
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Vienna City Council met August 2.

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City of Vienna City Council met Aug. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

ELECTED/APPOINTED OFFICIALS PRESENT: Jon Simmons, Mayor; Alan Racey, Alderman; Cheryl Myrick, Alderwoman; Debbie Riddle, Alderman; Melissa Hill, Alderman; Richard Owen, Alderman; Austin Tuey, Alderman; Aleatha Wright, City Clerk; Michelle Meyer, City Treasurer; Shane Racey, City Supt.; Jim Miller, Police Chief; Phil Morris, Depot

ELECTED/APPOINTED OFFICIALS ABSENT: Brent Williams, Fire Chief; Josh Stratemeyer, City Attorney; Margaret Mathis, City Librarian

GUESTS: Megan Kolb; Bruce White; Scott Wright

There being a quorum, Mayor Simmons called the meeting of the Vienna City Council to order at 6:40 p.m.

Alderman Myrick made a motion to approve the Omnibus Consent Agenda consisting of the July 19, 2017 City Council Meeting Minutes, the Treasurer's Report and The Warrant ($44,092.00). Alderman Hill seconded the motion. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried.


Alderman Racey made a motion to Authorize and Approve to allocate S1,500.00 (Tourism Fund) to the Annual Pumpkin Run Car Show- Sunday October 1, 2017, Vienna City Park. The motion was seconded by Alderman Hill. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried

Alderman Myrick made a motion to Authorize and Approve donation to the Elks Lodge to assist with the Annual Fall Festival of $1,000.00 (Community Fund). The motion was seconded by Alderman Tuey. Roll call: Hill-abstain, Riddle-abstain, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried (4-yes, 2-abstain).

Alderman Riddle noted per the Elks recent meeting, the parade would take place Saturday, October 7th.

Alderman Owen made a motion to Approve Facade Program TIF Recommendation for George and Carla Haden, 102 North 4th Street for $2,500.00. The motion was seconded by Alderman Tuey. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey- yes. Motion carried

Clerk reviewed Intergovernmental Agreements for School Districts with council concerning the TIF 2 area. Clerk noted approval would be made a future date.

Megan Kolb was present to request permission from council to contact city Square business owners in hopes to create sidewalk chalk murals in front of businesses. Kolb shared some her artwork with council. Council was in consent to allow Kolb to create chalk murals with permission of business owners. t



City Elected and Appointed Officials 

Mayor Simmons announced resignation letter received from Bud McDannel, Flood Plain Coordinator, due to change of residence.

Clerk Wright mentioned per Fire Chief Williams that the EPA had issued the burn permit for the old Gambit Inn. Scott Wright was present with additional information on the burn. Wright also said the fire dept would be on call for the eclipse Monday, August 21st.

Supt. Racey requested consent to scrap a 97 Chevy. Council gave consent. Racey also discussed installation of new water meters recently purchased through Fortiline Waterworks.

Alderman Racey discussed with council city hall closing on the day of the solar eclipse. Monday, August 21st. Council was in consent. Racey also mentioned placing on next meeting's agenda for the city to take action on purchasing a mower.

Alderman Owen mentioned an unnamed street off North 11th street. Brief conversation took place of two additional streets in town that were not officially named.

Alderman Hill requested update on city park bathroom project. Clerk Wright said the project had been placed out for bid in the ViennaTimes but no calls had yet been received.

Phil Morris, Depot, discussed happenings at the city park depot. Morris said he had a banner created to place at the park during the eclipse and future events for donations for park improvements.

As there was no further business to discuss Alderman Owen made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Alderman Myrick. Motion carried.

Mayor Simmons declared the meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
