City of Metropolis City Council met April 10.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the City Council, City of Metropolis, Illinois was held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 10th, 2017 in Council Chambers of City Hall at 106 West 5th Street, Metropolis, Illinois. Upon roll call the following Alderpersons were present: Alderman Jerry Mizell, Don Canada, David McManus, Mike Hall, John Taylor, Chuck Short, Charles Barfield, Buford McGuire, Corporate Counsel Rick Abell and Mayor McDaniel, City Clerk Jan Adams, and concerned citizens of Metropolis.
Roll Call:
Barfield Present McManus Present
Canada Present Mizell Present
Hall Present Short Present
McGuire Present Taylor Present
Moved by Alderman Mike Hall and second by Alderman David McManus a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 3-26-2017 as presented;
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea
The Mayor addressed the Council asking we move forward to the Police and Fire Committee swearing in the newly appointed Police Officer, Nick Holland. Nick begins his 14-week training April 11th, 2017. His family came to support, congratulate and witness this milestone in his life.
Police & Fire Committee:
Moved by Alderman Chuck Short and Second by Alderman David McManus to make a motion to authorize the Police and Fire Commission to fill a vacancy in the Police Department created by the resignation of Becca Minnick;
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea
Mayor Report:
Moved by Alderman David McManus and Second by Alderman Charles Barfield to make a motion to accept previously approved roofing repairs at the Wastewater Treatment Plant with American Roofing (low bid) in the amount of $5,685.00;
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yes
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea
Moved by Alderman David McManus and Second by Alderman Charles Barfield to make a motion to ratify low bid from Hach in the amount of $8,527.00 (includes s/h) on an influent and an effluent sampler for the Wastewater Treatment Plant;
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea
Moved by Alderman David McManus and Second by Alderman Charles Barfield to make a motion to accept request for partial street closing on Metropolis Street from 3rd to 4th Streets on Saturday, June 24, 2017 from 9 am through 2:30 pm. The Massac Co. Farm Bureau and the Metropolis City Library will provide the “Farm Frenzy”;
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea
Moved by Alderman David McManus and Second by Alderman Charles Barfield to make a motion to accept acknowledgement of Lineman Appreciation Day on April 10th;
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea
The Mayor reminded everyone that the annual Spring Cleaning is upon us beginning the last week in April and the first week in May. Items will be collected on your normal trash pickup day.
Corporate Counsel:
A Public Hearing was held before tonight’s Council for the Comcast Franchise Renewal with the City of Metropolis; from that hearing came the following two Resolutions. This Resolution extends through May 12th, 2025.
Moved by Alderman Mike Hall and Second by Alderman Charles Barfield to make a motion to adopt a Resolution Approving the Renewal of the Cable Communication Franchise with Comcast of the South;
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea
Moved by Alderman Mike Hall and Second by Alderman Charles Barfield to make a motion to adopt a Resolution Approving a Franchise Agreement Between the City of Metropolis, Illinois and Comcast of the South;
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea
Department Heads:
Chief Masse wanted to remind everyone it is National Telecommunications week and acknowledge our dispatchers.
Financial Report:
Moved by Alderman David McManus and second by Alderman Charles Barfield to approve the Finance Report be received and approved and that the orders be drawn on the Treasurer for the different amounts mentioned therein and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to make necessary arrangements for payment of current Salaries, Payroll and Contract bills;
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea
Moved by Alderman David McManus and second by Alderman Charles Barfield to approve the Finance Report be received and approved and that the orders be drawn on the Treasurer for the different amounts mentioned therein and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to make necessary arrangements for payment of miscellaneous bills:
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea
Moved by Alderman David McManus and second by Alderman Charles Barfield that we go into Executive Session for reasons listed on the agenda;
Motion Carried: Time 7:20
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea McGuire Yea
CarrellYea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
Moved by Alderman David McManus and second by Alderman Buford McGuire that we approve the minutes of the Executive Session and that they remain closed;
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea McGuire Yea
CarrellYea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
Moved by Alderman Mike Hall and Second by Alderman David McManus to make a motion to approve extending a conditional offer of employment in the City’s Public Works Department to the person discussed in closed session (Grant McIntosh);
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea
Moved by Alderman Buford McGuire and Second by Alderman David McManus to make a motion to appoint Public Works Director to the person discussed in closed session; (Stoney Barrett);
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea
Moved by Alderman David McManus and second by Alderman Jerry Mizell made a motion to adjourn; Time 8:15
Motion Carried:
BarfieldYea McManus Yea
Canada Yea Mizell Yea
Hall Yea Short Yea
McGuire Yea Taylor Yea