Harrisburg Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met October 17.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Harrisburg Community Unit School District #3, Saline County, Illinois, was held at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 as announced by posted public notice and by mail. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Chris Penrod, Mr. Kevin Dowdy, Mr. Jeffrey Drake, Mr. Tom DeNeal, and Mr. Ryan Lambert. Mr. Billy Smith, and Mr. Jonathan Russell were absent.
The following administrators were present: Mike Gauch, Scott Dewar, Kim Williams, John Crabb, Natalie Fry, Randy Smithpeters, Gabe Angelly, Eric Witges and Eric McCollum. The following Unit #3 staff members were present: Keri Holland, Val Hodges, Marsha Byas, Tony Chrisman, Greg Langley, Chellie McGuire, Christy Shires, Ashley Volkert, Melissa Belt, and Amanda Stone.
With a quorum of the members of the Board being present, President Penrod called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.
President Penrod led the Board, staff and attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to enter into Executive Session to review Executive Session Minutes, to discuss retirements, resignations, the possible employment, appointment, compensation and discipline of employees of the Board of Education or complaints against employees of the Board. Upon a call of the President for a vote to be taken and the vote having been taken, it was determined the results of said motion carried.
Board entered into Closed Session at 6:01 p.m.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Drake seconded the motion to reconvene in open session at 6:17 p.m. Upon a call of
the President for a voice vote to be taken and the vote having been taken, it was determined the results of said
motion carried.
Superintendent Gauch recognized the teachers who attended the Danielson Training.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Drake seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the September 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, Mr. Drake, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Lambert, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. DeNeal abstained. Motion carried.
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the Bills Due and Payable. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. DeNeal moved and Mr. Drake seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Drake moved and Mr. dowdy seconded the motion to approve the Expenditure and Revenue Reports. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
The Board of Education reviewed the monthly Activity Fund Summaries from each building.
Administrator/Coordinator Reports
Superintendent – Mike Gauch
o Met with the Mayor regarding the TIF. Will meet again in November to discuss issues and have a plan in place for if a new law would pass.
o Will be calling a meeting of the building and grounds committee to discuss the priority of the facility list. West Side Primary - Principal Kim Williams
o Harrisburg Medical Center donated money to the Book Fair for the students.
East Side Intermediate - Principal Natalie Fry
Harrisburg Middle School - Principal John Crabb
o An Art club and a Science club have both been started this year.
Harrisburg High School - Principal Scott Dewar
Building and Grounds - Tony Chrisman
Technology, Media, Grants, Special Education
Building Progress – Superintendent Gauch encouraged the Board to go to the High School and see how the project is coming along.
Superintendent Gauch took a moment for recognition of the Late Kay Talley, District Treasurer.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to accept co-Signature changes on funds with Banterra Bank to remove Kay Talley, Dennis Smith, Scott Berry, Kevin Dowdy, Molly Wilson Dearing, and to add Mike Gauch, Chris Penrod, Billy Smith, and Jeffrey Drake as presented. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to approve the District Annual Financial Report for the 2016-2017 school year as presented. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Drake moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the Executive Session minutes of the September 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Drake, Mr. Dowdy, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. DeNeal abstained. Motion carried.
Mr. DeNeal moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to accept the Retirement of Beth Evans, effective October 27, 2017. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Lambert moved and Mr. Drake seconded the motion to post Middle School Secretary position for the 2017- 2018 school year. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. DeNeal moved and Mr. Drake seconded the motion to hire Amanda Pancake for the 3-hour cook position at the Middle School for the 2017-2018 school year. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Drake moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the Maternity Leave of Natalie Dunk effective November 13, 2017. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Drake moved and Mr. Lambert seconded the motion to approve the hire Kelsey Lukancic and Breanna Perkins for EOC Aide positions for the 2017-2018 school year. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.
Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Drake seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. Upon a call of the President for a voice vote to be taken and the vote having been taken, it was determined the result of said motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m.