
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Vienna City Council met November 1.


City of Vienna City Council met Nov. 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Jon Simmons, Mayor; Alan Racey, Alderman; Cheryl Myrick, Alderwoman; Debbie Riddle, Alderman; Melissa Hill, Alderman; Richard Owen, Alderman; Austin Tuey, Alderman; Aleatha Wright, City Clerk; Michelle Meyer, City Treasurer; Shane Racey, City Supt.; Jim Miller, Police Chief; Margaret Mathis, City Librarian; Phil Morris, Depot


Brent Williams, Fire Chief


Rodney Gholson; Betty Bradford; Landon Cain, Boy Scout Troop 41

There being a quorum, Mayor Simmons called the meeting of the Vienna City Council to order at 6:30 p.m.

Alderman Riddle made a motion to approve the Omnibus Consent Agenda consisting of the October 18, 2017 City Council Meeting Minutes, the Treasurer's Report and the Warrant

($31,189.52). Alderman Hill seconded the motion. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried.


Rodney Gholson was present to answer questions pertaining to the October 30, 2017 Zoning Board meeting.

Alderman Racey made a motion to Approve the Zoning Board's Recommendation to issue Applicant, Rodney Gholson a special use permit for professional use at the location of 102 College Street. Alderman Myrick seconded the motion. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrickyes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried

Alderman Owen made a motion to Authorize and Approve a Cooperative Agreement Providing for the Services of The Johnson County Animal Control Warden within Municipal Limits Effective December 1, 2017 to November 30, 2018. The motion was seconded by Alderman Tuey. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried

Betty Bradford was present to inform council of progress with her upcoming business at the location of 523 East Vine as she applied for a Class A liquor license with the city.

Alderman Racey made a motion to Approve Liquor License Application for a Class A License at the location of 523 East Vine Street. The motion was seconded by Alderman Tuey. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick-yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried.

Alderman Owen made a motion to Approve Resolution No. 17-17. A Resolution to cast a ballot in the 2017 IMRF Executive Trustee Election. The motion was seconded by Alderman Myrick. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried.

Alderman Myrick made a motion to approve purchase of Holiday hams/turkeys for City Employee (General Fund). The motion was seconded by Alderman Tuey. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried.

Alderman Myrick made a motion to Authorize and Approve the purchase of fruit for the 50/100 mile run November 11, 2017. Council discussed costs with Phil Morris as the number of runners would be higher this year. Council was in consent on the amount not to exceed $800.00 (Tourism Fund). Motion was seconded by Alderman Hill. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried


City Elected and Appointed Officials

Mayor Simmons commented on the park Halloween Trunk or Treat hosted by Shawnee Worship Center Saying it was a successful event. Mention was made by Simmons and Alderman Tuey of street closures that were made on South 10th/Main and Locust for the safety of trick or treaters.

City Supt. Racey updated council on the progress of restroom repairs at the city park. Racey also discussed water and gas radio meter purchases that would need to be made to finish the preapproved project from 2015. In addition, the city's utility billing program upgrade would have to be made in the 2018 calendar year. Discussion continued of costs and ordering a larger quantity of meters at a time for lower rates.

Phil Morris, Depot announced a 10 mile run at the city park Saturday, November 4th

Cheryl Myrick said customer appreciation day at Legence Bank would be Friday, November 3rd.

Alderman Racey expressed appreciation for two bike stations and bike racks that had been donated to the city by Southern 7 Health Dept.

Alderman Owen briefly discussed the idea of installing street lamps around the city square in addition to the future construction of the county complex. Owen said he would contact commissioner Henshaw and council could revisit the subject at a later date.

At 7:24 p.m. Alderman Myrick made a motion to go into Executive Session for Employment, Personnel as per 5ILCS 120/02(c)(1). The motion was seconded by Alderman Riddle. Roll call: Hill-yes, Riddle-yes, Myrick- yes, Owen-yes, Racey-yes, and Tuey-yes. Motion carried.

At 7:47 p.m. Alderman Owen made a motion to resume the regular council meeting. The motion was seconded by Alderman Riddle. Motion carried.

Mayor Simmons appointed Alderman Richard Owen as designee for the purpose of meeting with the Teamsters Union.

As there was no further business to discuss Alderman Myrick made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Alderman Riddle. Motion carried.

Mayor Simmons declared the meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
