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Village of Freeburg Board of Trustees met November 6.

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Village of Freeburg Board of Trustees met Nov. 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Seth Speiser called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., on Monday, November 6, 2017, in the Freeburg Municipal Board Room.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Those present and the Board Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: Trustee James (Mike) Blaies - here; Trustee Mathew (Matt) Trout-here; Trustee Bert (Dean) Pruett-here; Trustee Elizabeth (Lisa) Meehling-here; Trustee Ramon (Ray) Matchett, Jr. - here; Trustee Denise Albers - here; Mayor Seth Speiser - here; (7 present, 0 absent) Mayor Speiser announced there is a quorum.

EXHIBIT A: Mayor Speiser stated we have the minutes of the previous Regular Board Meeting Monday, October 16, 2017 for approval.

Trustee Elizabeth Meehling motioned to accept the minutes from the previous Regular Board Meeting Monday, October 16, 2017 with corrections and Trustee Mathew Trout seconded the motion. All voting aye, the motion carried.



Finance Committee Meeting:

The following item or items were talked about or discussed:

Trustee Denise Albers reported on the Finance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.

1. REVIEW OF BOARD LISTS: Trustee Albers stated we reviewed the Board Lists, there were some questions which were answered.

2. REVIEW OF INVESTMENTS: Trustee Albers stated our next CD renews in December, and Treasurer Bryan Vogel will go out for bids on it.

3. INCOME STATEMENT: Trustee AlberS Said Finance Clerk Debbie Pierce Stated the work comp auditor split out our workers differently. Debbie is also working on re-classing the village park flags, lights and mulch. We still need to be reimbursed for those items. Village Administrator Tony Fundberburg advised us the VFW will reimburse us for the flags along Highway 13/15. Trustee Albers stated for anything we are getting reimbursed for, Finance Clerk Debbie Pierce will use an exchange account.



1. Attorney Invoices: Village Administrator Tony Funderburg will follow up with Attorney Fred Keck on the Old Freeburg Road property and will give us on an update at the next meeting.


1. Purchase of John Deere Compact Excavator: Trustee Albers said we discussed a purchase of a John Deere Compact Excavator. Trustee Albers stated Village Administrator Tony Funderburg has budgeted for one piece of equipment can be purchased for this year. Trustee Albers said Public Works Director John Tolan said we have been working in tighter spaces, this smaller compact excavator will make the job much easier to complete. This machine has 543 hours on it and some of these hours have been put on by our Public Works Department. We have used the John Deere Compact Excavator as a demo. Trustee Albers said Public Works Director John Tolan said we can spread the cost over all of the public works departments. At this time she would like to make a motion.

Trustee Denise Albers motioned to enter into a three-year lease to purchase agreement with Erb Turf Equipment for a John Deere 3.5G Compact Excavator not to exceed the cost of 834,500 and Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee James Blaies - aye; Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Mathew Trout - abstain; Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain, 0 absent). 5 voting aye, the motion carried.

2. ITEP Grant Program for East Apple St.: Trustee Albers stated we discussed the ITEP grant program for East Apple Street project. This is a project we decided to move forward on. In the street committee meeting we agreed this would be done in phases. The first step is to write the grant. In the past engineering firms did not charge us a fee to write a grant, moving forward we were informed there will be a cost associate with writing this kind of grant. Per TWM, the cost to complete the grant application is $3,500. Trustee Albers said we will covered this later on the agenda.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Village Treasure Bryan Vogel stated he passed out the Monthly Treasurer's Reports for April, May and June of 2017, for the board to review and be approved at the next meeting.


EXHIBIT D: ESDA REPORT: ESDA Coordinator Gene Kramer brought us up to date on his ESDA Report that was in the board packet.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Janet Baechle asked if we could switch public participation in the committee meetings from the end to the beginning, so she doesn't have to go into the hall for all of the executive session meetings. And as far as the board meeting with public participation she would like to see this one at the end of the meeting. This way she could hear what is being voted on. She would be able to ask questions first before the board votes on any of the subjects. Mayor Speiser said we will look into it.


REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Zoning Administrator's Report: Mayor Speiser asked if anyone has any questions for Zoning Administrator Gary Henning. Mayor Speiser stated hearing none we will move on to Exhibit F.



BIDS: None.


EXHIBIT F: ORDINANCES: Mayor Speiser stated we have Ordinance #1639. An Ordinance Amending the Freeburg Zoning Ordinance for the Purpose of Rezoning Certain Property Commonly Known as the Fischer (RCC1) Property.

Trustee Bert Pruett motioned to adopt Ordinance #1639 by title only and Trustee Mathew Trout seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Mathew Trout -aye; Trustee Denise Albers- aye, Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. -aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, the motion carried.

EXHIBIT G: ORDINANCES: Mayor Speiser stated we have Ordinance #1640. An Ordinance Authorizing the Village to Enter into and the Mayor to Execute an Agreement with TWM to Prepare the ITEP Grant Application Package.

Trustee Denise Albers motioned to adopt Ordinance #1640 by title only and Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee James Blaies - aye, Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, the motion carried.

EXHIBIT H: ORDINANCES: Mayor Speiser stated we have Ordinance #1641. An Ordinance Authorizing the Village to Enter into and the Mayor to Execute an Agreement with Information Technologies, LLC for the Omnigo Software.

Trustee Elizabeth Meehling motioned to adopt Ordinance #1641 by title only and Trustee Mathew Trout seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye; Trustee James Blaies - aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, the motion carried.





Legal/Ordinance Committee Meeting: Trustee Bert Pruett reported on the Legal/Ordinance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 5:30.

The following item or items were talked about or discussed:


1. Zoning Report/Nuisance Properties: Trustee Pruett said Zoning Administrator Gary Henning advised us he is still waiting to hear something on the Moerchen property.

NEW BUSINESS: 1. Old Freeburg Road Water Line: Trustee Pruett stated we discussed moving forward with water line project on Old Freeburg Road. In order to get this done, we would need to have the engineer draw plans and get an EPA permit which is about a six-month process.

2. Ordinance #1639 An Ordinance Rezoning N. Main Street Property from SR-1 to B-2: Trustee Pruett stated that we passed Ordinance #1639 tonight under Ordinances.

EXHIBITU: Personnel/Police Committee Meeting: The following item or items were talked about or discussed:

Trustee Elizabeth Meehling reported on the Personnel/Police Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.

Village of Freeburg Board Meeting Minutes Monday, November 6, 2017 Page 4 of 7


1. Police Department Expansion: Trustee Meehling said Village Administrator Tony Funderburg stated we are looking into getting a grant or loan for this project. Trustee Meehling said Village Administrator Tony Funderburg passed out the updated layout which keeps the building at 3000 square feet and that would give them everything they need. Trustee Meehling said if we go the grant route, we would need to hire an architecture to draw up plans signed and sealed. Trustee Meehling said UDDA offers a 20-year loan at 4%. Trustee Meehling stated within that space we would have enough room to plan for current and future needs for the police department. We asked that Village Administrator Tony Funderburg meet with the architecture. Since the last meeting Village Administrator Tony Funderburg, Chief Schutzenhofer and myself meet with EWR to get a better estimate of the building cost without any contents.

NEW BUSINESS: 1. Thank You from Resident: Trustee Meehling said Chief Mike Schutzenhofer said We received a nice thank you letter from a resident who was traveling through town and was having trouble driving through the fog to her medical appointment. Officer Flynn helped the lady out by driving to her chemo treatment.

2. Omnigo Software: Trustee Meehling stated Chief Schutzenhofer discussed the Omnigo Software which we approved already this evening. Trustee Meehling said Chief Schutzenhofer and Police Secretary Laura McGarry attended a presentation on the Omnigo Software program in O'Fallon Illinois. Everything they do would be tired to one system, and also tied in with the CAD system. This gives the police department the capability to share information with other agencies that Chief Schutzenhofer deems necessary. Chief Schutzenhofer advised us surrounding communities are on this system.

3. Placement of StormReady Sign: Trustee Meehling stated that ESDA Coordinator Gene Kramer advised us the Village of Freeburg has been recertified for 3 years and are recognized for being storm ready. The sign will be placed on the welcome sign by Wiegmanns.

4. Communications Roll Call Net: Trustee Meehling stated ESDA Coordinator Gene Kramer would like to see the roll call start back up to make sure all of our equipment is working. Gene advised us this will be done the first Tuesday of the month at 10:15 a.m.

5. External Antenna Cable Entry: Trustee Meehling said ESDA Coordinator Gene thanked our electric department personnel who grounded the external antenna cable entry equipment. He said they did a fantastic job.

6. Communication Acknowledgement Procedure: Trustee Meehling said Gene said in a severe weather event, he would like an acknowledgement call from the Police Department and Public Works Department.

Village of Freeburg Board Meeting Minutes Monday, November 6, 2017 Page 5 of 7

Chief Schutzenhofer suggested using the citywide 800 station for that. Public Works Director John Tolan requested a phone call from Gene for this.


1. Job Descriptions: Trustee Meehling said we went over job descriptions which or being revised. Trustee Meehling said Village Administrator Tony Funderburg stated there are some changes to his and Office Manager Julie Polson job descriptions. Village Administrator Tony Funderburg asked the committee if they have any other suggestions please get them to him so he can get it finalized.


1. Part-Time Public Works Hire: Trustee Meehling said the committee also approved in hiring Kurt Polson for part-time public works position. Trustee Meehling said at this time she would like to make a motion.

Trustee Elizabeth Meehling motioned to hire Kurt Polson for the part-time public works position at $12.00 per hour and Trustee James Blaies seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye; Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye; Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee Mathew Trout (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, the motion carried.

GENERAL CONCERNS: Trustee Meehling said the Mayor was asked why the sirens are not sounding at noon and 10:00 p.m. Public Works Director John Tolan did check into this and now the sirens are in working order.

Upcoming Meetings: CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE OF VETERANS DAY-Friday, November 10, 2017. Combined Planning and Zoning Board-Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - 6:00 p.m. Electric Committee Meeting - Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 5:30 p.m. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting - Wednesday November 15, 2017 - 5:45 p.m. Streets Committee Meeting - Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting - Monday, November 20, 2017-7:30 p.m.


Trustee Bert (Dean) Pruett - No thank you. Trustee Ramon (Ray) Matchett, Jr. - He would like to congratulate the Boys and Girls Cross Country High School teams. They reached State and did pretty good. Trustee James (Mike) Blaies -No thank you.

Village Clerk Jerry Menard -No thank you.

Trustee Mathew Trout (Matt) - No thank you. Trustee Elizabeth (Lisa) Meehling - No thank you. Trustee Denise Albers -No thank you.

Staff Comments:

Village Administrator Tony Funderburg-No thank you. Village Administrator Gary Henning - Congratulations to the Freeburg High School Boys and Girls Cross Country terms.

Chief of Police Mike Schutzenhofer - No thank you. ESDA Coordinator Gene Kramer-No thank you.

ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Speiser called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. All voting aye, the motion carried.




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