Harrisburg Public Library District Board of Trustees met May 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Trustee Ewing to accept the consent agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
President’s Report:
- President Clemmons introduced Tammi Jackson as our newly elected Trustee replacing Leigh Leckron.
- Stone Soup presented Julius Caesar on the lawn on May 8th with 44 people in attendance.
- She noted that all of the programs at the Library have had good attendance.
- The next Brown Bags and Books will be May 24th with Kelly Phelps presenting.
- Committee assignments for the coming year will be made at the next meeting. She would like to add one new committee which would be Fund Raising.
Committee Reports:
- Building Committee: Trustees Ewing, Clemmons and Gary Jones met with Architect John Baler on May 5th to discuss what lettering we wished to have on our display boards. Mr. Baker will get them ready for Board review as soon as possible. Also, one of the air conditioner drain lines was plugged causing water to damage the paint on the wall with the bulletin board. Fowler Heating and Air Conditioning has unplugged the blockage and checked the other units.
- Policy Committee: Trustee Janet Jones read a wording change stating that a Trustee may not miss more than three unexcused meetings in a rolling twelve month period. A motion was made by Trustee Wofford to accept the wording change. Motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
Director’s Report:
- After discussion of the non-resident fee a motion was made by Trustee Wofford to raise the fee from $60.00 to $65.00. Motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.
- A motion was made by Trustee Wofford to pass B & M Ordinance 16/17-5. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
- The Trustees agreed that we should have an audit again this year but may change the frequency of the audits in the future.
- Director Gulley will start billing other libraries for lost or damaged books, as they do our library.
- The Board agreed to donate $75.00 to Darin Alvey’s mother’s memorial fund. A motion was made by Trustee Janet Jones to adjourn at 5:06 pm.