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Frankfort Park District Board of Commissioners met September 12

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Frankfort Park District Board of Commissioners met September 12. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

President Barz called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Present: Commissioner Barz

Commissioner Reilly

Commissioner Ruvoli

Commissioner Schedin

Commissioner Bickett (joined at 6:31p.m.)

Commissioner Rak

Absent: Commissioner Feehery

3. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and honored the victims of 9/11.

4. Approval of the Agenda – Approved as presented.

5. Consent Agenda – Items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and

will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board

member so requests in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will

be considered separately. President Barz asked for a motion for the following:

A. Approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes of August 22, 2017

B. Approval of the Committee Meeting Minutes of August 22, 2017

Commissioner Ruvoli so moved and motion seconded by Commissioner Reilly.

A roll call vote was taken.

Aye: (5) Reilly, Bickett, Schedin, Ruvoli, Barz

Nay: (0)

Abstain: (1) Rak,

Absent: (1) Feehery

Motion approved

6. Approval of Bills - President Barz asked for a motion to approve the bills. Gina explained

reasons behind the refunds and called the bill’s formats to the commissioners. Discussion


A. August Accounts Payable and Payroll which includes travel and Lodging

expenses in the amount of $207,749.99

Commissioner Reilly made a motion to approve August Accounts Payables and

Payroll in the amount of $207,749.99. Commissioner Schedin seconded the

motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Aye: (5) Reilly, Schedin, Ruvoli, Rak, Barz

Nay: (0)

Abstain: (1) Bickett,

Absent: (1) Feehery

Motion approved

7. Citizens Comments – None

8. President’s Report –

 President Barz congratulated the staff on the parade float.

 He called attention to the National Conference, noting that he, Stacy and Gina will be

attending on September 26th

. The Best of the Best will be held on October 13th

. January 18-20 is the State Conference and President Barz encouraged all commissioners

to plan on attending.

 President Barz told the Board Gina Hassett passed the CPRP accreditation.

9. Executive Director Report

A. Approval of the Investment Policy – A copy of the policy was included in the Board’s

packets. Commissioner Reilly moved to approve the Investment Policy and

Commissioner Ruvoli seconded the motion. Commissioner Ruvoli noted several

areas of the policy requiring Board approval. Discussion was held. Hearing no further

questions or comments President Barz directed that roll be called.

Aye: (6) Bickett, Schedin, Ruvoli, Rak, Reilly, Barz

Nay: (0)

Abstain: (0)

Absent: (1) Feehery

Motion approved

B. Approval of the Contract for the Puent Roof Replacement – Gina explained that after last

meeting additional information on Metal Roofs, Upgraded Shingles, and Solar Tiles was

sought. The Supt. of Building & Grounds discussed the ventilation issues and answered

questions. The staff recommended that they will contact other contractors to confirm the

need to add a Nail Board. If confirmed the project will be rebid with nail board, an

alternative bid for a 50 year shingle and a metal standing seem roof. There are no

immediate problems right now, but some maintenance will be required over the entrance.

10. Committee Reports

A. Special Recreation – Director Hassett

 Gina reported that LWSRA Board meeting has not been held since the last FCPD


 The Sports Banquet is September 24th and encouraged commissioners to attend.

B. Finance – Business Manager Lisa Slattery.

 Lisa explained the different formats to the financial packet.

 A five-year snap shot was also included in the packets. Discussion of the surplus,

interest and fees was held.

 The auto payment through Active Net is now set up to get notifications of any

credit cards that do not automatically go through. Evaluating the fees is being


C. Building and Grounds Report –Ed Newton/Commissioner Reilly

 Except for one, the seasonal Staff has departed and Ed is looking to hire a parttime


 A boat has been acquired and is being used to help the staff treat the ponds more


 Ed has worked with the Dept. of Agriculture to get the necessary permits to house

the containment of chemicals in the Maintenance Facility.

D. Recreation Report –Stacey Proper/Commissioner Schedin

 Fall registration is going well.

 The Fall Family Campfire and Overnight Campout will be held on September

22nd. S’mores, hayrides and ghost stories will be included.

 September 29th will be the Mother-Son Superhero Dance.

 The new Pre-School year started Tuesday September 5th and has 134

students enrolled.

 Stacy thanked everyone who participated with the Fall Fest Parade.

E. Public Relations – Director Hassett/Commissioner Rak

 A comprehensive report is attached to the Board’s packets.

F. Planning Report – Director Hassett/ Commissioner Feehery

 Items will be discussed at the Committee

11. Attorney Report – None

12. Unfinished Business - None

13. Commissioner Comments/Announcements

Commissioner Bickett complimented the staff on doing a great job.

Commissioner Rak thanked the staff for all their hard work on Fall Fest and the many recent

events. She is looking forward to the Homecoming Dance on November 17th

.Commissioner Schedin congratulated Gina on her CPRC achievement.

Commissioner Ruvoli thanked the staff for all the help with the parade. He noted that Operation

Playground raised $8,490 for parking during the Fall Fest. Congratulated Gina on CPRC. He

reported that he discussed the property at Route 45 & Laraway with a Village commissioner. They

are finalizing their Master Plan and are interested in including information on it. The Village

meeting will be at the end of September.

Commissioner Reilly thanked Lisa on the new financial formats. He thought the parade and

everyone’s involvement was great.

14. Executive Session - None

15. Adjournment – President Barz asked for a motion adjourn the Frankfort Park District

Board of Commissioners Regular monthly meeting of September, 2017 at 7:18 p.m.

Commissioner Reilly so moved and Commissioner Ruvoli seconded the motion. Hearing

no objections all present voted Aye. Motion passed by a voice vote.
