
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Hamilton Public Library Board met March 21.


Hamilton Public Library Board met June 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Trustees meeting was held at 6:30pm At the Hamilton Public Library. Those present were President Jim Noble, Vice President David Morgan, Secretary Wanda Hansen, John Wardwell, Margie Stice, and Librarian Nancy Denton. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by President Jim Noble at 6:30pm. President Noble declared a quorum.


The minutes of February 21, 2017 were reviewed. Corrections to add Cicily Knowlles and John Phillips to the list of attendees and typos were made. John W. motioned to accept the minutes as amended. Margie S. seconded. Motion passed.


The bills for March were reviewed. Any questions regarding the bills were asked and answered. David M. motioned to pay the March bills. John W. seconded. Motion passed.



The financial statement was reviewed. Any questions were asked and answered. The Board discussed CD 802 which matures on April 16, 2017. The board decided not to take action until the next Board meeting; this would allow research into better interest rates. David M. motioned to move $4,500 from the Money Market account to the Main account. John W. seconded. Motion passed.

Friends of the Library Report given by Librarian Nancy Denton

Friends would like to buy bins on rollers for the children’s books. This would allow the area to be cleared for events and titles to be read easier. Friends cleared and cleaned the area under the stairs and would like to fix as a reading space for children’s department.

Friends will host the annual Mini Golf Tournament on April 22. Requests for businesses to sponsor a hole for the course have been sent. This is the end of National Library week.

Friends is still considering a Vendor Blender. Friends will be hosting a book sale at the citywide garage sale.


There were 30 participants for the Lego event. Food and drinks were provided; no prizes were awarded this year. Nancy D. felt there were less arguments with the event not having prizes.

After talking more with the Lincoln Center Program promoters, a television can be used as a screen so would just need speakers. Nancy D. informed the Board she may have a pair of speakers at home which could be used for the program. She will check and inform the Board.

The new computers for the upstairs teen center will soon installed. The wiring will be covered. It was decided to go with a k-cup machine for drinks; a donation box could be used to offset the cost of the k-cups.

The Summer Reading Program will begin the Wednesday after Memorial Day and end July 29th. Couldn’t get the books wanted so will work with what ordered. The idea is to build a treehouse by the end of the program. Other summer events will be cooking and art classes.

Nancy D. would like to start a new book club for 2nd – 4th grades; discussed with the Board.

Nancy D. informed the Board the High School Student Council came to the library to present a check from a fundraising event held in the school district. The students had their annual penny donation contest and the library was chosen as the recipient. While at the library the students were asked for suggestions on types of books they would like to read. They said they would get back to Nancy; so far there has been no response from the students. Nancy D. thought it might be nice to request memorabilia from the school for the teen center and to name the center.

Building and Grounds

The new boiler has been installed and paid for. The donation from the Friends was received. There are still some funds left from donations for the grounds.

Old Business

Regulations for checking out tablets was discussed. David M. stated he researched other policies and found a deposit was required. Another suggestion made was to have a deposit and copy of license. Jim N. suggested discretion could be used by Nancy D. After some discussion regarding the subject David M. volunteered to work with Nancy D. on regulations.

President Jim N. announced the budget presented to the Hamilton City Council was for $135,000.00 and explained. There was a budget meeting date set at the last Board meeting, but no one came. Nancy D. presented the Board with a couple of budget options she worked on. Nancy explained both the numbers and justifications. She would like to have the library reinstate the original hours of operation; the other two employees would only work 20(twenty) hours a week and there would be more time with just one employee working. The Board went into closed session to discuss the Hamilton Library budget.

After much discussion John W. motioned to approve the budget presented by Librarian Nancy D. for 2017 - 2018 which contains a 2(two) percent increase in salary and a contingency holiday bonus. David M. seconded. Motion passed.

Closed session ended. Librarian Nancy D. was asked back into the room and informed of the Board’s decision. Nancy D. thanked the Board for their decision. The Board stressed to Nancy D. she must stay within the budget as approved.

New Business

There was no new business.


John W. motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45pm. Margie S. seconded. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.
