City of Vienna City Council met October 18.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
The City Council of the City of Vienna met in regular session, Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at Vienna City Hall with the following members and guest:
Elected/Appointed Officials Present:
Jon Simmons, Mayor
Alan Racey, Alderman
Cheryl Myrick, Alderwoman
Debbie Riddle. Alderman
Melissa Hill, Alderman
Richard Owen, Alderman
Austin Tuey, Alderman
Aleatha Wright, City Clerk
Michelle Meyer, City Treasurer
Shane Racey, City Supt.
Jim Miller, Police Chief
Brent Williams, Fire Chief
Margaret Mathis, City Librarian
Phil Morris, Depot
Jason Ashmore
Jeffrey Isbell
Lonnie & Kathy Hinton
There being a quorum, Mayor Simmons called the meeting of the Vienna City Council to order at 6:30 p.m.
Alderman Myrick made a motion to approve the Omnibus Consent Agenda consisting of the October 4, 2017 City Council Meeting Minutes, October 11, 2017 Special Meeting Minutes and the Warrant ($21,928.31). Alderman Riddle seconded the motion. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddleyes, Myrick-yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried.
New Business
Lonnie Hinton presented agenda items 4 & 5 to council concerning tourism guide advertisement.
Alderman Owen made a motion to Authorize and Approve $400.00 (Tourism Fund) to place advertisement in the Tunnel Hill 50/100 mile run information guide. The motion was seconded by Alderman Tuey. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried
Alderman Racey made a motion to Authorize and Approve $225.00(Tourism Fund) to place advertisement in the 2018 Southern Scout Tourism and Welcome Guide. The motion was seconded by Alderman Tuey, Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Raceyyes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried
Alderman Hill made a motion to increase water charges at the city water plant to reflect current resident rates at $7.00 per 1,000 gallons. Hosfeldt, Water Plant Operator said he could adjust the timer to 37 gallons per S.25 which would get close to the residential rate without exceeding it. The motion was seconded by Alderman Owen. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried. ܢܠ
As Union Steward. Hosfeldt also updated council on union negotiations requesting consent from council to extend the current contract until insurance quotes were obtained. Council was in ConSent.
Alderman Racey made a motion to Authorize and Approve $1,035.26 (Gas Fund) to purchase attachments for tapping machine. The motion was seconded y Alderman Tuey. Roll call: Hillyes, Riddle-yes, Myrick-yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried.
Alderman Hill made a motion to Authorize and Approve funds (Water Fund) to purchase two water valves for a pressure regulator station located on Senior Drive. Total cost $616.00 plus freight. Alderman Tuey seconded the motion. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried.
Supt Racey added that that water would be shut off for the whole city for a few hours to complete this project. Notice would be given to residents of the date and time prior to shut off.
Scott Wright, Wright Electric was present to discuss installing lighting to the sign at Autumn Ridge requesting an easement from the city. Council gave permission.
Public Comment
Jeffrey Isbell with Shawnee Worship Center was present to discuss details of the "Trunk or Treat" to take place at the City Park on Halloween from 6:00-8:30 p.m. Isbell requested portable lighting and port a potties, if needed, from the city. Council gave consent. Isbell also mentioned the Shawnee Worship Center being a central hub for emergencies.
Lonnie Hinton expressed concern of the flooding on North 6th Street from the rain on October 10, 2017.
City Elected and Appointed Officials
Mayor Simmons commented on the Heritage Fall Fest and thanked the Elk's Lodge for organizing the parade and event.
Clerk Wright requested permission to order a replacement tire Swing for city park playground equipment. Wright said the cost was $263.00. Council gave consent. Wright also presented a card to the city from Vienna Grade School FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes).
City Supt. Racey discussed ongoing bathroom repairs at the city park with council. Racey also mentioned speaking with the county 911 coordinator concerning a few unnamed streets discussed at a previous meeting. Alderman Owen said the Vienna grade school students were going to help with the naming of the streets. Racey also mentioned a need to purchase a fire hydrant. Fire Chief Williams expressed his concern of purchasing the hydrant as soon as possible due to safety. Council was all in consent to approve funds for the emergency purchase of a fire hydrant with a motion from Alderman Racey and a second from Alderman Tuey. Racey commented on replacement of a retainer wall discussed at the previous meeting with an estimated quote of $2,700 for the repairs. Approval would be made at a later date.
Fire Chief Williams updated Council on the monthly report of fire calls for Sep/Oct.
Phil Morris, Depot, discussed the upcoming 50/100 mile run November 11th. Morris mentioned possible parking issues with the volume of runners attending. Morris said the date for the yearly van rides down the bike trail would be Friday, October 27th also Santa at the Depot event would take place on Sunday, November 26th.
Margaret Mathis, City Librarian announced the upcoming Veteran's Day Service. Mayor Simmons said he would deliver the welcome speech,
At 7:32 p.m. Alderman Owen made a motion to go into Executive Session for Employment, Discipline of a specific employee as per 5ILCS 120/02(c) (1). The motion was seconded by Alderman Tuey. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tueyyes. Motion carried.
At 8:07 p.m. Alderman Owen made a motion to resume the regular council meeting. The motion WaS seconded by Alderman Riddle. Motion carried.
Council and Teamsters Union Representative, Jason Ashmore discussed the disciplinary action the council planned on ruling. Ashmore voiced his opinion as he disagreed with the decision. Discussion continued between Ashmore. City Attorney and council.
Alderman Owen made a motion, as recommended by the Disciplinary Action Hearing Board, to issue notice of disciplinary suspension of three consecutive days, unpaid to Officer Bruce White. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey- yes. Motion carried.
As there was no further business to discuss Alderman Myrick made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Alderman Riddle. Motion carried.
Mayor Simmons declared the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.