Village of Freeburg Public Property Committee met March 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Pool: A. Old Business:
1. Pool/St. Clair County Parks Grant: Village Administrator Tony Funderburg is working on the playground floor grant.
B. New Business:
1. Carl A. Barton PTO Spring Carnival Donation Request: The committee donated a 10-day pool pass.
Streets: A. Old Business:
1. Approval of February 15, 2017 Minutes: Trustee Matt Trout motioned to approve the February 15, 2017 minutes and Trustee Lisa Meehling seconded the motion. All voting yea, the motion carried.
2. MFT/Ditch on N. Main: John advised the easements have been signed. He got a call from both Brown and Kasper advising they would like a culvert put in past the houses. John is hesitant about doing that because of the water coming down State St. He has asked TWM for flow calculations down Main Street and the cost estimate to do this. Regarding MFT, we are looking to complete several projects including redoing the street in front of the post office, overlay the entrance to Village Hall and BelClair, N. Main in front of Hoffarths. Concrete work will be done on Main Street by the firehouse, Hill Street by Gary's where it's buckling. They plan to replace various culverts, and the special project on Cherry/Apple. Once we have closed out the previous years' MFT monies, it will be available to use.
Trustee Lisa Meehling motioned to recommend to the full Board we hire TWM to prepare the 2017 MFT Reports at a cost of $1,250 for approval and Trustee Matt Trout seconded the motion. All voting yea, the motion carried.
Trustee Lisa Meehling motioned to recommend to the full Board the 2017 MFT Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code in the amount of $145,000 for approval and Trustee Matt Trout seconded the motion. All voting yea, the motion carried.
Trustee Lisa Meehling motioned to recommend to the full Board the 2017 MFT Municipal Maintenance Estimate of Maintenance Costs in the amount of $141.533.85 of which $136,685.00 is the Total Estimated Maintenance Cost and $4848.85 is the Preliminary Engineering Costs for approval and Trustee Matt Trout seconded the motion. All voting yea, the motion carried.
3. Drainage Problem Areas/StormWater Run-Off: John said they worked on Potter Street cleaning out the ditch and riprapped. That culvert is shot as well and will most likely be replaced it in 2018.
4. E. Apple Issues: John confirmed this will be a special project under MFT this year.
5. Hill Mine Road Repair: John met with Tony and Jeff of TWM who performed the flow calculations. In order to handle a 50-year storm, we would need two 36” culverts which won't fit with the existing gas lines. If we keep the 24" culvert, we would need 9 acres at 1' deep which is not going to happen. TWM needs to find out what the drainage was before that project was done and what is it now. John also said IDOT will go crazy if we put two 36” culverts in there. TWM has some more work to do, and John advised them to continue on so we have more data before we sit down with the School.
6. Customer Issues: Mayor Speiser asked if Charlie Kaiser has been taken care of, and John said no but he has talked to him.
7. Summer Hire: Chairperson Albers reported an ad will be placed in the Tribune for the next two weeks. John said Ian Weber is not coming back, and he would like to hire two part-time workers.
8. Spring Clean Up-Tires: John will check with Shaffer Tire to see who they use or where they take their tires.
John told the committee that Norm Etling will be taking over for Jim Fields. Jim wants to close out the Cemetery Road project, so John met with Norm and Dale. We would take it over with the stipulation the County still does the inspections and maintains the bridge. Once we get it, we would turn it over to Dale. John moved the radar sign to North State Street.
B. New Business:
1. Homecoming Parade: Julie thought this was on the agenda to notify everyone the parade time is changing to 1:00 p.m. Trustee Trout thought that was for next year. Julie will let everyone know once the time is confirmed.
C. General Concerns: None.
D. Public Participation: Stan Koerber wants to know if TWM looked at Cherry Street and asked if they are going to stay with the project since he saw Rhutasel out there.
E. Adjourn: Trustee Matt Trout motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:37 p.m. and Trustee Lisa Meehling seconded the motion. All voting yea, the motion carried,