
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Harrisburg City Council met January 18.

Webp meeting 04

Harrisburg City Council met Jan. 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance - Pastor Jerry Wells - Dorrisville Social Brethren Church

Consent Agenda

All matters under “Consent Agenda” are considered to be routine and will be entered by one motion. Unless requested by a Council Member

or citizen, there will be no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is required regarding an item, that item will be removed from the

Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.


1. Regular Meeting January 4, 2018


1. Brown & Roberts - Revised TIF map for modifications - $1,649.00 - TIF

2. Southern IL Local Media Group - TIF Ordinance #1749 - $23.44 - TIF

3. Southern IL Local Media Group - TIF Ordinance #1750 - $23.44 - TIF

4. Southern IL Local Media Group - TIF Ordinance #1751 - $22.06 - TIF


Old Business:

1. Attorney Todd Bittle - Chase Environmental

2. Brown & Roberts - Toe drain report - Plug toe drain outlets

3. Brown & Roberts - Watermain Rehabilitation - Engineering Agreement

4. Brown & Roberts - Watermain Rehabilitation - IEPA Funding Nomination for Loan Assistance

5. Brown & Roberts - Watermain Rehabilitation - Resolution Authorizing Representative - Sign

Loan Documents

New Business:

1. Attorney Todd Bittle - Collective Bargaining - Executive Session

Administrative Reports:

Commissioner Natalie Miller:

1. Banner request - First Baptist - February 9 - 16

Commissioner Beth Montfort:

1. Departmental updates

Commissioner Richard Harper:

Commissioner Mike Weirauch:

1. Golden Circle lease agreement

2. Legacy Mark - Cemetery software system - Purchase agreement

Mayor John McPeek:

1. Employee recognition - During weather events

2. Review and approve Executive Session Minutes - Executive Session

Citizen Comments:

Executive Session:

Collective Bargaining

Review and approve Executive Session Minutes
