Galatia Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met February 22.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1.0 Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda
Approve minutes from previous meeting __________
Approve bills __________
Approve treasures report/co-mingled fund __________
2.0 Audience to visitors __________
3.0 Old Business __________
District Five Year Plan/Goal (no action needed)
Seal minutes July-Dec 2017 __________
4.0 New Business
Approve Graduation Date __________
Advertise for bids for FY 18-19 __________
Approve handbook for trap shooting team __________
Approve seniority list __________
Approve FBLA trip __________
Approval to start title plan __________
Grade school stage curtain __________
QNS proposal __________
5.0 H.S principal report
6.0 Transportation report
7.0 Athletic report
8.0 Superintendent report
10.0 Executive session (closed) to discuss employment, compensation, hiring, firing of employees, and
review executive session minutes.
11.0 Adjourn,%202018.pdf