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Eldorado Community Unit 4 School District Board of Education met April 27.

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Eldorado Community Unit 4 School District Board of Education met April 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Education of Eldorado C.U.S.D. #4 met for a reorganizational meeting and regular session on Thursday, April 27, 2017 in the board room #219. Board President, Jason Kasiar, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Board members present and answering roll call were: David Bartok, Ron Bradley, Stacy James, Preston Justice, Jason Kasiar and Keith Oglesby. Absent: Larry Parks. Present: Supt. Ryan Hobbs, Rick Cox, Billy Tippett, Cody Cusic and Kim Butler, recording secretary. Others: Members of Alumni Band, Joe Clark, Gretchen Noelle, Greg Goodley, Jim Munds, Caleb Long, Katherine Kennedy and Matt Allen (EEA)

Recognize visitors for public comment: None

Stacy James made a motion to seat Ron Bradley, Keith Oglesby, David Bartok and Austin Bradley having received the highest number of votes cast for the full four (4) year terms of office (Ref to Doc Reg FF- 6-26). Preston Justice seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: Parks.

All elected board members took the oath simultaneously.

Tara Artman, High School Beta sponsor, reported on awards received from Beta members at Beta State Convention. Lori Quigley, Junior Beta sponsor, reported on rewards received from Junior Beta members. Speeches were given by two Junior Beta members.

David Bartok nominated Jason Kasiar for Board President to serve for a term of two (2) years, Preston Justice nominated Stacy James and Ron Bradley nominated Keith Oglesby. Vote was taken by show of hands with Stacy James receiving 3 votes, Jason Kasiar receiving 2 votes and Keith Oglesby receiving 2 votes. With no one withdrawing their nomination, a second vote by show of hands was taken. Results remained the same with Stacy James receiving 3 votes, Jason Kasiar 2 votes and Keith Oglesby 2 votes. Since no one was declared President there will be another vote at the May board meeting.

Jason Kasiar made a motion to approve that the regular meeting date of the Board of Education of Eldorado C.U.S.D. #4 be established as the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room #219 (Ref to Doc Reg FF-6-27). Keith Oglesby seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None.

Jason Kasiar made a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes for 3-16-17 (Ref to Doc Reg FF- 1-28). Preston Justice seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Abstaining: A. Bradley. Absent: None.

Keith Oglesby made a motion to approve the March, 2017 Treasurer’s Report (Ref to Doc Reg FF-1- 29). Preston Justice seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

Preston Justice made a motion to approve the payment of Unit #4 bills (Ref to Doc Reg FF-1-30). Stacy James seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

Keith Oglesby made a motion to approve the second reading and adoption of board policies 7:15, 7:30, 7:60, 7:60-AP1, 7:60-AP2, 7:60-AP2,E1, 7:60-AP2. E2, 7:60-AP E3, 7:70 and 7:250 (Ref to Doc Reg FF- 5-19). Stacy James seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

Stacy James made a motion to approve the first reading of board policies 2:100, 4:15, 4:15-AP,4:60- AP4, 4:130-E, 5:120, 7:100, 7:19-E2, 7:260, 7:270, 7:270-AP1, 7:305, 7:305-AP, 7:310 and 7:310-AP (Ref to Doc Reg FF-5-20). Keith Oglesby seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

Jason Kasiar made a motion to approve out of state trips for FFA, Band, Interact, Math Club, Beta Clubs, 5th grade and 8th grade (Ref to Doc Reg FF-11-8). Preston Justice seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

The Alumni Band members spoke to the board concerning band and music positions and application process stating they would like to have two full time positions. Band members and high school assistant principal, Cody Cusic, and middle school principal, Billy Tippett, interviewed two candidates.

Keith Oglesby made a motion to publish a notice to amend the 2016-2017 school budget (Ref to Doc Reg FF-6-28). Preston Justice seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

Keith Oglesby made a motion to approve the use of the high school cafeteria for the Bike Beyond Team on June 30th, 2017 (Ref to Doc Reg FF-6-29). Jason Kasiar seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar, and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

Keith Oglesby made a motion to approve using 1% sales tax money to purchase two grasshopper mowers from Little Tractor at a cost of $8260 each less the price of our trade-in (Ref to Doc Reg FF-6-30). Jason Kasiar seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

David Bartok made a motion to accept the resignation letter from Brandon Hampton as teacher and football coach (Ref to Doc Reg FF-4-11). Preston Justice seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

Preston Justice made a motion to accept the resignation letter from Greg Neff as high school band, choir and middle school band teacher (Ref to Doc Reg FF-4-12). David Bartok seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

Preston Justice made a motion to accept the resignation letter from Kyle Lapington as high school math teacher, football coach and bowling coach (Ref to Doc Reg FF-4-13). Austin Bradley seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

Keith Oglesby made a motion to approve maternity leave for Karen Dunaway beginning approximately May 5, 2017 (Ref to Doc Reg FF-6-31). Preston Justice seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

Mr. Hobbs discussed the Community Investment After School Program Grant received by the district for the remainder of the 2016-2017 school year and possibly the 2017-2018 school year.

Keith Oglesby made a motion to go into closed session at 8:15 p.m. regarding discussion involving employment of district personnel, compensation, and discipline of district personnel. Preston Justice seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. All Aye. Absent: None.

The board came out of closed session at 9:11 p.m.

David Bartok made a motion to approve closed session minutes as read in closed session. Preston Justice seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

Preston Justice made a motion to approve hiring Joe Clark as head football coach for the 2017-2018 school year (Ref to Doc Reg FF-3-24). Stacy James seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

Jason Kasiar made a motion to approve hiring Jim Munds as a teacher for Unit 4 for the 2017-2018 school year (Ref to Doc Reg FF-3-25). Preston Justice seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, A. Bradley, R. Bradley, James, Justice, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: None.

David Bartok made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:13 p.m. Preston Justice seconded the motion. All aye. Absent: None.
