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City of Mount Carmel Council met May 8

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City of Mount Carmel Council met May 8.

Here is the minutes as provided by the council:

Mayor's Comments

Mayor Hudson brought the city council meeting to order.

Mayor Hudson acknowledged Wayne Walden, who was in attendance at the council meeting to thank the mayor and the council for supporting the Kelly Miller Circus, which was held on May 2nd at the Southgate Industrial Park. Mr. Walden also thanked City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman, Street Department Supervisor Dave Easter, the street department crew, and Water Maintenance Lead Operator Bill Reed as well as the water maintenance department for their assistance with the event.

Mayor Hudson acknowledged City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman, who presented to the council a request from the VFW Auxiliary to collect donations for their annual Poppy Day at the designated intersections on May 27th

.Mayor Hudson acknowledged Mike Gill of Lamac Engineering, who reiterated last year, per the city’s request, Lamac Engineering and ADG had put together a grant application for the “Street Scape” project. Mr. Gill stated the grant was not approved last year however the State of Illinois has monies available this year for this same type of project. Mr. Gill asked the council if they would like to pursue the grant again and submit a similar application, pare down the last year’s application or submit a “bare bones” application. The council asked Mr. Gill for a copy of the last year’s grant application to review before a decision is made regarding a new application. The grant application date is October 2nd, 2017 through December 1st, 2017.

Mayor Hudson acknowledged Jeff Karn with Air Evac, who was addressing the council again regarding air ambulance membership for the city employees. Mr. Karn’s stated Air Evac has made a policy change and will no longer be offering group plans, however since the coverage had already been offered to the city employees, an exception was made to allow the city to purchase the group membership. After the council discussed the Air Evac membership, it was decided to approve the membership for full time city employees, only.

Mayor Hudson stated the rains have stopped; the river is rising and should crest at thirty-one feet this Thursday.

Mayor Hudson commended residents on planting flowers and taking care of their yards, which helps make the city look nice.

Mayor Hudson wished all the mothers a Happy Mother’s Day this coming Sunday, May 14th

.Mayor Hudson announced school will be out for the summer within the next two weeks. Mayor Hudson asked residents to please be careful while driving through the city and to be on the lookout for all the children playing outside.

Mayor Hudson reported Wabash Valley College Graduation is this Friday, May 12th and Mount Carmel High School Graduation will be Friday, May 19th. Mayor Hudson also announced Saint Mary’s School Eighth Graduation is Tuesday, May 16th and Allendale Grade School Eighth Graduation is Monday, May 22nd

.Mayor Hudson thanked Terry Beckerman for a great Ribberfest Event and thanked the Kelly Miller Circus for coming to the City of Mount Carmel.

Cmmissioner Reports:

Commissioner Eric Ikemire – Streets, Cemeteries And Parks

Commissioner Ikemire reported in the last two weeks the street department worked keeping the intakes opened and cleaned during the recent heavy rains; continued to mow parks and ballparks; installed flood wall closure at the south end of Mulberry Street; worked on jetting out storm sewers that were not draining; moved damaged trees and limbs that were blocking roadways; moved barricades, tables and trash receptacles for Ribberfest; and continued to working on ballparks to have them ready for all the ballgames.

Commissioner Joe Judge – Finance And Senior Citizens

Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.

Commissioner Judge reported the recent city/county surplus auction went very well with the grand total being over $21,000. Commissioner Judge thanked Street Department Superintendent Dave Easter for all his time and efforts with the auction as well as the police department.

Commissioner Judge commended all the superintendents/supervisors over each of the different departments for their efforts on their budgets. Commissioner Judge stated he hopes to have the final budget numbers on each of the department’s standings in the general fund by the June 5th council meeting.

Commissioner Judge announced on Saturday, May 13th from 7:00 am to 8:30 am at the Senior Citizens Center; the City Council and Mayor Hudson, the Wabash County Commissioners, and Wabash General Hospital will be hosting an appreciation breakfast for all the First Responders in Wabash County.

Commissioner Justin Dulgar – Water And Sewer

Commissioner Dulgar thanked the street department on maintaining the ballfields for the Little League games and stated their efforts are greatly appreciated especially after all the rainy weather.

Commissioner Dulgar reported the water maintenance department checked and repaired multiple water leaks; fixed sink holes; installed garden hose adaptor in fire hydrant; put out barriers in high water areas; used jet truck multiple times to clear blockages; and have been very busy with all the flood water duties.

Commissioner Dulgar stated the wastewater plant had storm damage to lift stations and flood pump buildings with Mount Carmel Public Utility and Horrall Electric being a huge help getting them back online. Commissioner Dulgar reported the Division Street Pump Station is running as the Wabash River level is twenty-nine feet and is to crest at thirty-one feet.

Commissioner Dulgar reported the water treatment plant is running the levee stations at least one time per shift to help keep the drainage ditches from overflowing; had repairs made by EFI on the scada system between the water treatment plant and Risley Avenue water tower; and Lead Operator Keith Reed has been collecting the monthly and quarterly water samples for the EPA.

Commissioner Dulgar announced the Wabash Regional Water Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 16th at 5:00 pm in the City of Albion’s council meeting room.

Commissioner Dulgar reported on Ordinances 1073 and 1074, which are the water rate increase ordinances. Commissioner Dulgar reiterated the increases will help items such as maintenance on the water towers and replacement of old water lines. Commissioner Dulgar stated the rate increase is not a huge increase and the last water rate increase was in 2011. Commissioner Dulgar reported the base rate for the first year will increase from $7.09 to $8.25, the utility fee will increase from $4.00 to $5.00 with a five percent increase on all water usage tiers; the second-year base rate will increase from $8.25 to $8.67, the utility fee will increase to $6.00, with a five percent increase on all water tiers; the third-year base rate will increase from $8.67 to $9.11, the utility fee will increase to $7.00, with a five percent increase on all water tiers. Commissioner Dulgar acknowledged City Administrative Assistant Witsman who stated this meeting constitutes the first reading of Ordinances1073 and 1074.

Commissioner Rod Rodriguez – Fire, Health & Safety, Garbage, City Hall and Civil Defense

Commissioner Rodriguez reported in the last two weeks the fire department had four runs and conducted vehicle fire training.

Commissioner Rodriguez asked residents to avoid and try to control having standing water anywhere as the mosquito population will be bad this year due to all the heavy rains.

City Administrative Assistant – Rudy Witsman

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported the golf course has a piece of mowing equipment that has broken down and the replacement part costs are $8500.00. The golf course employees found a used mower for sale at another golf course for $11,500.00. City Administrative Assistant Witsman asked the council for their consideration regarding this issue.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated Airport Manager Will Wood had submitted a grant application to the Illinois Department of Transportation for monies to be used to pave the road to the airport. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported the estimated paving cost would be $588,600; IDOT will pay $529,740 of the costs and the city is being asked to pay ten percent which should be approximately $58,860. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated he was seeking council approval to accept the grant and reaffirmed the airport does have the monies in its budget for the expense.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman announced effective the end of May, Airport Manager Will Wood will be resigning his position, as he and his family are moving to Montana. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated the city is in the process of finding a replacement for Mr. Wood and former Airport Manager Ken Wood has stepped forward to assist the city as much as he is allowed per his retirement stipulations, until a replacement is hired.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported the Mount Carmel Little League has requested to collect donations at the designated intersections this coming weekend, May 13th and May 14th

City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated he was informed today about a rumor concerning the levee and the fact that the levee is on the verge of failing. City Administrative Assistant reaffirmed there are no known problems with the levee as it has been inspected many times and asked that rumors please stop.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported he was contacted by one of the news stations in Evansville, Indiana to be included in the mailings of the council meeting agendas. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated he was contacted by the same station on Friday, May 5th regarding the water rate increases and he advised the news station that he could not release the information at that time as it had not yet been presented publicly at the council meeting. City Administrative Assistant Witsman asked and received the council’s approval/backing regarding that policy decision.

City Attorney – Tom Price

City Attorney Price reported the city is now the owner of the former Warren Building located at 321 N. Market Street after a lengthy and complicated legal process.

City Attorney Price announced his retirement as city attorney, which will be effective June 1st, due to health reasons. City Attorney Price stated it has been a privilege to serve the city for almost twentyfive years. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated, as a former mayor, he was privileged to nominate Mr. Price for the position of city attorney and he thanked Mr. Price for all his has done during his service to the city.

City Iinspector – Mike Gidcumb

City Inspector Gidcumb absent.

Business Motions

Commissioner Dulgar motioned and Commissioner Rodriguez seconded to pay for the membership for full time employees with AirEvac. All present voted Aye by roll call vote.

Commissioner Judge motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the purchase of a mower for the golf course in the amount of $11,500. All present voted Aye by roll call vote.

Commissioner Dulgar motioned and Commissioner Judge seconded to accept the grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation to asphalt the road to the airport and commit airport funds to the project. All present voted Aye by roll call vote.

Mayor Hudson and the Council approved the Consent Agenda, as presented in the agenda dated May 8th , 2017. The consent agenda approved the minutes for the council meeting held on April 24th, 2017 and approved paying all bills bearing the proper signatures.

Meeting adjourned at 5:47 p.m.
