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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Hamilton County Community Unit School District 10 Board of Education met April 26.

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Hamilton County Community Unit School District 10 Board of Education met April 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Education of Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10 reconvened in special session on the evening of April 26, 2017, for the purpose of conducting a reorganizational meeting at 8:00 p.m. in the Unit Office.

Board President Becker appointed Jeff Fetcho, Superintendent, as President Pro Tem.

Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Board President Becker appointed Irene Biggerstaff as Secretary Pro Tem. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

President Pro Tem Fetcho called the meeting to order. Roll Call was as follows:

Present – Steve Becker, Bob Gray, Jeff Lueke, Dennis Lynch, Tim Millenbine, Clint Ragan, and Ellen Rubenacker.

President Pro Tem Fetcho opened nominations for board president for a two year term.

Lynch was nominated by Millenbine. No other nominations were made.

Lynch was declared president by acclamation.

President Lynch opened nominations for board vice-president for a two year term.

Millenbine was nominated by Ragan. No other nominations were made.

Millenbine was declared vice-president by acclamation.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Rubenacker to appoint Irene Biggerstaff as board secretary for a term of two years. Roll Call vote - Voting Yes – Millenbine, Rubenacker,

Becker, Gray, Lueke, Ragan, Lynch. Motion carried.

President Lynch opened nominations for executive session secretary for a two year term. Ragan was nominated by Rubenacker. No other nominations were made.

Ragan was declared executive session secretary by acclamation.

Motion by Becker, second by Millenbine to set the regular meeting dates of the Board of Education for Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10, Hamilton County, Illinois, as the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. between March and October and 6:00 p.m. between November and February at the Hamilton County Unit 10 Office in said district. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Becker that previous Board policies for Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10 be adopted as the official policies and regulations for this Board of Education. Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Ragan to designate financial depositories as follows:

Peoples National Bank of McLeansboro, IL for the following Funds: Tort, Special Education, General Education, Pre-School/Daycare, Building, Municipal Retirement, Social Security, Fire Prevention & Safety, Debt Service, Transportation, and Working Cash.

Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Motion by Becker, second by Millenbine to appoint Sarah Healy as school treasurer.

Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Becker, Millenbine, Gray, Lueke, Ragan, Rubenacker, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Becker to retain Robbins, Schwartz, Nicholas, Lifton and Taylor on a monthly retainer until such time as the Board decides otherwise and other counsel as authorized. Roll Call Vote – Voting Yes – Millenbine, Becker, Gray, Lueke, Maulding, Ragan, and Lynch. Motion carried.

Motion by Lueke, second by Ragan to approve the following committee assignments:

A. Transportation- Chair-Lynch, Gray, and Alternate-Rubenacker.

B. Building/Grounds- Chair- Millenbine, Ragan, and Alternate- Gray.

C. Personnel- Chair-Rubenacker, Gray, and Alternate- Lueke.

D. Negotiations and Labor – Chair- Lynch, Millenbine, and Alternate-Ragan.

E. Academic Excellence/Computer Technology – Chair – Rubenacker, Lueke, and Alternate- Lynch.

F. Finance and Insurance – Chair – Millenbine, Ragan, and Alternate- Becker.

G. Summer League/Athletics – Chair- Lueke, Rubenacker, and Alternate- Gray.

H. Ag Advisory – Chair- Becker, Lueke, and Alternate- Rubenacker.

I. WOVSED Governing Board Representative – Rubenacker.

J. IASB Delegate and Alternate – Becker, Delegate; and Millenbine, Alternate.

K. IASB Governing Board Representative (Egyptian Division) - Lynch.

L. District Wellness – Lynch.

Vote was taken by voice and motion carried.

Mr. Fetcho discussed the following: The Semi-Annual Egyptian Division dinner/meeting is May 9, 2017 at Rare Chop House in Mt. Vernon, IL at 6:30. Reminded the Board that the of the Annual IASB Convention is November 17-19, 2017.

Motion by Millenbine, second by Lueke to adjourn. Vote was taken by voice, motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
