Harrisburg Public Library District Board of Trustees met April 11.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Harrisburg Public Library District was called to order by President
Lynda Clemmons at 4:08 pm. Those in attendance were Trustees Joe Ewing, Lynda Clemmons, Janet Jones, Sally
Wofford, Leigh Leckron and Gary Jones. Trustee Amy Brombaugh was absent. Also in attendance was Director Krystal
Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Trustee Janet Jones to accept the consent agenda as presented. The motion
carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
President’s Report:
- President Clemmons informed the Board that she and Trustee Brombaugh were re-elected to the Board and
Tammy Jackson was elected to fill Trustee Leckron’s position as she elected not run for re-election. She
thanked Trustee Leckron for her six years of service.
- The Board will reorganize at the May meeting.
- She complemented Ms. Drone on a very good report and suggested that an application be made for the
Reader’s Choice Grant. It might help with some of her expenses.
- Brown Bag and Books had 24 in attendance. This was the presentation by the Harrisburg High School Book
Club. Jack Gulley, son of Director Krystal Gulley, was very good.
- On April 5th Celebrity Readers was held and went very well.
- The Friends of the Library annual meeting was held on April 9th with 30 people in attendance. They
presented the Library with a $2,000.00 check.
- The art reception for David Powell will be held on April 23rd
.- The next Brown Bags and Books will be held on April 26th. Mr. Leo Gher will be the presenter.
- On May 8th Stone Soup will perform Julius Caesar on the lawn at 6 pm. It is open to the public. The Library
will contribute $250.00 toward their expenses.
- The Road Scholars program will be presented on Saturday, May 13th
.- While on a family trip, President Clemmons visited a public library in Lafayette, Louisiana. She said it was a
very impressive facility that was built in 2015. Said that it had “Makers Space” and that we should consider
that in our new facility.
Committee Reports:
Policy Committee: Trustee Janet Jones reported that her committee was working on the wording for a Trustee
attendance policy and will have it ready for presentation at the next meeting.
Building Committee: Trustee Ewing reported that everything seems to be going well with the current building at
the present.
Finance Committee: No report.
Personnel Committee: No report.
Trustee Janet Jones stated that she was again working on a House Tour for the Christmas Holiday.
Director’s Report:
- Reported that she has continued to work on eRate. It has been approved with Clearwave.
- Showed the Board a design for new T shirts and table banner that was the brain child of Ms. Hungate.
- Reminded the Board that National Library Week is the week of April 9
th through 15th
.- The Board agreed that the fine amnesty would apply to people who already returned the books and now
have fines on their account.
A motion was made by Trustee Janet Jones to adjourn at 5:06 pm.