
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Harrisburg City Council met July 20


Harrisburg City Council met July 20.

Here is the agenda as provided by the council:

Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance - Pastor Tim Goodman - St. Stephens Episcopal Church

Consent Agenda

All matters under “Consent Agenda” are considered to be routine and will be entered by one motion. Unless requested by a Council Member or citizen, there will be no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is required regarding an item, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.


1. Regular Meeting July 6, 2017


1. Circuit Clerk’s Court Fee Disbursements - $3,079.48

2. Siegels Uniforms - D. Gunning - Uniform - $34.99 - Council Contingency

3. Illinois Tax Increment - Annual dues - $550.00 - TIF



Old Business:

1. Fire Chief John Gunning - 24 South Jackson - Update

2. Attorney Todd - Ordinance to sell and rehab agreement - 129 Shaw

3. Attorney Todd Bittle - Property Acquisition - Executive Session

4. Attorney Todd Bittle - Possible Litigation - Executive Session

New Business:

1. Attorney Todd Bittle - Advertise properties for sale

2. Keith Moran - Moran Economic Development:

a. Adopt Inducement Resolution

b. Adopt Feasibility Resolution

c. Pass Ordinance Establishing Interested Parties Registry and Rules

d. Adopt Hotel Project Inducement Resolution

Administrative Reports:

Commissioner Natalie Miller:

1. Personnel

Commissioner Beth Montfort:

1. Departmental updates

Commissioner Richard Harper:

Commissioner Mike Weirauch:

1. Personnel - Executive Session

2. Arrangements for Korean Veteran

Mayor John McPeek:

Citizen Comments:

Judy Cape - Fiduciary Insurance

Executive Session:

Property Acquisition

Possible Litigation

