
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Harrisburg Public Library District Board of Trustees met December 18.


Harrisburg Public Library District Board of Trustees met Dec. 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Harrisburg Public Library District was called to order by President Janet Jones at 5:00 pm. Those in attendance were Trustees Joe Ewing, Lynda Clemmons, Sally Wofford, Janet Jones, Gary Jones and Kelly Phelps. Trustee Tammi Jackson was absent. Also in attendance were Director Krystal Gulley and Mark Dallas.

Mark Dallas with the accounting firm of Kerber, Eck & Braeckel presented the completed audit and answered questions.

Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Trustee Wofford to accept the consent agenda as presented.

Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

President’s Report: President Jones reminded all the Trustees of the day of training on December 20th and suggested that as many of the Trustees as possible attend. Part of that training will be a presentation on an active shooter in our building by Harrisburg Police Chief, David Morris.

Committee Reports: There were no committee reports.

Director’s Report:

- A motion was made by Trustee Clemmons to accept the audit report. The motion was seconded by Trustee Wofford and passed unanimously on a voice vote.

- Annual Receipts and Disbursements will be published in the paper.

- A motion was made by Trustee Wofford with a second by Trustee Clemmons to keep the closed session minutes closed. Motion passed unanimous on a voice vote.

- The per capita application was reviewed by the Trustees with some suggested additions.

- The roof repairs are complete. A motion to accept the bill was made by Trustee Wofford and passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

- A revised sexual harassment policy was presented by Director Gulley. After discussion and review it will be placed on the agenda for a vote during the January meeting.

- Due to a conflict the Board agreed to change the meeting time to the third Wednesday of the month at 5:00 pm.

A motion was made by Trustee Ewing to adjourn at 5:48 pm.
