White County Board will meet on June 12.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Roll Call.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
4. Approve Payment of all current bills.
5. Report from County Officers:
County Clerk Circuit Clerk County Treasurer TB Officer States Attorney County Engineer Sheriff Coroner Supervisor of Assessments Ambulance 9-1-1 EMA
6. Visitors.
7. Communications.
8. Emling and Hoffman to present overview of the 2016 audit.
9. Joni a representative from Taylor Eye Care to discuss continuing contract.
10. Consider adoption of the prevailing wage resolution.
11. Sheriff Doug Maier requesting the Board to consider an ATV Ordinance on County Roadways.
12. Consider declaring 2003 Ford F450 Ambulance excess equipment and advertising for sealed bids.
13. Executive Session.
14. Other business. (Next Meeting Tuesday July 11, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.)
15. Adjourn.