Village of Freeburg Public Works Committee met November 15.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
The Public Works Committee Meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m. on Wednesday, November 15, 2017, by Chairman Mike Blaies. Members present were Chairman Mike Blaies, Trustee Lisa Meehling, Trustee Dean Pruett, Trustee Matt Trout, Mayor Seth Speiser, Village Clerk Jerry Menard, Trustee Denise Albers, Trustee Ray Matchett, Public Works Director John Tolan, Village Administrator Tony Funderburg and Office Manager Julie Polson. Guests present: Janet Baechle and Mike Heap.
A. Old Business:
1. Approval of October 11, 2017 minutes: Trustee Matt Trout motioned to approve the October 11, 2017 minutes and Trustee Lisa Meehling seconded the motion. All voting yea, the motion carried.
2. Sewer project/New Sewer Plant: Public Works Director John Tolan advised that he and Tony talked to Todd Peek, and he should have the facility plan finished by the end of month. We will review it before submitting to the EPA in December. John stated we are at least 1 - 1.5 years out on a loan for this project.
3. Sewer issues/Sewer Fuel Odors: John sent our guys out last Week, and there were no odors.
4. FSH Minutes: John advised Ameren is putting a low pressure gas regulator system in front of the building. Rick at SLM set up a meeting with Curry to discuss nitrification on December 6th.
5. Sewer Main - Jacks Car Wash: John Will get Working on this project.
6. W. Apple St./Schiermeier Road/Old Freeburg Road Water Lines: John is hoping to get the water line along the bus garage done in the next couple weeks. He has estimates for the Old Freeburg Road project. The material costs for 6,800 feet, 7 hydrants, 8 inch Water main is $78, ooo, and for a contractor to put in would be approximately $272,000. He'd like to see about putting in a 10-inch line from 13/15 about halfway up in case We decide to go South across the field to Wolf Road. That would add about $5,000 more to do that. John believes our employees could handle this project. He would prefer to hire out Schiermier Road since it a tougher terrain and would require more boring. Tony advised the board he is receiving more calls from the residents on Apple stating their Wells are going dry.
7. Private Sewer at Potter/West Street: John said he's a little light on manpower right now.
8. East Water Tower Work: Suez, inspected the outsides of the east and west towers last Week
and is putting together a report.
9. West Tower Rechlorination System: John is looking into that System.
John advised he conducted the grade school sampling and obtained 126 samples. Jesse will get St. Joe's done by the end of the month.
New Business: None.
C. General Concerns: John stated we had two water breaks over the past two Weekends on Old Fayetteville Road at Shady Lane and behind Jack's Car Wash. He is going to put together an informational article on how to report a water leak and have that published in the Tribune. He will be collecting THM samples soon.
D. Public Participation: Janet asked for that water leak article to go in newsletter as well. She asked about the water towers, and John said the west tower was painted 2 years ago, and the east tower inside Work was done 5 - 6 years ago.
E. Adjourn: Trustee Matt Trout motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:59 p.m. and Trustee Lisa Meehling seconded the motion. All voting aye, the motion carried.