Village of Freeburg Board of Trustees met Sept. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Seth Speiser called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, in the Freeburg Municipal Board Room.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Those present and the Board Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL: Trustee Elizabeth (Lisa) Meehling-here; Trustee Bert Pruett - here; Trustee Denise Albers - here; Trustee Ramon (Ray) Matchett, Jr. - here; Trustee James (Mike) Blaies - here; Trustee Mathew (Matt) Trout - absent; Mayor Seth Speiser - here; (6 present, 1 absent) Mayor Speiser announced there is a quorum.
EXHIBIT A: Mayor Speiser stated we have the minutes of the previous Regular Board Meeting Monday, August 21, 2017 for approval.
Trustee Elizabeth Meehling motioned to accept the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting Monday, August 21, 2017 with corrections and Trustee Denise Albers seconded the motion. All voting aye, the motion carried.
FINANCE: 1. REVIEW OF BOARD LISTS: Trustee Albers Stated we discussed the Board Lists. Few questions were asked and answered. -
2. REVIEW OF INVESTMENTS: Trustee Albers stated Treasurer Bryan Vogel said the one $100,000 CD has been renewed for 60 months at 2.13% interest rate. Treasurer Bryan Vogel advised our next CD renewal is in December.
3. INCOME STATEMENT: Trustee Albers said we had no questions on the Income Statement
TREASURER'S REPORT: Trustee Albers said Treasurer Bryan Vogel presented the January, February and March 2017 Treasurer's Reports to be reviewed.
1. Attorney Invoices: Trustee Albers stated we reviewed the attorney invoices. There were no questions on this.
2. Newsletter: Trustee Albers said the newsletter has been completed for the 4" quarter and we are waiting on confirmation of two events from St. Joe's. Trustee Albers said she thinks Julie has received those.
1. Rhutasel Invoices: Trustee Albers said Village Administrator Tony Funderburg and Public Works Director John Tolan met with Tim Pruett from Rhutasel on the change orders on the Haier sewer project and we were able to cut $16,000 off. The total bill for the sewer project was S1,157.421.82. This project came in under budget.
EXHIBIT C: TREASURER'S REPORT: Mayor Speiser stated we have the Treasurer's Reports for January 31, February 28 and March 31, 2017. Treasurer Bryan Vogel said if there are no questions he would appreciate approval on them tonight.
Trustee Denise Albers motioned to approve the Treasurers Reports for January 31, 2017 February 28, 2017 and March 31, 2017and Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. seconded the motion. Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. –aye; Trustee Elizabeth Meehlingaye; Trustee James Blaies - aye; Trustee Bert Pruett -aye; Trustee Mathew Trout - absent; (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.
EXHIBIT D: ESDA REPORT: ESDA Coordinator Gene Kramer brought us up to date on his ESDA Report that was in our board packet.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Janet Baechle said she has a question under Personnel/Police Committee, where we are recommending to hire two part-time police officers. Janet asked will this take care of the overtime problem. Chief of Police Mike Schutzenhofer answered Janet's question by telling her now that he is the new Chief of Police and he has taken care of the overtime problem. Chief Schutzenhofer explained to Janet that part-time officers do have fulltime jobs with other police departments. This why we have to have at least 5 part-time officers. If one is not available we call on the next one and so on. Janet asked how many part-time and full-time officers we have. Chief Schutzenhofer said 5 part-time and 9 full-time officers.
1. Zoning Administrator's Report: Mayor Speiser asked if anyone has any questions for Zoning Administrator Gary Henning. Zoning Administrator Gary Henning said he is working with the Dollar General on some issues, and the Dollar General said they will work on correcting them.
1. Haier Plumbing's Final Pay Request and Payment of Rhutasel Invoices: Mayor Speiser stated we have Haier Plumbing's final request #5 in the amount of $154,247.98 and payment of Rhutasel Invoices #13084 in the amount of $13,329.16 and #13175 in the amount of $6,667.50.
Trustee Denise Albers motioned to pay Haier Plumbing's pay request #5 in the amount of SI 54, 247.98 and to pay Rhutasel Innvoices # 13084 in the amount of $13,329. 16 and # 13 175 in the amount of S6,667.50 and Trustee James Blaies seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Denise Albers - aye; Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. -aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Mathew Trout - absent; (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.
BIDS: None.
EXHIBIT G: ORDINANCES: Mayor Speiser stated, we have Ordinance #1636, An Ordinance Authorizing the Village of Freeburg to Enter into and the Mayor to Execute an Agreement with Mobilite for Rights-of-Way and Pole Attachment.
Trustee Bert Pruett motioned to adopt Ordinance #1636 by title only and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Bert Pruett -aye; Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee James Blaies - aye, Trustee Mathew Trout - absent; (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent). All voting aye, the motion carried.
EXHIBIT H: Legal/Ordinance Committee Meeting:
Trustee Bert Pruett called the meeting of Legal/Ordinance to order at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 30, 2017.
The following item or items were talked about or discussed:
1. Zoning Report/Nuisance Properties: We discussed nuisance properties. Zoning Administrator Gary Henning advised us he and Mayor Speiser met with Mark Moerchen. They came to an agreement to have Mr. Moerchen install a fence within 30 days, and then have the rest of the issues cleaned up by the end of the year. The committee asked Zoning Administrator Gary Henning to get a letter out to him to sign so we have it in writing. Trustee Pruett said on the West Washington property at this time, we are going to cut the grass and keep it safe, but nothing else.
2. Mobility Contract: Trustee Pruett said we discussed the pole contract. We have taken care of this under Ordinances tonight on the agenda.
3. Intergovernmental Agreement with Kaskaskia Valley: Trustee Pruett said the committee discussed this issue. Village Administrator Tony Funderburg said several fire departments and police departments in our area have formed a committee and they would like us to join them. At this time he would like to make a motion.
Trustee Bert Pruett motioned to enter into the Intergovernmental Agreement with Kaskaskia Valley Communications Consortium and Trustee Denise Albers seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Denise Albers- aye, Trustee James Blaies – aye; Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. –aye; Trustee Mathew Trout - absent; (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent). All voting aye, the motion carried.
EXHIBIT I: Personnel/Police Committee Meeting:
The following item or items were talked about or discussed:
Trustee Elizabeth Meehling called the meeting of Personnel/Police to order at 6:34 p.m. on Wednesday, August 30, 2017.
OLD BUSINESS: 1. Police Department Expansion: Trustee Meehling said Mayor Speiser met with Jim, Village Administrator Tony Funderburg and Chief of Police Mike Schutzenhofer to talk about the police department expansion. Jim will try and get us some estimates on what it will cost for the next month's meeting.
2. Part-time Police hire: Trustee Meehling said Village Administrator Tony Funderburg advised us that Chief of Police Mike Schutzenhofer took a lot of time to go through the applications for part-time hires. At this time she would like to make a motion.
Trustee Elizabeth Meehling motioned to recommend to hire James Perrine and Tyler Howes as part-time police officers for the Village of Freeburg and Trustee Bert Pruett seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Mathew Trout - absent; (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent). All voting aye, the motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS: 1. Trustee Meehling stated Chief Schutzenhofer brought us up to date on what is going on in the police department since he has taken over. We received a thank you card from O'Fallon for their eclipse visit and our police department patrolling the area. Chief Schutzenhofer passed out the vehicle maintenance logs, October schedule and call log. As Chief Schutzenhofer said previously he has pretty much eliminated the overtime in the upcoming months. The Chief has revised the shift times from starting at either 4:00 a.m./4:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. (5:00 p.m. and felt it was a safer option. The new part-time hires will be partnered with a seasoned officer. Trustee Meehling stated Chief Schutzenhofer has been to all of the businesses in the Industrial Park, the banks and a couple of bars, and he will continue his meets and greets with the local businesses.
2. Trustee Meehling said Trustee Pruett passed along a compliment to the police that he received. About a month ago, there was a call on Sunday morning where a young lady ran off the road. Officers Flynn and Ruhmann responded, and her father told Trustee Pruett the police treated them nicely.
3. Trustee Meehling stated we have three requests to pay out unused vacation/comp time. At this time she would like to make a motion.
Trustee Elizabeth Meehling motioned to recommend Chief Mike Schutzenhofer be paid for 80 hours of unused vacation at his previous patrolman rate, Officer Chris Flynn to be paid for 40 hours of unused vacation, and Officer Terry Marquardt be paid for 80 hours of unused compensatory time and Trustee Bert Pruett seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee James Blaies - aye: Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee Mathew Trout - absent; (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent). All voting aye, the motion carried.
1. Cleaning Bids for Village Hall: We are still discussing going out for cleaning bids for village hall.
EXHIBIT U: Committee. As A Whole Meeting:
The following item or items were talked about or discussed:
Mayor Speiser called the meeting of Committee As A Whole meeting to order at 6:54 p.m. on Wednesday, August 30, 2017.
Mayor Speiser stated this was to discuss the Executive Session Minutes. We will be reviewing some of them within the next couple of meetings.
Upcoming Meetings: Combined Planning and Zoning Board - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - 6:00 p.m. Electric Committee Meeting - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - 5:30 p.m. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 – 5:45 p.m. Streets Committee Meeting - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting-Monday, September 18, 2017-7:30 p.m.
Trustee Denise Albers - Gene you did a great job on the local news. Trustee Elizabeth (Lisa) Meehling - Kudos to Gene for being featured on our local news channel.
Village Clerk Jerry Menard -No thank you. Trustee James (Mike) Blaies -No thank you. Trustee Ramon (Ray) Matchett, Jr. - Same thing here. Trustee Bert Pruett - He would like to welcome Officer James Perrine and Officer Tyler Howes as part-time police officers to the village police department. Good job, Gene.
Staff Comments:
Village Administrator Tony Funderburg-With Irma coming and FMEA tied up with everything going on, we all need to step up and help when needed. Chief of Police Mike Schutzenhofer - No thank you.
Zoning Administrator Gary Henning- Gene has a great personality for TV. And thanks to Chief Schutzenhofer for a great job the first two weeks in his new position as Chief of Police. Village Treasurer Bryan Vogel -No thank you.
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Speiser called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Trustee Elizabeth Meehling motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. and Trustee Denise Albers seconded the motion. All voting aye, the motion carried.