Cypress School District 64 Board met April 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The Cypress Elementary School Board of Education meeting was called to order by Vice Presdient Angela Rudluff at 7:00pm.
Roll Call: Hartline, present; Moore, present; Oliver, present; Penrod, present; Racey, present; Rudluff, present; Wells, absent; Superintendent Shoemaker, present
Motion by Racey seconded by Moore to approve the minutes of the March 2017 Board meeting.
All present voted yes.
Motion by Moore seconded by Hartline to approve the closed session minutes of the March 2017 meeting.
All present voted yes.
Recognition of Visitors- Roy West, Ted Beggs, Rusty Marks, Michelle Quertermous
Motion by Racey seconded by Oliver to accept the election results as presented by the Johnson County Clerk’s Office and to seat Angela Rudluff, Ted Beggs, and Roy West to the board.
Hartline, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, yes; Penrod, yes; Racey, yes; Rudluff, yes; Wells, absent
Outgoing board members John Wells and Trish Hartline were recognized for their outstanding service to the board.
Motion by Oliver seconded by Penrod to appoint Angela Rudluff as President Pro Tem.
Hartline, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, yes; Penrod, yes; Racey, yes; Rudluff, yes; Wells, absent
Motion by Penrod seconded by Moore to adjourn at 7:05.
All present voted yes.
The newly elected board was called to order at 7:05pm.
Roll Call: Beggs, present; Moore, present; Oliver, present; Penrod, present; Racey, present;
Rudluff, present; West, present; Superintendent Shoemaker, present
All board members were administered the oath of office.
Nominations for President: Angela Rudluff
Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, yes; Penrod, yes; Racey, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Vice President Nominations: Many Moore
Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, yes; Penrod, yes; Racey, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Secretary Nominations: Tracy Racey
Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, yes; Penrod, yes; Racey, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Motion by Penrod seconded by Oliver to adopt the policies and procedures of Cypress
Elementary School Board of Education.
Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, yes; Penrod, yes; Racey, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Motion by Oliver seconded by Penrod to set the regularly scheduled meetings as presented.
Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, yes; Penrod, yes; Racey, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Superintendent Report: Presentation of New Board Member Training Requirements
Motion by Moore seconded by Oliver to approve the treasurer’s report for March2017.
Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, yes; Penrod, yes; Racey, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Motion by Racye seconded by West to approve the bills for April 2017.
Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, yes; Penrod, yes; Racey, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Motion by Oliver seconded by Rudluff to destroy executive session audio tapes older than 18 months per the school code.
Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, yes; Penrod, yes; Racey, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Motion by Moore seconded by Beggs to approve the Ameren Lighting Grant as presented.
Beggs, yes; Moore, yes; Oliver, yes; Penrod, yes; Racey, yes; Rudluff, yes; West, yes
Motion made by Penrod seconded by Oliver to adjourn at 7:35pm
All present voted yes.