Eldorado Memorial Public Library Board met April 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Present : Trustees- Jeff Campbell, Walter Baker, Bob Barker, Sheila Baird, Mike Vessell, Susan Justice, Bookkeeper- Patsy Simpson, and Library Director- Felicia Murray.
Absent : Janet Davis
Public Citizenry : None
President Sheila Baird called the meeting to order at 5:08 pm
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted as presented.
Bob Barker presented the treasurer’s report. There were no outstanding issues. Bob Barker made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and to pay the bills. Mike Vessell seconded the motion. All voted aye with a roll call vote.
Felicia Murray presented the librarian’s report. There were 3090 items circulated for the previous month with a year to date total of 24269. Circulated e resources totaled 275 with 248 3M items and 27 Zinio items for a year to date total of 2349. Interlibrary loans included 512 loaned items and 707 borrowed items. There were 15 instate loans and 3 out of state loans. The total computer usage was 550 with a year to date total of 4838. Total receipts amounted to $1995.00 including $760.96 from Hamilton Co. and $503.96 from the City of Eldorado. Some of the led outside lighting has been replaced with regular bulbs. Mike Sullivan indicated that the led bulbs were under warranty and will be replaced free of charge.
Unfinished Business : None
New Business :
1. The Cloud Library is due for renewal at $421.54
2. Felicia Murray attended the Reaching Forward South conference in Charleston IL. The speakers urged constituents to urge their state legislators to vote no on a possible property tax freeze. Mrs. Murray also reported that she attended a number of useful seminars, including one that stressed community involvement.
3. The Eldorado Library has been awarded the Per Capita Grant in the amount of $5615.21. The funds may be delayed for a while. These funds must be used by June 2018.
4. The Annual Friends Luncheon may be changed to an afternoon tea on a Sunday, possibly May 21st. This format and date are still tentative.
5. The Eldorado Memorial Library will be closed on April 14TH 2017 / Good Friday.
The meeting was adjourned at 5: 40 pm. / Next meeting May 11th 2017.