
SE Illinois News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Monroe County Board of County Commissioners met March 6.

Monroe County Board of County Commissioners met March 6.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

The meeting of the County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois was called to order at 8:00

a.m. Chairman Robert Elmore, Commissioner Delbert Wittenauer, and Commissioner Vicki

Koerber were present.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Others present included County Clerk Dennis Knobloch, Sheila Wetzler, along with Press Corps

representatives – Joe Leicht of the Monroe County Independent and Alan Dooley of the Republic


There being a quorum present, meeting was called to order by Chairman Elmore.

There were no public comments.

Commissioner Wittenauer led the discussion regarding the review of companies providing IT

services to Monroe County. He had prepared a spreadsheet outlining the services that could be

provided by the three companies that had been interviewed – REJIS, Sidebarr and Americom.

Commissioner Wittenauer said he had also talked with County Department heads to clarify some

of the services currently being provided by these companies. He said he is still not sure that one

of the options for Monroe County isn’t hiring a dedicated IT person for the County, but he feels

that the equipment and services need to be a bit more unified before bringing in somebody like

that. Commissioner Wittenauer said he feels confident that no matter which direction the County

goes, there will be increased costs for IT services. Commissioner Koerber complimented

Commissioner Wittenauer for his work on this issue, and said that she felt the next logical step

would be to gather a committee of 5 or 6 County Department Heads to study this information and

make a recommendation to the County Board. Commissioner Wittenauer said he would organize

a Committee, and continue to study the delivery of IT services to Monroe County.

Carla Heise, Ryan Weber and Matt Liefer came to the Board meeting to discuss the remounting

of the Ambulance box onto a new chassis. She said they had reviewed all of the bids, and the

only company that met the bid qualifications and the requested timeline was American Response

Vehicles of Columbia, Mo. Ms. Heise said this company agreed to complete the necessary work

within 60-90 days for a cost of $111,670. Following discussion, motion was made by

Commissioner Koerber, with a second by Commissioner Wittenauer to accept the bid of

American Response Vehicles for the requested work contingent on the satisfactory review of all

documentation by State’s Attorney Chris Hitzemann. All voting Aye, none Nay, and none

Absent. Motion carried.

Ms. Heise also distributed the most recent survey results to the Board showing that the vast

majority of those who have been served by the Ambulance Service are happy with the service

they have been provided.

Kevin Koenigstein, Annmarie Marcuson and Shawn Hamilton came to the meeting to discuss the

Health Insurance program for County employees. There was discussion of the Life Insurance

program that is a part of the Health Insurance offering. The Commissioners were in agreement

that they were mainly interested in the Health Insurance, but since it is mandatory to offer Life

Insurance as part of the program, they would reluctantly agree to provide the product.

Commissioner Koerber said since Life Insurance is already offered as part of IMRF, she didn’t feel it was necessary. Commissioner Wittenauer said he felt that the minimum amount of $5,000

should be included. The cost to the County for providing $5,000 in Life Insurance to the

employees is $2,083.20. Mr. Hamilton said the County Board doesn’t have to make a decision on

that amount at this time, but will need to do so prior to the completion of the contract.

Ms. Marcuson said she had checked with Beneflex regarding the employee flexible spending

accounts, and these accounts can be continued under the new plan. Steve Huetsch picked up the

administrative expense on these accounts, so there will be some additional costs involved with

continuing this program. She also said that the dental and vision insurance will also continue for

the employees.

Motion was made by Commissioner Koerber, with a second by Commissioner Wittenauer to

approve membership in the Southern Illinois Health Insurance Initiative (SIHII) sub-pool, which

is a member of the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative. All voting Aye, none Nay

and none Absent. Motion carried.








WHEREAS, a number of Illinois municipalities have entered into an intergovernmental

agreement to create an entity, which is to provide health and other related benefit coverages for

the offices and employees of the Members of the SIHII Sub-Pool; and

WHEREAS, the SIHII Sub-Pool has chosen to provide such coverage by becoming a

Member of the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative; and

WHEREAS, this County, by the action of its Corporate Authorities, desires to become a

Member of the SIHII Sub-Pool;



SECTION 1: The COUNTY of MONROE, as of the starting date at which admission to

membership was or is granted by the SIHII Sub-Pool, shall become a Member of that

intergovernmental cooperative.

SECTION 2: The terms and conditions of that membership shall be such terms and

conditions as were imposed by the Board of Directors of the SIHII Sub-Pool in the acceptance

motion and, in the acceptance motion under which the SIHII Sub-Pool was admitted to the IPBC,

and the contractual obligations under the terms of the Contract and By-Laws of the SIHII SubPool

as such document currently exists and as it may be amended in accordance with its terms.

The Corporate Authorities of this COUNTY herein assume such term and conditions.

SECTION 3: The County Board Chairman and County Clerk are hereby directed to

execute any documents necessary to indicate the membership of this COUNTY in the SIHII SubPool.

SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage in the

manner provided by law. 

PASSED this 6th day of March, 2017

Motion: Koerber Second: Wittenauer

Aye: Three Nay: None

Absent: None


Robert Elmore, Chairman

__________________________________ ______________________________

Dennis M. Knobloch, County Clerk Delbert Wittenauer, Member


Vicki Koerber, Member

The following Accounts Payable having been approved for payment, Commissioner Koerber

moved that the same be allowed and that vouchers be issued against their respective funds of the

County Treasurer for payment. Motion seconded by Commissioner Wittenauer, and so declared

all voting Aye, none Nay, and none Absent. Motion carried.



st National Bank of Waterloo 3,257.94

Americom Imaging Systems, Inc. 119.00

Americom 3,064.17

Ann Rudloff 10.17

Beneflex 1,024.50

Cercis Emergency Physicians 138.50

Coast to Coast Equipment 68.53

Coast to Coast 304.75

Dobbs Tire & Auto Centers 24.95

Ed Roehr Auto Radio Co Inc. 89.52

Egyptian Stationers Inc. 24.00

Election Administrators, LLC 4,704.00

Fick Eggemeyer & Williamson CPA’s 2,300.00

Gateway FS 51.12

Gateway Regional Medical 35.87

Goodin Associates Ltd 90.00

Harrisonville Telephone Company 3,217.12

IL County Clerks & Recorders 20.00

IL Dept of Central Mgmt Services 498.55

International Code Council 135.00

John Deere Financial 103.78

K&D Printing 245.25

Kelton Davis 11,577.16

Leaf 227.30

Leon Uniform Company Inc. 426.91

Lisa Fallon 215.13

Memorial Hospital 574.55

Motorola 3,050.16

Nabers Shop 469.87

Quality Collision, Inc. 31.71

Quill Corporation 1,175.73

Radiology Consultants 105.97

Red Bud Regional Hospital 1,516.31

Rejis Commission 1,946.62

Reliable Sanitation Service Inc. 2,518.62

Sherwin Williams 453.90

SHRM 300.00

Simplex Grinnell 1,712.00

The Lowenbaum Partnership LLC 4,802.50

Traughber & Morris Ltd. 741.66

U.S. Bank Equipment Finance 256.82

V “Red” Smith 20.00

Vision Websoft 100.00

Walmart Community 198.36

Warner Communications Corp. 314.00

Waterloo Animal Hospital 870.45

Waterloo Lumber Company 35.47

Watson’s Office City 821.59

Weir Chev-Olds-Buick-Pontiac-GMC 209.36

Wightman Pharmacy 161.02



st National Bank of Waterloo 1,466.86

Coast to Coast Equipment 162.00

Motorola 34.00

Smith Medical Partners 244.05



st National Bank of Waterloo 5.99

Airgas Mid America 150.63

Bound Tree Medical LLC 55.56

Harrisonville Telephone Company 139.69

Memorial Hospital 250.16

Motorola Solutions 396.00

Phillips 66 Company 366.23

Sam’s Club/SNYCHRONY Bank 172.02

Walmart Community/FSCSLLC 3.47

Wells Fargo Vendor Fin Serv 115.99

Wex 1,470.16

Albers Fire Protection Equipment Inc. 594.75

Americom Imaging 151.36

Aramark Uniform Services 2,070.68

ATSSA 557.50

Bette Hoffmann 480.00

Don Edler 3,850.00

Energy Petroleum Co. 3,802.88

Equipment Service Co. Inc. 12.36

Erb Equipment Company 96.08

Fountain Water District 91.53

Harrisonville Telephone Co. 43.63

Illinois Assoc of County Engineers 100.00

Iron Crafters Inc. 70.94

John Deere Financial 1,893.37

Krebel Plumbing LLC 217.50

Leaf 299.00

Nabers Shop 64.95

Quill 53.08

Sidebarr Technologies 373.94

Watson’s Office City 10.50

Williams Office Products Inc. 46.08


Monroe County Highway Fund 20,140.19


Fidlar Technologies 504.61

The February 17 Special Meeting Minutes, the February 17 Closed Session Minutes, the February

21 Regular Meeting Minutes and the February 21 Closed Session Minutes were all approved

upon motion by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber. All voting

Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Commissioner Koerber, with a second by Commissioner Wittenauer to go

into Closed Session to discuss real estate. All voting aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion



BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois

that the Board is going into closed session for the purpose of Discussing Real Estate.

Passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois at Waterloo, this 6th

day of March, 2017.

Motion: Koerber Second: Wittenauer

Aye: Three Nay: None

Absent: None


Robert Elmore, Chairman

__________________________________ ______________________________

Dennis M. Knobloch, County Clerk Delbert Wittenauer, Member


Vicki Koerber, Member

Motion was made by Commissioner Koerber, with a second by Commissioner Wittenauer to end

Closed Session and return to Open Session. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion



BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois

that the Board is ending its closed session and returning to open session.

Passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois at Waterloo, this 6th

day of March, 2017.

Motion: Koerber Second: Wittenauer

Aye: Three Nay: None

Absent: None


Robert Elmore, Chairman

__________________________________ ______________________________

Dennis M. Knobloch, County Clerk Delbert Wittenauer, Member


Vicki Koerber, Member

Mike Fausz, Kurt Jahr and Mark Cowell came to the meeting to discuss the situation with the

Monroe County Electrical Inspector. Commissioner Koerber said she had checked with the

County’s new HR Attorney and Consultant, and they both have said they feel this situation fits

into the Independent Contractor status rather than as a part-time employee. Commissioner

Wittenauer said he feels that if there is any way possible, we would like to handle the Electrical

Inspector position the same way it has been handled in the past. Mr. Fausz said from what he

understood, the only way to keep this position as a part-time employee is to put this person on the

payroll for a designated number of hours each week and that amount of hours would have to stay

the same each week. Commissioner Koerber said she understood the situation the same way, and

she feels this situation falls under the guidelines of Independent Contractor. Mr. Jahr said he

likes doing the job, but he could not afford to do it as an Independent Contractor because of all

the extra expenses involved.

Commissioner Koerber said the other concern she has is that if the County continues to do things

the same way, the County has to absorb about $1,200 each year in costs above and beyond the

amount collected in Inspection fees. Commissioner Wittenauer said well, then maybe we need to

increase the Inspection fees.

Commissioner Wittenauer said he did not want to see this situation changed, but since the County

has found out that IRS regulations are not being followed, something needs to be done to remedy

the situation. Commissioner Koerber said she would check with the Labor Attorney when he

comes to the County this afternoon. Chairman Elmore said he would like to make the situation

work and keep Mr. Jahr on the County payroll, since he is doing such a good job.

As to changing the amounts of fees, Mr. Jahr said he thought if the fee amount had to be changed,

the fee for each inspection involved should be increased. Mr. Fausz said he has reached out to

some other communities, and he is waiting for a response from them as to the amounts being

charged in other communities. Mr. Fausz said these fees have not been changed for at least 20

years. Commissioner Koerber said another way to handle it would be to reduce the amount being

paid to the Inspector by the amount that each inspection is costing the County. Mr. Jahr said most

electrical contractors would not touch this service for less than $100. He said depending on how

far he has to drive in the County, it can take from thirty minutes to two hours to do an inspection.

Mr. Jahr said he does about 200 inspections per year.

Mr. Jahr said he has talked to the members of the Monroe County Electrical Board, and they all

would like to see the situation stay the same. Mr. Jahr also said if the County needs to make a

change, and this position has to be set up as an Independent Contractor, he would agree to

continue to serve in that capacity until the County finds a new Inspector. Mr. Cowell, a member

of the County’s Electrical Board, said that he does work in St. Louis City and County and in St.

Clair County, and the Monroe County fees are definitely too low compared to what the fees are in

these surrounding areas.

Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to go

into closed session to discuss real estate. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion



BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois

that the Board is going into closed session for the purpose of Discussing Real Estate.

Passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois at Waterloo, this 6th

day of March, 2017.

Motion: Wittenauer Second: Koerber

Aye: Three Nay: None

Absent: None


Robert Elmore, Chairman


Dennis M. Knobloch, County Clerk _____________________________

Delbert Wittenauer, Member


Vicki Koerber, Member

Motion was made by Commissioner Koerber, with a second by Commissioner Wittenauer to end

closed session and return to open session. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion



BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois

that the Board is ending its closed session and returning to open session.

Passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois at Waterloo, this 6th

day of March, 2017.

Motion: Koerber Second: Wittenauer

Aye: Three Nay: None

Absent: None


Robert Elmore, Chairman

__________________________________ ______________________________

Dennis M. Knobloch, County Clerk Delbert Wittenauer, Member


Vicki Koerber, Member

Commissioner Koerber said she has gotten a list of all of the County appointed committees. She

said someone approached her, because last week there was not a quorum at the County Planning

Commission meeting, so the petition for rezoning that was on the agenda for that meeting will

now have to be set back for 30 days until the next meeting. Commissioner Koerber said she will

be getting a Planning Commission attendance list from Mike Fausz, and she feels if people aren’t

coming to the meetings, they should be replaced – not only on this Committee, but on other

County committees as well.

Commissioner Koerber said she has talked to Chris Hitzemann, and he wants to remind the

Commissioners that any time more than one of them is together at a meeting, and there is a plan

to take any kind of action, it needs to be considered as a County Board meeting. One example is

the County Department Head meetings. Commissioner Wittenauer said there is a lot of good

information at these meetings, and he feels the Commissioners should be able to attend. It was

noted that Sheila Wetzler already posts these meetings on the bulletin board. Mr. Knobloch was

asked if he would be willing to take minutes at these meetings. He said he would, and he would

begin that routine at the Department Head meeting later today.

There being no further business to come before the Board, motion to adjourn was made by

Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber. All voting Aye, none Nay

and none Absent. Motion carried.



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