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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Eldorado Community Unit 4 School District Board of Education met May 18.


Eldorado Community Unit 4 School District Board of Education met May 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Education of Eldorado C.U.S.D. #4 met in Regular session on Thursday, May 18, 2017 in the Board Room #219. Board President, Jason Kasiar, called the regular meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Board members present and answering roll call were: David Bartok, Austin Bradley, Ron Bradley, Stacy James, Jason Kasiar and Keith Oglesby. Absent: Preston Justice. Present: Supt. Ryan Hobbs, Rick Cox, Blake Bradley, Cody Cusic and Kim Butler, recording secretary. Others: Greg Goodley, Makane Salerno and Matt Allen (EEA).

Recognize visitors for public comment: None.

Ron Bradley nominated Keith Oglesby to serve as Board President for a term of two years. Vote was unanimous and therefore declared elected.

Ron Bradley nominated Jason Kasiar to serve as Board Vice President for a term of two years. Vote was unanimous and therefore declared elected.

Ron Bradley nominated David Bartok to serve as Board Secretary for a term of two years. Vote was unanimous and therefore declared elected.

Keith Oglesby made a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes for 4-27-17 (Ref to Doc Reg FF- -1-31). David Bartok seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, Austin Bradley, Ron Bradley, James, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: Justice.

Jason Kasiar made a motion to approve the April, 2017 Treasurer’s Report (Ref to Doc Reg FF-1-32). Keith Oglesby seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, Austin Bradley, Ron Bradley, James, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: Justice.

Jason Kasiar made a motion to approve the payment of Unit #4 bills (Ref to Doc Reg FF-1-33). Austin Bradley seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, Austin Bradley, Ron Bradley, James, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: Justice.

David Bartok made a motion to approve the second reading and adoption of board policies 2:100, 4:15, 4:15-AP, 4:60-AP4, 4:130-E, 5:120, 7:100, 7:190-E2, 7:260, 7:270, 7:270-AP1, 7:305, 7:305-AP, 7:310 and 7:310-AP to Doc Reg FF-5-21). Stacy James seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, Austin Bradley, Ron Bradley, James, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: Justice.

David Bartok made a motion to approve the first reading of board policies 7:315, 7:340, 7:340-AP1, 7:340-AP1,E1, 7:340-AP1,E3, 7:340-AP1,E4, 8:30, 8:70, 8:95-AP and 8:100 (Ref to Doc Reg FF-5-22). Keith Oglesby seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, Austin Bradley, Ron Bradley, James, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: Justice.

Seniors presented a slide show of the senior trip.

Jason Kasiar made a motion to approve accepting bids from Earthgrain for bakery products, Prairie Farms for dairy products, Cintas for fire extinguisher services, Southern FS for fuel, choosing a firm bid versus fluctuating and Harrisburg Pest for pest control for the 2017-18 school year (Ref to Doc Reg FF-7-1).

David Bartok seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, Austin Bradley, Ron Bradley, James, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: Justice.

Jason Kasiar made a motion to accept the resignation letter from Connie Dishman as a nurse aide effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school year (Ref to Doc Reg FF-4-14). Austin Bradley seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, Austin Bradley, Ron Bradley, James, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: Justice.

Jason Kasiar made a motion to appoint Ron Bradley and David Bartok to serve on the negotiation team for the 2017 contract negotiations (Ref to Doc Reg FF-6-32). Keith Oglesby seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, Austin Bradley, Ron Bradley, James, Kasiar, and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: Justice.

Jason Kasiar made a motion to trade in an older Unit 4 mower (Ref to Doc Reg FF-6-33). David Bartok seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, Austin Bradley, Ron Bradley, James, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: Justice.

Jason Kasiar made a motion to go into closed session at 5:47 p.m. regarding employment of district personnel. David Bartok seconded the motion. All aye. Absent: Justice.

The board came out of closed session at 6:25 p.m.

Jason Kasiar made a motion to approve closed session minutes as read in closed session. David Bartok seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, Austin Bradley, Ron Bradley, James, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: Justice.

David Bartok made a motion to employ MaKain Salerno as a Unit 4 teacher for the 2017-2018 school year (Ref to Doc Reg F-3-25). Austin Bradley seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: Bartok, Austin Bradley, Ron Bradley, James, Kasiar and Oglesby. Voting no: None. Absent: Justice.

David Bartok made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:27 p.m. Keith Oglesby seconded the motion. All aye. Absent: Justice.
