The City of Benton Zoning & Planning Commission met Sept. 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
The Benton Zoning and Planning Commission's regular business meeting was called to order by Chairman Cockrum at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, September 6, 2017, at the Benton Municipal Building at 1403 South Main Street. Roll Call: Cockrum, McGuire, Neal, Bowlin, Collier, Shockley, Payne-Hubler. Also present, David Garavalia, Zoning Administrator.
Motion made by Shockley and seconded by Collier to approve minutes of the regular business meeting of August 2, 2017. Vote: Ayes: Cockrum, McGuire, Bowlin, Collier, Shockley, Payne-Hubler. Abstain: Neal. Nays: 0.
Under old business, update on city council action given by Shockley and PayneHubler. At that meeting, approval of minutes was given; no vote, however, was taken on the recommendation. The recommendation is to be placed on the next city council meeting agenda and a further report will be given at the next regular business meeting. Payne-Hubler reported speaking with the city clerk and a new process is in place to try to prevent this from reoccurring. Mr. Garavalia reports will contact the county for mapping files.
Also under old business, Garavalia gave a report on the Mendenhall Building and states no change and there is a roof on the building.
Under miscellaneous business, Mr. Garavalia gave a report on number of building permits received this year. After discussion of waiving of building permit fees, it was decided to table this action due to current conditions.
Also under miscellaneous business application for a special use permit was discussed for 403 South Ward Street. Robert Arnold is wishing to demolish the current home and install a manufactured home. Tentative date of public hearing is October 4, 2017, at 5:45 pm, prior to the next regular business meeting scheduled.
No public attendance.