State Income Tax
•December 17$11,814.73State Sales Tax
The State still owes the City of Hamilton December $15,694.70 and January $25,374.87 for a total of $41,069.57 in State Income Tax.
Eddings made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll was called with Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers, and Eddings voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.
Public Works & Buildings:
Bierbaum reported the Public Works and Buildings Committee will hold a meeting on Wednesday, January 25th at 5:30 pm.
Bierbaum had nothing new to report at this time.
Schlatter made a motion to approve Pay Estimate #3 and Authorization to Pay $39,604.50 for the water system improvements. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll was called with Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, and Bierbaum voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.
Building and Grounds:
Johnson made a motion to approve PSBA Invoice #1216772 for the Community Center in the amount of $760.50. Roll was called with Boone, Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum and Johnson voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.
Health & Safety:
Summers reported there were no building or demolition permits to approve.
There being no further business to discuss Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 pm. Schlatter seconded the motion. Roll was called with Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson and Boone voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.