
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Harrisburg Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met April 25.

Harrisburg Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met April 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Harrisburg Community Unit School District #3, Saline County, Illinois, was held at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25, 2017 as announced by posted public notice and by mail. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Chris Penrod, Mr. Kevin Dowdy, Mr. Jeffrey Drake, Mr. Tom DeNeal, Mr. Billy Smith, and Mr. Ryan Lambert. Mrs. Michele Way was absent.

The following administrators were present: Mike Gauch, Scott Dewar, Kim Williams, Brandon Henshaw, Randy Smithpeters, and Gabe Angelly. The following Unit #3 staff members were present: Keri Holland, Val Hodges, Laurie Pappenfuss, Debbie McGowan, Mike Boglino, Janet Hughes, Marsha Byas, and Greg Langley. The following members of the public were present: Mike Wagner, and Ashley Volkert.

With a quorum of the members of the Board being present, President Penrod called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.

President Penrod led the Board, staff and attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Reorganization of the Board:

The former Board was called to order by the Board President.

Mr. Chris Penrod, Mr. Kevin Dowdy, Mr. Jeffrey Drake, Mr. Tom DeNeal, Mr. Billy Smith, and Mr. Ryan Lambert were present. Mrs. Michele Way was absent.

President Penrod called for a motion to seat Mr. Mike Gauch President Pro-Tem for purpose of nominations and election of officers. Mr. DeNeal moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

This now concludes the business we had planned for the outgoing school board to conduct. The Chair will entertain a motion for this board to adjourn sine die.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion that the 2016-2017 school board adjourn sine die and that the new board reconvene immediately following the swearing in of the newly elected board members. Superintendent Gauch asked for any discussion. Hearing none, the secretary called roll. On the motion, there are 6 voting aye, and 0 voting nay. The motion carries.

The board recessed for a moment while the outgoing members return to the audience and the seats are readied for the new board members.

Following a brief break, Superintendent Gauch asked the newly-elected board members to come forward to take their oaths of office.

“I, (Billy Smith, Tom DeNeal, Kevin Dowdy, Jonathan Russell), do solemnly swear that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of member of the Board of Education of Harrisburg Community Unit School District No. 3, in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of Illinois, and the laws of the State of Illinois, to the best of my ability.

I further swear that:

I shall respect taxpayer interests by serving as a faithful protector of the school district’s assets;

I shall encourage and respect the free expression of opinion by my fellow board members and others who seek of hearing before the board, while respecting the privacy of students and employees;

I shall recognize that a board member has no legal authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a public board meeting; and

I shall abide by majority decisions of the board, while retaining the right to seek changes in such decisions through ethical and constructive channels.”

Superintendent Gauch welcomed the new board members and invited them to take their seats. The secretary called roll. Mr. Chris Penrod, Mr. Kevin Dowdy, Mr. Jeffrey Drake, Mr. Tom DeNeal, Mr. Billy Smith, Mr. Ryan Lambert, and Mr. Jonathan Russell were present.

A quorum of the new board is present. The first order of business will be the election of board officers. Superintendent Gauch called for nominations for the position of board president.

Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to nominate Chris Penrod for Board President. Hearing no further nominations, the secretary called the roll. On the motion, there are 7 voting aye, and 0 voting nay. The motion carried and Chris Penrod was elected as Board President.

President called for a motion to remove Mike Gauch as President Pro-Tem. Mr. Drake moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

The next order of business was to call for nominations for the position of Board Vice President. Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to nominate Billy Smith for Board Vice-President. Hearing no further nominations, the secretary called the roll. On the motion, there are 6 voting aye, and 1 abstaining. The motion carried and Billy Smith was elected as Board Vice-President.

The next order of business was to call for nominations for the position of Board Secretary. Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. DeNeal seconded the motion to nominate Jeffrey Drake for Board Secretary. Hearing no further nominations, the secretary called the roll. On the motion, there are 6 voting aye, and 1 abstaining. The motion carried and Jeffrey Drake was elected as Board Secretary.

Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order. On a call of the roll the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

Mr. DeNeal moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion as per the recommendation of the Superintendent to accept all past contracts and policies. On a call of the roll the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

The President will assign committee positions in May. Mr. Penrod asked the Board members to please send the Superintendent any preferences you may have.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to enter into Executive Session to review Executive Session Minutes, to discuss the possible employment, appointment, compensation and discipline of employees of the Board of Education or complaints against employees of the Board; retirements, resignations, and to discuss collective bargaining negotiations. Upon a call of the President for a vote to be taken and the vote having been taken, it was determined the results of said motion carried.

Board entered into Closed Session at 6:10 p.m.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to reconvene in open session at 6:33 p.m. Upon a call of the President for a voice vote to be taken and the vote having been taken, it was determined the results of said motion carried.

Recognition and Comments from Employees and Public:

President Penrod called for any Public Comments. No one asked to address the Board.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the March 7, 2017 Special Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Russell, Mr. Lambert, Mr. DeNeal, and Mr. Drake voted yea. Mr. Penrod abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Drake moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the March 21, 2017 Regular Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Lambert, Mr. DeNeal, Mr. Drake, Mr. Dowdy, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Russell abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the March 27, 2017 Special Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, Mr. Lambert, Mr. DeNeal, Mr. Drake, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Russell abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Drake seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the April 5, 2017 Special Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, Mr. Drake, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Lambert, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. DeNeal and Mr. Russell abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the Bills Due and Payable. On a call of the roll, Mr. Drake, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Russell, Mr. Lambert, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. DeNeal abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. DeNeal seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. DeNeal seconded the motion to approve the Expenditure and Revenue Report. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

The Board of Education reviewed the monthly Activity Fund Summaries from each building.

Administrator/Coordinator Reports:

Superintendent – Mike Gauch-

▪ The District still has not received any categorical funding from the state for this fiscal year.

West Side Primary - Principal Kim Williams-

▪ Appreciated the Celebrity Readers that came and entertained the students.

East Side Intermediate - Principal Brandon Henshaw-

▪ New traffic signs have been installed in front of the building to help with the problems before and after school.

Harrisburg Middle School - Principal John Crabb-

▪ Invited the Board to attend the Promotion Ceremony.

Harrisburg High School - Principal Scott Dewar-

▪ The English Department is exploring different options for credit recovery.

Building and Grounds - Tony Chrisman

Technology, Media, Grants, Special Education-

▪ Cindy Black attended the Title meetings in Springfield. There are a lot of updates going to take place.

Truancy Report – The program is a proactive plan that is going to see a high success rate in student attendance.

Mr. DeNeal moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to allow Superintendent Gauch to start the process for obtaining information on a Line of Credit. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to change District legal counsel to the firm of Claybourne, Sabo and Wagner effective May 1, 2017 as presented. On a call of the roll, Mr. Lambert, Mr. DeNeal, Mr. Drake, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Russell abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion that the Board establish the meeting day, time, and place for the next twelve (12) months for regular meetings of the Board as the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Harrisburg Middle School, Media Center, 312 Bulldog Boulevard, Harrisburg, Illinois. On a call of the roll the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

▪ May 16, 2017

▪ June 20, 2017

▪ July 18, 2017

▪ August 15, 2017

▪ September 19, 2017

▪ October 17, 2017

▪ November 21, 2017

▪ December 19, 2017

▪ January 16, 2018

▪ February 20, 2018

▪ March 20, 2018

▪ April 17, 2018

Mr. DeNeal moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the First Reading of Press Plus policy changes. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the Executive Session minutes of the March 7, 2017 Special Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, Mr. Drake, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Lambert, and Mr. DeNeal voted yea. Mr. Russell and Mr. Penrod abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the Executive Session minutes of the March 21, 2017 Regular Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Lambert, Mr. DeNeal, Mr. Drake, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Russell abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the April 5, 2017 Special Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Lambert, Mr. DeNeal, Mr. Drake, Mr. Dowdy, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Russell abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. Upon a call of the President for a voice vote to be taken and the vote having been taken, it was determined the result of said motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m.
