Harrisburg City Council met March 15.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance - Pastor Jerry Wells - Dorrisville Social Brethren Church
Consent Agenda
All matters under “Consent Agenda” are considered to be routine and will be entered by one motion. Unless requested by a Council Member or citizen, there will be no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is required regarding an item, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
1. Regular Meeting March 1, 2018
1. Saline County Circuit Clerk - $3,848.18
2. Ray O’Herron Inc. - Leverett equipment - $47.10 - Council Contingency
3. Ray O’Herron Inc. - Leverett equipment - $222.19 - Council Contingency
Old Business:
1. McClure Engineering - Agreement for Professional Services - $11,688.00 - TIF - Old junior high
2. Saline County Detention Center lease agreement
3. Saline County Central Dispatch agreement
4. Brown & Roberts - New Sewage Treatment Plant - Preliminary Engineering Report/Agreement
New Business:
1. Brown & Roberts - 2018 MFT Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs - $209,407.33
2. Brown & Roberts - Resolution for Maintenance 2018 MFT - $220,000.00
3. Brown & Roberts - 2018 MFT Engineering Agreement
4. Future Infrastructure Committee - established
5. Attorney Todd Bittle - Chapter 20 - Taxicabs - amendment
6. Attorney Todd Bittle - Possible Litigation - Saline Valley Conservancy District/Raleigh Water District
Administrative Reports:
Commissioner Natalie Miller:
Commissioner Beth Montfort:
1. Departmental updates
2. Rescue truck - Agreement to Purchase
3. Melissa Sims - Opioid lawsuit update
4. Personnel - Executive Session
Commissioner Richard Harper:
Commissioner Mike Weirauch:
1. Departmental updates
Mayor John McPeek:
Citizen Comments:
Executive Session: