
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Six Mile Regional Library District Board of Trustees met October 17.


Six Mile Regional Library District Board of Trustees met October 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1.Call to Order

President Hutchings called the meeting to order at 6:05 P.M. Members Present

Mr. Chris Hutchings President

Ms. Mary Jo Akeman Vice President

Ms. Linda McDonnell Secretary

Ms. Mary Whitehead Treasurer

Mr. Marc Griffin Trustee

Mr. Dewey Melton Trustee

Ms. Mary Trimmer Trustee

Members Absent.


Others Present:

Ms. Tina Hubert Executive Director

Ms. Juliette Douglas Deputy Director

Mr. Tallin Curran IT & Facilities Manager

Ms. Kari Fischer Administrative ASSistant

2. Approve Agenda

Motion: McDonnel Second: Griffin

Approve The Agendawithout Corrections

Motion Carried.

3. Public Comments - Nome

4. Approval of Minutes

Motion: McDonnell Second: Whitehead

Approve The Minutes Of The September 12, 2017 Public Hearing Combined Budget 8 Appropriations Ordinance 2017.02 And The September 12, 2017 Regularboard Meeting As Corrected.

Motion Carried.

5. Financial

a. Approve Payment of Bills

Motion: Whitehead Second: McDonnel

Approve The Invoices For Payment Aspresented: September 2017. In The Amount Of $203,472.02

Roll Cal:

Ms. Akeman Yes Mr. Griffin Yes

Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. McDonnell Yes

Mr. Meton Yes Ms. Trimmer Absent

Ms. Whitehead Yes

Motion Carried

b. Approve Financial Statements

Motion: Griffin Second: McDonnel

Accept The Financial Statements For September 207 Aspresented.

Roll Call:

Ms. Akeman Yes Mr. Griffin Yes

Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. McDonnel Yes

Mr. Melton Yes MS. Trimmer Absent

Ms. Whitehead Yes

Motion carried.

c. Approve Trustee Travel Expense Reimbursement for ILA Conference-Tabled

d. Elevator Lawsuit and Replace and Repair RFP award

Motion: Akeman Second: Whitehead

Enter Closed Session At 6:37 p.m. Naccordance With 5ilcs 120/2(C)(11) Litigation.When The Public Body Finds That An Action Is Probable Or Immenent In Which Case The Basis For The Finding Shall Be Recorded And Entered Into The Minutes Of The Closed Session.

Roll Call:

Ms. Akeman Yes Mr. Griffin Yes

Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. McDonnell Yes

Mr. Melton Yes Ms. Trimmer Absent

Ms. Whitehead Yes

Motion Carried.

Trustee Trimmer enter the meeting 6:43 p.m.

Motion: Griffin Second: Melton

Return To Open Session At 6:58 p.m.

Roll Call:

Ms. Akerman Yes Mr. Griffin Yes

Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. McDonnell Yes

Mr. Melton Yes Ms. Trimmer Yes

Ms. Whitehead Yes

Motion carried.

Motion: McDonnell Second: Whitehead

Acceptelevator Replacement Proposal Fromtindall In The Amount Of $397.410.00 To Replace Bothelevatorsat 2001 Delmaravenue With The Stipulation That No Employee Or Subcontracted Employee That Was Involved In The Original Elevator Installation Effort Shall Participate In The Work on This Project.

Roll Call:

Ms. Akeman Yes Mr. Griffin Yes

Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. McDonnell Yes

Mr. Melton Yes Ms. Trimmer Yes

Ms. Whitehead Yes

Motion Carried.

6. Correspondence

•Copy of the Illinois Speaks: Granite City Community Conversation flyer

•Copy of the Project Next Generation Grant award letter

•Copy of the E-Rate Program Remittance Statement

•Copy of the Partial Real Estate Payment for Tax Collected for Prior Years and the Year 2016 from the Madison County Treasurer

•Copy of an email from Trustee Griffin regarding conversation he had with the Frohardt School principal in which she complimented excellent service she received from the research staff

•Copy of a thank you to Ms. Hanke Young from a patron

•Copies of Google My Business 5-star Review

•Copy of the Granite City Sports Hall of Fame program ad

•Copy of the order form for the 2017 Granite City High School Yearbooks

•Copy of the Lincoln Place Heritage Festival program

•Copies of 10 SMRLD incident Reports

•Copy of three banned patron letters

•Copies of SMRLD items appearing in the media

7. Director's Report

•Project NextGeneration Grant-Six Mile Community Voices Project Lead by Ms. Kite for youth ages 1014 includes a series of filmmaking activities and workshops

•Trivers Settlement

•Vigilance increased to stem the increase in loitering on stairs and ramps

•Next quarterly staff meeting scheduled for Friday, December 15. The library will have a delayed opening

•Board will receive a preview of the new website at the November meeting

a.Human Resources/Personnel

i. Executive Director Evaluation

President Hutchings appointed the following to a committee to Collect and analyze the Executive Director Evaluations

Mr. Chris Hutchings President Ms. Mary Whitehead Treasurer Mr. Marc Griffin Trustee

Facilities & Operations

i. Library Cards/Fines

Motion: Whitehead Second: Trimmer

Approve Lifting Fines Fromallmaterials Cataloged To Youth Services.

Roll Call:

Ms. Akeman Yes Mr. Griffin Yes

Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. McDonnell Yes

Mr. Melton Yes Ms. Trimmer Yes

Ms. Whitehead Yes

Motion carried.

Motion: Trimmer Second: McDonnell

Approve A Process To Forgive All Finesonayouth Library Cardupon That Person Turningeighteen Yearsold.

Roll Call:

Ms. Akeman Yes Mr. Griffin Yes

Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. McDonnell Yes

Mr. Melton Yes Ms. Trimmer Yes

Ms. Whitehead Yes

Motion Carried.

8. Unfinished Business

a. Facilities consultant None

9. New Business

a, Annual Abatement Ordinance 2017-03

Motion: Griffin Second: Whitehead

Approve Ordinance 2017-03 Annual bond abatement Ordinance To Abate Property Tax Collection For General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013, Of The Sixmile Regional Library District.

Roll Cal:

Ms. Akeman Yes Mr. Griffin Yes

Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. McDonnell Yes

Mr. Melton Yes Ms. Trimmer Yes

Ms. Whitehead Yes

Motion Carried.

b. First reading of Levy Ordinance 2017-04 and Supplemental Levy Ordinance 2017-05

Director Hubert presented the first reading of Levy Ordinance 2017-04 and Supplemental Levy Ordinance 2017-05

C. Library Hours Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Motion: Whitehead Second: Akeman

Change The Hours Of Public Businessat Both Library Locations To Open At 9:00 A.M. And Closeat 6:00 p.m. On Wednesday, November22, 2017.

Roll Call:

Ms. Akeman Yes Mr. Griffin Yes

Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. McDonnell Yes

Mr. Melton Yes Ms. Trimmer Yes

Ms. Whitehead Yes

Motion carried.

d. Alcohol Policy

Motion: Whitehead Second: McDonnell

Approve The Alcohol Policy As Presented.

Roll Call:

Ms. Akeman Yes Mr. Griffin Aye

Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. McDonnel Yes

Mr. Melton Yes MS. Trimmer Yes

Ms. Whitehead Yes

Motion Carried.

i. November 10, 2017 Fundraising Event

Motion: Trimmer Second: McDonnel

Approve The Serving Of Alcoholat The November 10, 2017, Fundraising Event, Alittle Partynever Killed Nobody In Compliance With The Llinois Public Act 99-0559,235 Lcs 5/6-21a And The Sixmile Regional Library District Alcohol Policy. Roii Cal:

Ms. Akeman Yes Mr. Griffin Yes

Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. McDonnel Yes

Mr. Melton Yes MS. Trimmer Yes

Ms. Whitehead Yes

Motion Carried.

10. Reports

a. Friends of the Library-Friends of the library will not be providing support for the Adult Programming Fundraiser. The annual Patio Book Sale was held on September 30, 2017

11. Board Orientation

a. ILA Conference Report (McDonnell)

Secretary McDonnell reported on her ILA Conference attendance.

b. Board meeting scheduled December 12, 2017

Motion: Whitehead Second: Akeman

Cancel The Regular Board Meeting Scheduled For December 12, 2017.

Roll Call:

Ms. Akeman Yes Mr. Griffin Yes

Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. McDonnell Yes

Mr. Meton Yes Mr. Trimmer Yes

Ms. Whitehead Yes

Motion Carried.

Trustee Trimmer announced her resignation from the board following the November 14, 2017 meeting,

c. Illinois State Library Per Capita Grant

Director Hubert reviewed the process to fulfil the requirements for submission of the Per Capita Grant

12. Adjournment

Motion: Griffin Second: Whitehead

That The Meeting Be Adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Motion Carried.
