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Village of Freeburg Board of Trustees met May 1.

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Village of Freeburg Board of Trustees met May 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order: Mayor Seth Speiser called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., on Monday, May 1, 2017, in the Freeburg Municipal Board Room.

Pledge of Allegiance: Those present and the Board Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Trustee Elizabeth (Lisa) Meehling-here; Trustee Mathew (Matt) Trout-here; Trustee Denise Albers - here; Trustee Ramon (Ray) Matchett, Jr. - here; Trustee James (Mike) Blaies - here; Trustee Bert (Dean) Pruett-here; Mayor Seth Speiser - here; (7 present, 0 absent) Mayor Speiser announced there is a quorum.

Exhibit A: Mayor Speiser stated we have the minutes of the previous Regular Board Meeting Monday, April 17, 2017 for approval.

Trustee Elizabeth Meehling motioned to accept the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting Monday, April 17, 2017 with corrections and Trustee Mathew Trout seconded the motion. All Voting aye, the motion carried.

Exhibit B: Finance: Trustee Matchett stated we held a Finance Committee Meeting on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 5:45 p.m.

The following item or items were talked about or discussed.

1. Review of Board Lists: Trustee Matchett stated the committee Reviewed the Board Lists.

2. Review of Investments: Trustee Matchett stated the Investment List has been updated.

3. Income Statement: Trustee Matchett said the Income Statement was looked at.

Old Business: 1. Newsletter: Trustee Matchett said we are looking for July, August and September information to go in the Newsletter. If you have any information, please contact the village office.

New Business:

1. Two New Trucks for Public Works: Trustee Matchett said we talked about purchasing some new trucks for the Public Works Department.

Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. motioned to purchase one Ford F-350 not to exceed $46,845 and the purchase of two F-250's not to exceed $25,448 each and Trustee Mathew Trout seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. –aye; Trustee Mathew Trout - aye; Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

Treasurers Report: None. Attorney's Report: None

Exhibit C: Esda Report: ESDA Coordinator Gene Kramer talked about the following:

1. Training meeting for the IEMA Region area for all EMA/ESDA Coordinators was held on April 21, 2017 at 9:00 A.M. This meeting included representatives from Illinois State Police Department of Transportation, Regional Medical, etc.

2. St. Clair County Hazardous Mitigation Assessment meeting on April 25, 2017, at the County EMA, EOC. SIU-Carbondale. Gene let us know at this meeting there is a possibility that Freeburg could get funding (matched) for our mitigation projects once the County plan data is compiled and accepted by all EMA/ESDA participants in the county.

3. Completed IPAWS on line FEMA training. This involved the importance of and encouragement of the Illinois Public Alert and Warning System.

4. Severe Thunderstorm Warning that was issued for Southeastern St. Clair County, but did not include the Freeburg area.

5. Issued and provided training on the use of the Truced Motorola starcom XTL 5000 portable.

6. Obtained six (6) Midland Portable “Same-Weather Alert Radio's' for ESDA shelter managers.

7. Gene gave us and update on weather for the upcoming week.

Public Participation: None.

Reports And Correspondence:

Exhibit E:

1. Zoning Administrator's Report: Zoning Administrator Gary Henning said the Police Department did a good job on getting the 9 trucks/cars that we had complaints on taken care of Mayor Speiser asked does anyone have questions for Gary.

Exhibit F:

2. Proclamation for Freeburg Woman's Club 100" Year Celebration: Mayor Speiser said before he read the proclamation, he personally thanked the Freeburg Woman’s Club for their 100 years of serving our community. All the present and past members have done an outstanding job of volunteering their time, talents, and money to benefit many. We are very proud to have this organization serving our community.

Mayor Speiser read the Proclamation

Exhibit G: Recommendations Of Boards And Commissions:

Combined Planning and Zoning Board Memorandum: Mayor Speiser stated the Combined Planning and Zoning Board have recommended the following definition be added to the Zoning Code.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to approve the Combined Planning and Zoning Board recommendation and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. -aye, Trustee James Blaies - aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

Contracts, Releases, Agreements & Annexations: None. Bids: None.

Resolutions: NOIC,

Exhibit H: Ordinances: Mayor Speiser stated, we have Ordinance 1625. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 40 of Revised Code of Ordinances to Add the Definition of a Limousine to the Zoning Code and also as a Special Use in the Agriculture District.

Trustee Elizabeth Meehling motioned to adopt Ordinance 1625 by title only and Trustee Mathew Trout seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye Trustee James Blaies - aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, the motion carried.

Old Business: None.

New Business: None.

Exhibiti: Appointments: Mayor Speiser stated we have the Appointments for 2017 and 2018 year.

Mayor Speiser stated we will start with the Treasurer appointed position for the 2017 and 2018 year Bryan Vogel.

Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. motioned to approve the appointed position of Bryan Vogel as Treasurer for 2017 and 2018 year and Trustee Mathew Trout seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. -aye, Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee Bert Pruettaye; (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

Mayor Speiser stated for Village Administrator appointed position for the 2017 and 2018 year Tony Funderburg.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to approve the appointed position of Tony Funderburg as Village Administrator for 2017 and 2018 year and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye; Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee James Blaies -aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

Mayor Speiser stated for Public Works Director appointed position for the 2017 and 2018 year John Tolan.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to approve the appointed position of John Tolan as Village Public Works Director for 2017 and 2018 year and Trustee Denise Albers seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. -aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee James Blaies - aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

Mayor Speiser stated for ESDA Coordinator appointed position for the 2017 and 2018 year Gene Kramer

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to approve the appointed position of Gene Krameras ESDA Coordinator For 2017 And 2018 Year And Trustee Elizabeth Meehling Seconded The Motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye; Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. -aye, Trustee James Blaies -aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

Mayor Speiser stated for Village Attorney appointed position for the 2017 and 2018 year Weilmuenster & Keck, P. C.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to approve the appointed position of Weilmuenster & Keck, P.C. for 2017 and 2018 year and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee James Blaies - aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

Mayor Speiser stated for Village Zoning Administrator appointed position for the 2017 and 2018 year Gary Henning

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to approve the appointed position of Gary Henning as Village Zoning Administrator for 2017 and 2018 year and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

Committee Meeting Reports:

Exhibit II: Legal/Ordinance Committee Meeting:

The following item or items were talked about or discussed:

Trustee Elizabeth (Lisa) Meehling called the meeting of Legal/Ordinance to order at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26, 2017.

Old Business: 1. Zoning report/Nuisance Properties: Trustee Meehling said Zoning Administrator Gray Henning said the pod was moved yesterday. Gary said tonight there were 9 trucks/cars that were taken care of by the police department. Mr. Brown has until May 8" to get the junk cleaned up and out of his yard.

New Business:

1. Ordinance H1625: Trustee Meehling said we talked about the recommendation from the Combined Planning and Zoning Board to amend Chapter 40 of the Revised Code of Ordinances to Add Limousine Definition to the Zoning Code and also as a Special Use in an Agriculture District. This was voted under Ordinances earlier on the agenda,

2. Cemetery Road: Trustee Meehling said we talked about Cemetery Road. Village Public Works Director John Tolan met with Dale Recker from Freeburg Township and Norm Etling from St. Clair County regarding the Village taking over ownership of Cemetery Road and turning it over to Freeburg Township.

Public Participation: Trustee Meehling said Janet Baechle would like to have a proclamation for the Freeburg Women's Club they are having their 100 Year Anniversary. They will behaving an open house on Sunday, May 7" from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. everyone is invited to drop by. We had that proclamation read this evening, and she would like to thank the ladies for everything they do for the community.

Exhibit K: Personnel/Police Committee Meeting:

The following item or items were talked about or discussed:

Trustee Mathew (Matt) Trout called the meeting of Personnel/Police to order at 7:04 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26, 2017.


Old Business: 1. Part-time Police Hire: Trustee Trout stated we talked about part-time police hire, and we tabled this until further notice.

2. Police Department Expansion: Trustee Trout said we talked about the police department expansion. Mayor Speiser is having someone look at this project to give us an estimate on how much it will cost.

New Business:

1. Chief Donald’s Request to Extend 40 Hours of Vacation or be paid for it: Trustee Trout said we received a request from Chief Donald to cash out 40 hours of unused vacation time.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to pay Chief of Police Stan Donald for forty hours of unused vacation time and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee Denise Albers -aye, Trustee James Blaies -aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

2. New Police Vehicle: Trustee Trout said we talked about purchasing a new police vehicle, and this should complete our program put in place to update the fleet four years ago when we took OVՇT.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to purchase a police SUV vehicle not to exceed $38,000 and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Mathew Troutaye; Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. -aye, Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

3. 2017 Eclipse Preparedness: Trustee Trout said ESDA Coordinator Gene Kramer was present to advise the committee that he is monitoring the solar eclipse data and will keep us informed as the date approaches. He gave us information earlier on the agenda tonight about it.

Personnel: Old Business: None.

New Business: Part-time Summer Help Hire: We talked about part-time hires for Summer help.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to rehire Noah Carpenter, and to hire Jeffrey Loesche and Ben Ebel for summer help and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye; Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee Bert Pruett - aye; (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

Upcoming Meetings: Combined Planning and Zoning Meeting - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 - 6:00 p.m. Electric Committee Meeting - Wednesday, May 10, 2017 – 5:30 p.m. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting - Wednesday, May 10, 2017 – 5:45 p.m. Streets Committee Meeting - Wednesday, May 10, 2017 - 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting - Monday, May 15, 2017-7:30 p.m.

Mayor Speiser stated your new committee assessments will be emailed to you by this Friday

Village Mayor & Trustees Comments:

Trustee Bert (Dean) Pruett - He would like to say congratulations to Noah, Jeffery and Ben for being hired for our summer help, and all of the appointees. Everyone try and stay dry.

Trustee Ramon (Ray) Matchett, Jr. - He would like to thank John and his crew. These guys worked some long hours yesterday he wanted to thank them for all they do. Congratulations to the summer hires.

Trustee James (Mike) Blaies - He would like to thank John and his crew for manning the Spring Clean Up. He knows the weather conditions werent ideal for it, but it still seemed like a lot of people showed up. He would like to thank the Woman's Club for all they do, and congratulations to all the appointees.

Village Clerk Jerry Menard - Congratulations to the new hires. Please try to come to the open house for the Woman's Club 100 year anniversary celebration on May 7" at the Freeburg Library from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Trustee Mathew (Matt) Trout - We have the Police Golf Tournament this weekend on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. If you haven't signed up or haven't gotten your hole sponsorship in, you still have time. We are looking for a little bit of both, teams and hole sponsors. Congratulations to the Woman's Club on their 100 years. Thanks to the Public Works Department for their Spring Clean Up, and working through rain and keeping eye on all of the storm water with drainage issues.

Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-Ditto to what has been said. And thank you, Gene, for keeping us updated on the weather.

Trustee Denise Albers - Ditto also to what has been said.

Staff Comments:

ESDA Coordinator Gene KramerPublic Works Director John Tolan -No thank you. Village Zoning Administrator - No thank you. Village Administrator Tony Funderburg-No thank you.

Adjournment: Mayor Speiser called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.




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