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Franklin Park Public Library District Board of Trustees met November 14.

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Franklin Park Public Library District Board of Trustees met Nov. 14.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

The Board meeting was called to order by Board Vice President Reyes at 7:30 p.m.

Board members present: Theresa Aiello, Kay Frey, Erica Lazcano, Joseph Reyes, and Teresita Zaretsky

Board members absent: Frank Grieashamer and Michael Vallone

Staff members present: Marie Saeli, Executive Director; and Stan Monkus, Business Manager

Public Comment There was no public comment.

Disposition of Minutes Frey moved and Lazcano seconded that the minutes of the October 10, 2017, Regular Board meeting be approved. Motion #1 carried. Voice vote.

Financial Reports and Approval of Expenditures Reyes appointed Aiello Treasurer pro tem.

Aiello read the financial report.

Frey moved and Lazcano seconded that checks #20993 through #21049 disbursed from the US Bank checking account, totaling $50,921.35; payroll liabilities, including payroll taxes, totaling $73,561.09; and the September IMRF payment made in October of $6,762.72, for a total of $131,245.16 be approved. Motion #2 carried. Aiello – Aye, Frey – Aye, Lazcano – Aye, Reyes – Aye, Zaretsky – Aye.

Communications There were no communications.

Committee Reports The Personnel/Policy Committee and Saeli reported on their review of Employee Benefits section of the Franklin Park Public Library Personnel Code. The Committee specifically discussed the sections on Sick Leave, Funeral Leave, Personal Days, and Vacation. In addition to discussing changes in some sections, the Committee found that some wording needed to be revised or eliminated. The Committee’s recommendations for revisions of section 11 of the Personnel Code were presented under New Business.

Executive Director and Staff Reports Saeli’s written report to the Board, which included meetings held and attended, was included in the Board packet. Circulation, Information and Digital Services, and Technical Services departmental reports also were included in the Board packet.

Saeli also reported that the telephone system outage of November 9, 10, and part of 13 was due to the motherboard completely failing. On Monday, November 13, a new board was installed and our auto attendant data restored.

Unfinished Business

Annex Demolition There was no new information to discuss. This topic was tabled until the next Board meeting.

New Business

Staff Mid-Year Incentive The Board discussed the mid-year incentive (mid-fiscal year) that it has traditionally given the Library staff. The incentive has already been approved as it is included in the budget that the Board approved for fiscal year 2017-2018, but Saeli wanted to remind the Board of the expenditure. In the past, a Jewel gift card in the amount of $25.00 has been given to each employee. This year the expenditure amounts to $900.00 (36 x $25.00). The Board consensus was to proceed with this budgeted expenditure.

Personnel Code: Employee Benefits The Personnel/Policy Committee recommended changes in the accrual of sick and vacation time, the use of the language in the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) when defining “immediate family,” changing “Funeral Leave” to the broader term “Bereavement,” and the omission of wording throughout Section 11 of the Personnel Code that is unclear or unnecessary.

Aiello moved and Lazcano seconded that the changes to the Employee Benefits section of the Personnel Code as presented, with the changes in the accrual of sick and vacation to become effective July 1, 2018, be approved. Motion #3 carried. Aiello – Aye, Frey – Aye, Lazcano – Aye, Reyes – Aye, Zaretsky – Aye.

Per Capita Grant Requirement: Library Board Bylaws One of the requirements for the FY 2018 Illinois Public Library Per Capita Grant application is that Trustees review Chapter 3 of the Trustee Facts File, placing particular emphasis on the Library Board Bylaws. The Board reviewed the District’s Bylaws and found that they contain all of the contents recommended in Chapter 3.

Per Capita Grant Requirement: Safety Another requirement for the FY2018 Illinois Public Library Per Capita Grant application, is that the Board review Chapter 12: Safety of Serving Our Public 3.0: Standards for Illinois Public Libraries. The Board found that the Library does have most of the recommended measures in place, but that there is a need to post floor plans that indicate exits and provide training for the staff on how to handle different emergency situations.

In addition to reviewing Chapter 12, at least one Trustee is to view an educational program focusing on safety in the library. Trustee Aiello viewed the online webinar “Violence Prevention in the Public Library,” provided by the Public Library Association (PLA). Executive Director Saeli also viewed this webinar, and she and Trustee Aiello briefly discussed its merits. Saeli expressed that she would like to set up times for more Library staff members to view the webinar as it contains very practical advice.

Closed/Executive Session An Executive Session was not called.

Adjournment Frey moved and Lazcano seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Voice vote.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
