Village of Freeburg Public Works Committee met January 10.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
The Public Works Committee Meeting was called to order at 5:46 p.m. on Wednesday, January 10, 2018, by Chairman Mike Blaies. Members present were Chairman Mike Blaies, Trustee Lisa Meehling, Trustee Dean Pruett, Trustee Matt Trout, Mayor Seth Speiser, Village Clerk Jerry Menard (5:52 p.m.), Trustee Denise Albers, Trustee Ray Matchett, Village Attorney Fred Keck, Public Works Director John Tolan, Village Administrator Tony Funderburg and Office Manager Julie Polson. Guests present: Todd Peek from TWN, John Moeser and Janet Baechle.
A. Old Business:
1. Approval of December 13, 2017 minutes: Trustee Lisa Meehling motioned to approve the December 13, 2017 minutes and Trustee Dean Pruett seconded the motion. All voting yea, the motion carried.
2. New Sewer Plant: Village Administrator Tony Funderburg advised we have a proposed facility plan for review, and Todd Peek from TWM is here to answer any questions. Tony explained we do not have a choice, our plant needs to be upgraded. This plan includes everything that we would need or want. The draft plan will be sent to EPA, and they either approve or disapprove it. At that time, we would send it out for a RFQ and choose an engineer. We would not go out for bid unless the design is approved by the EPA.
TWM's proposed plan includes a 30-year loan in an estimated amount of $9,903.987.50 and to finance the total cost of construction it would amount to $339,070 for the projected yearly cost. Tony advised Todd sent him an email that showed the rates for a 4,500 gallon per month user, the current cost is $36.50 and it would rise to $55.13 per month. Tony advised we would put the rates into effect once the engineer is hired and the design of the plant is known. Todd stated you would start paying back the EPA six months after the construction is done. Tony advised we have to pay for the design engineering out of our of our reserves. When you start building, then EPA reimburses you.
Trustee Matt Trout motioned to recommend to the full Board TWM's West Wastewater Treatment Facility Project Plan for approval and Trustee Dean Pruett seconded the motion. All voting yea, the motion carried.
3. Sewer issues/Sewer Fuel Odors: John advised we don't have any issues at this time.
4. FSH Minutes: Nothing to report.
5. Sewer Main - Jacks Car Wash: Will work on that, no bids yet.
6. W. Apple St./Schiermeier Road/Old Freeburg Road Water Lines: John stated the W. Apple Street line samples came back with a few colonies of bacteria, so we will flush the line, rechlorinate it and sample again. Tony stated with regard to Schiermeier Road, he does not have a bid document prepared. He and John have not had time to talk about this. Regarding Old Freeburg Road, Tony is waiting on the board to approve this project. He advised this information was sent to the trustees. The cost for this line would be $72,000 in materials and $11,000 in engineering.
7. Private Sewer at Potter/West Street: Nothing to report.
8. East and West Tower Work: John is waiting on the report from Suez.
B. New Business: John stated we have four water main breaks in five days and only had to issue one boil order. Our guys work it hot so we don't have to issue boil orders, and John stated our guys have done an excellent job.
C. General Concerns: None
D. Public Participation: None.
E. Adjourn: Trustee Dean Pruett motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:08 p.m. and Trustee Matt Trout seconded the motion. All voting aye, the motion carried.