Harrisburg Public Library District Board of Trustees met April 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Trustee Janet Jones to accept the consent agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
President’s Report:
- President Clemmons informed the Board that she and Trustee Brombaugh were re-elected to the Board and Tammy Jackson was elected to fill Trustee Leckron’s position as she elected not run for re-election. She thanked Trustee Leckron for her six years of service.
- The Board will reorganize at the May meeting.
- She complemented Ms. Drone on a very good report and suggested that an application be made for the Reader’s Choice Grant. It might help with some of her expenses.
- Brown Bag and Books had 24 in attendance. This was the presentation by the Harrisburg High School Book Club. Jack Gulley, son of Director Krystal Gulley, was very good.
- On April 5th Celebrity Readers was held and went very well.
- The Friends of the Library annual meeting was held on April 9th with 30 people in attendance. They presented the Library with a $2,000.00 check.
- The art reception for David Powell will be held on April 23rd.
- The next Brown Bags and Books will be held on April 26th. Mr. Leo Gher will be the presenter.
- On May 8th Stone Soup will perform Julius Caesar on the lawn at 6 pm. It is open to the public. The Library will contribute $250.00 toward their expenses.
- The Road Scholars program will be presented on Saturday, May 13th.
- While on a family trip, President Clemmons visited a public library in Lafayette, Louisiana. She said it was a very impressive facility that was built in 2015. Said that it had “Makers Space” and that we should consider that in our new facility.
Committee Reports:
Policy Committee: Trustee Janet Jones reported that her committee was working on the wording for a Trustee attendance policy and will have it ready for presentation at the next meeting.
Building Committee: Trustee Ewing reported that everything seems to be going well with the current building at the present.
Finance Committee: No report.
Personnel Committee: No report.
Trustee Janet Jones stated that she was again working on a House Tour for the Christmas Holiday.
Director’s Report:
- Reported that she has continued to work on eRate. It has been approved with Clearwave.
- Showed the Board a design for new T shirts and table banner that was the brain child of Ms. Hungate.
- Reminded the Board that National Library Week is the week of April 9th through 15th.
- The Board agreed that the fine amnesty would apply to people who already returned the books and now have fines on their account.
A motion was made by Trustee Janet Jones to adjourn at 5:06 pm.