
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Massac County Unit School District #1 Board of Education met January 22.

Massac County Unit School District #1 Board of Education met January 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of Massac County Unit School District No. 1, Massac County, Illinois, was called to order in the Board Room of the Massac Unit #1 Board of Education, located at 401 Metropolis St., Metropolis, IL, in said District at 6:30 pm by Board President, Mr. Mark Souders.

Upon a roll call, the following members answered present:

Present: Jeff Brugger

Don Koch Jennifer Larrison Kathy Rushing Larry Sommer Mark Souders Bobette Steele

Also Present: Jason Hayes, Superintendent

Lisa Monkman, Supt./Board Secretary Debbe McCabe, Bookkeeper/Treasurer News Media MCEA Representatives

At 6:30 pm with a motion from Rushing and a second from Sommer the Board voted to go to Executive Session to consider information relative to employment, appointment, or dismissal of specific employees or officers, collective negotiating matters between employers and their employees or representatives; to discuss litigation – probable, imminent, pending or filed and to conduct a student expulsion hearing. Roll call: Brugger, Koch, Larrison, Rushing, Sommer, Steele and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

At 7:08 PM the Board returned to open session.

Invited Guests/Public Comment: None.

A motion was made by Koch and seconded by Steele to approve the consent agenda consisting of Minutes/Treasurer’s Report/Bills and Payroll. Roll call: Brugger, Koch, Larrison, Rushing, Sommer, Steele and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

Superintendent’s Report – Jason Hayes, Superintendent

A. Mid-year budget analysis – last year we were at 12,519,579.02 and this year 10,966,100.17

B. Evidence based funding update – EBF Workshop 1/8/18. Not likely to receive any new tier money until the end of fiscal year.

C. Board training status update

D. School closings – snow days

E. Illinois Science Assessment 2015/2016

Unfinished Business: None

New Business: A motion was made by Rushing and seconded by Larrison to Approve the Amended 2017/2018 School Calendar due to snow days. Roll call: Brugger, Koch, Larrison, Rushing, Sommer, Steele and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

Discussed the District Vision – A committee was formed: Bobette Steele, Kathy Rushing and Mark Souders.

A motion was made by Steele and seconded by Brugger to Approve the MCHS Title 1 Plan. Roll call: Brugger, Koch, Larrison, Rushing, Sommer, Steele and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Koch and seconded by Rushing to Authorize Bids for Operation & Maintenance Services. Roll call: Brugger, Koch, Larrison, Rushing, Sommer, Steele and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Rushing and seconded by Koch to Approve the Six (6) Month Closed Sessions Minutes and to keep minutes closed. Roll call: Brugger, Koch, Larrison, Rushing, Sommer, Steele and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Sommer and seconded by Brugger to Approve the Hire of John Bunting, Jr. High Evening Custodian. Roll call: Brugger, Koch, Larrison, Rushing, Sommer, Steele and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Brugger and seconded by Rushing to Uphold the Expulsion of Student J for one (1) calendar year and to hold expulsion in abeyance if student attends Safe School Program. Student may return January, 2019. Roll call: Brugger, Koch, Larrison, Rushing, Sommer, Steele and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.

Mark Souders commented that the Superman Classic went very well.

With a motion from Sommer and a second from Brugger the Board voted to adjourn at 7:40 pm. Roll call: Brugger, Koch, Larrison, Rushing, Sommer, Steele and Souders voted yes. Motion carried.
