
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Vienna City Council met April 5.

City of Vienna City Council met Wednesday, April 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Elected/Appointed Officials Present: 

Jon Simmons, Mayor 

Alan Racey, Alderman 

Cheryl Myrick, Alderwoman 

Melissa Hill, Alderwoman 

Chesley Williams, Alderman 

Richard Owen, Alderman 

Jim Evans, Alderman 

Aleatha Wright, City Clerk 

Shane Racey, City Superintendent 

Brent Williams, Fire Chief 

Margaret Mathis, City Librarian 

Phil Morris, Depot

Elected/Appointed Officials Absent: 

Jim Miller, Police Chief

Josh Stratemeyer, City Attorney


Kelin Field 

Austin Tuey 

Harry Weise 

Violet Weise 

Scott Wright 

Ryan Farley

There being a quorum, Mayor Simmons called the meeting of the Vienna City Council to order at 6:30 p.m.

Alderman Hill made a motion to approve the Omnibus Consent Agenda consisting of the minutes from March 15, 2017 City Council Meeting, Treasurer's Report and the Warrant ($33,414.02). Alderman Myrick seconded the motion. Roll call: Hill-aye, Evans- aye, Myrick- aye, Owen-aye, Racey-aye, and Williams- aye. Motion carried.

New Business

Ryan Farley, Clarida & Ziegler, was present to review street maintenance costs for motor fuel tax funds for the 2017 year.

Alderman Racey made a motion for the City of Vienna to accept Clarida & Ziegler as consulting engineer for the 2017 calendar year to perform MFT. The motion was seconded by Alderman Evans. Roll call: Hill-aye, Evans-aye, Myrick-aye, Owen- aye, Racey-aye, and Williamsaye. Motion carried.

Alderman Evans made a motion to Authorize and Approve the MFT estimate (Material, Chip, Oil) $48,853.59. Alderman Owen seconded the motion. Roll call: Hill-aye, Evans- aye, Myrickaye, Owen-aye, Racey-aye, and Williams- aye. Motion carried.

Alderman Myrick made a motion to Authorize and Approve a Resolution for Maintenance of Street and Highways by Municipality under the IL Highway Code for $52,000.00 of MFT Funds. The motion was made by Alderman Hill. Roll call: Hill-aye, Evans-aye, Myrick-aye, Owenaye, Racey-aye, and Williams- aye. Motion carried.

Lonnie Hinton, Vienna Times was present to give details on solar eclipse visitor guides. Hinton said he would distribute up to 10,000 guides at different locations including the Metropolis Welcome Center, Interstate 57 welcome center and the Vienna Depot.

Alderman Evans made a motion to Authorize and Approve funds to Vienna Times for Solar Eclipse Visitors Guide, $400.00 (Tourism Fund). Alderman Racey seconded the motion. Roll call: Hill-aye, Evans-aye, Myrick-aye, Owen- aye, Racey-aye, and Williams- aye. Motion carried.

Alderman Owen made a motion to Authorize and Approve Gas Funds for Gas Meter Testing. Estimated cost USDI- $1,200.00. The motion was seconded by Alderman Williams. Roll call: Hill-aye, Evans-aye, Myrick-aye, Owen-aye, Racey-aye, and Williams-aye. Motion carried.

Scott Wright was present to discuss the Ameren Install Program estimates as well as future installation of halogen flood lights at the fire dept. Wright also thanked city workers for assisting with underground wire repair at the industrial park and library.

Alderman Hill made a motion to Authorize and Approve estimates for Ameren Install Program. Including Water Plant, $100.00 and Fire Dept, $343.00, labor to be performed by Scott Wright. The motion was seconded by Alderman Owen. Roll call: Hill-aye, Evans-aye, Myrick- aye, Owen-aye, Racey-aye, and Williams- aye. Motion carried.

Alderman Evans made a motion to Authorize and Approve Resolution 17-03, A Resolution Requesting Temporary Closure of Streets for Johnson County Youth League Parade, June 3. 2017. The motion was seconded by Alderman Myrick. Roll call: Hill-aye, Evans-aye, Myrickaye, Owen-aye, Racey-aye, and Williams- aye, Motion carried.

Alderman Racey made a motion to Authorize and Approve Estimates of Materials for Roof Repair at Ballpark Concession Stand, Rusty's- $1,749.38(General Fund). The motion was seconded by Alderman Hill. Roll call: Hill-aye, Evans-aye, Myrick-aye, Owen-aye, Racey- aye, and Williams- aye. Motion carried.

Public Comment:

David Goncher, Colonial Life Insurance, was present to request consent from council to offer insurance benefits to City of Vienna employees. Council gave consent.

Harry Weise was presentto discuss JCYL soccer/football fields. Weise thanked the city for maintaining the fields, informing the city that with their consent, the youth league would like to assist with patching pot holes by purchasing rock. Council gave consent. Weise also mentioned the youth league purchasing sand to be spread out on the playing fields. Continued conversation took place on expanding the existing parking lot.

Violet Weise expressed gratitude for the city's quick response for her request of a crosswalk on Hwy 146 for safety precautions.

Kelin Field was present to update city council on his plans for a cafe type restaurant to be located on Court Street. Field said he was moving forward with plans mentioning interior work to be done as well as a patio area that would include tables with umbrellas in which he would be requesting the city to give consent for the use of two existing parking spots for. Council said they would like to discuss the patio structure further.

City Elected and Appointed Officials:

Mayor Simmons presented a letter of resignation received from William Worrell from the City Library Board. Council and mayor accepted Mr. Worrell's resignation and expressed gratitude for his many years of service.

Wright informed council the USDA sidewalk grant application through Southern Five was completed.

Supt. Racey told council he had corresponded with Vienna Grade School concerning sharing costs for solar powered crosswalk signs with the city.

Fire Chief, Williams said he was awaiting EPA review of the asbestos inspection at the old Gambit Inn. Williams told council the fire dept would not be pursuing a grant through USDA at this time per advice from Southern Five Planning Dist.

Margaret Mathis, Librarian, mentioned the VFW war memorial dedication to take place May 29th at the Memorial Day Service. Mayor Simmons volunteered to give the welcoming speech.

Phil Morris. Depot, discussed the Eclipse Event camping rates in surrounding areas. Morris said the city would benefit by inviting vendors to set up and letting those who wish to camp or set up in the park come on a first come first serve basis asking for donations instead of charging a flat rate. Council was in consent to do so. Morris also mentioned upcoming van trail rides to take place the following Thursday, April 13,

Alderman Williams questioned recent soliciting for energy rates.

Alderman Owen commented on the election results including new incoming/outgoing officials.

As there was no further business to discuss Alderman Myrick made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Alderman Owen. Motion carried.

Mayor Simmons declared the meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
