Beaver Creek Township Board met January 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The Beaver Creek Township Board meeting was held Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at 10:03 am. Board members present: Van Nuck, Hartman, Meisner, Little, and Raybuck was on the phone.
Motion by Little and seconded by Meisner to accept the agenda as presented. All ayes, motion carried.
1. Motion by Little and seconded by Van Nuck to approve the minutes to the December 12, 2017 meeting. All ayes, motion carried.
2. Motion by Little and seconded by Van Nuck to approve the minutes to the December 12, 2017 closed meeting. All ayes, motion carried.
3. Motion by Little and seconded by Raybuck to approve the minutes to the December 28, 2017 meeting with two changes: 1st paragraph add comma after Little, and Number 4, deadline of May 31st, not April 27th. All ayes, motion carried.
Financial Report:
Van Nuck stated that we would accept the financial report with correction for auditor approval.
Treasurers Report:
Still having problems with Chemical Bank in several areas. The taxes are coming in steadily.
Clerks Report:
Weyerhaeuser IFT paperwork has been signed and mailed. The clerk will be filling out the paperwork for the grant for the new voting machines.
Supervisors Report:
The supervisor has been gone a lot because of sickness, but has been attending different meetings.
The HLUA has approved a new two year contract with our current manager. The HLUA did receive a letter from the State regarding hooking of the North State Park into the system; and Lyon Township Supervisor and our supervisor should meet to discuss the contents of the letter, per attorney.
Fire Department:
The fire chief’s reports are attached. Georgia Pacific is all done with the confined space evaluation and the fire department will be taking care of it in the future. Weyerhaeuser is still working on it.
The fire chief has posted a Training Officer/L.T. position and given us the specifications and job description for the position.
The fire chief asked where we are at on Policy #100. The attorney has added several small changes to Policy #103. Policy #300 will be brought up next meeting as our insurance carrier has been asked to answer several questions.
Motion by Little and seconded by Raybuck to approve Policy #103 with the attorney corrections. All ayes, motion carried.
There was confusion on holiday closings. Saturday, the compactor was frozen and the transfer site was closed, due to –degree temperatures. Besides that, everything else is running fine.
Planning Commission/Zoning:
Thirty one permits were issued in 2017, with a total value of $1,307,725.30 and one has been issued already in 2018.
The zoning administrator has been working to update all forms for 2018 and investigating blight issues.
Grayling Charter Township/Beaver Creek Township Utilities Authority:
There will be a board meeting at 2:00 pm tomorrow for opening of bids.
Camp Curnalia Association has issued a letter in support of annexation of the Beaver Creek Township residents to Lyon Township.
Consumers Energy information on their energy assessment for the township.
Old Business:
1. Discussion regarding allowing burials in Pere Cheney cemetery. The attorney explained that there are no guarantees even if ground probing is done.
As a result of extensive study into whether it is advisable to once again permit burials in Pere Cheney Cemetery, which the last burial was in 1936, the following has been determined:
1. That our counsel has located a number of entities that could perform ground probing radar of the Cemetery to determine where each and every plot is located to a reasonable degree of certainty.
2. That the ground probing companies will not provide a guarantee that the results would ensure that any digging for new burial would not disrupt or enter the chamber of another grave site.
3. The cost for ground probing the entire Cemetery is $5,200 to $6,000 depending on the Company used.
4. That Pere Cheney Cemetery has been the subject of and continued subject of vandalism, theft of grave markers, destruction of location points, and other related items.
5. That Beaver Creek Township does not believe it is a good use of Township resources to pay for a ground probing of the Cemetery and employ appropriate security measures to prevent destruction of any new graves.
6. That Beaver Creek Township does not believe that it would be appropriate to open itself up to liability regarding new graves, grave markers, disruption or entering the chamber of other graves, and the like.
Accordingly, motion is made by Van Nuck and seconded by Raybuck, to not permit any burials in Pere Cheney now or in the future. Beaver Creek reserves the right to modify this motion in the future as resources become available that would ensure the integrity of any burial, protection of the grave markers and other maintenance of the Cemetery. Roll call vote with all ayes, motion carried.
2. Motion by Van Nuck and seconded by Meisner to pass the Resolution Waiving Penalty Fees and Interest For Failure to File a Property Transfer Affidavit. Roll call vote with all ayes, motion carried.
3. Terry Johnson was sent a registered letter on January 8, 2018 giving him until May 31, 2018 to clean up his property on W. 6 Mile Road. The supervisor will email us any developments.
New Business:
1. Motion by Little and seconded by Meisner to have the supervisor look into the possibility of having a MPA class in our area for our township training of the Planning Commission and ZBA. All ayes, motion carried. Otherwise, there is a March 1st class in Frankenmuth.
2. Motion by Little and seconded by Hartman to have the supervisor and treasurer sign three agreements for summer tax collection charges. All ayes, motion carried.
3. Motion by Van Nuck and seconded by Raybuck to pay the ZBA members when attending meetings regarding the Master Plan while it is being written. Roll call vote with all ayes, motion carried. ZBA members should be paid for the December 2017 meeting that they showed up for and no one called them to tell them it had been cancelled, the January PC meeting and all future meetings regarding the Master Plan.
4. Motion by Van Nuck and seconded by Little that any and all holidays for employees of the Beaver Creek Township Fire Department shall be identical to the national holidays as established and observed by the U.S. Federal Government. Also, this will amend our township Policy Regarding Personnel Holiday, Vacation, Personal Days and Breaks, effective immediately. Roll call vote with all ayes, motion carried. The fire chief was asked to post said policy here, at the fire hall and on the web site.
The transfer site was closed on Christmas Eve and open on New Year’s Eve. It was suggested that it will be in writing as to what days a holiday will be open and closed and a sign should be put up at the transfer site reminding residents what these days will be.
5. Motion by Little and seconded by Meisner to pass the Amended Poverty Guidelines Resolution for the year 2018, as presented. Roll call vote with all ayes, motion carried.
6. Steve Grinnell will be giving the supervisor numbers for the next year general insurance policy, this week.
7. Closed Session: Request by Fire Chief to go into closed session at 11:20 to discuss his contract for the coming year. Motion by Van Nuck and seconded by Little. All ayes, motion carried.
Motion by Van Nuck and seconded by Meisner to close the closed session at 11:55 am. All ayes, motion carried.
8. Motion by Van Nuck and seconded by Little to open the regular session again at 11:56 am. All ayes, motion carried.
9. Motion by Van Nuck and seconded by Raybuck to approve the new contract with the fire chief with three changes: 1. Page 3, 5th paragraph (NFPA) code, replace code with Standard, 2. Same paragraph replace Building Officials code (BOCA) with International Fire Code and 3. Page 4, e. last sentence leave off, by April 1. Roll call vote with all ayes, motion carried. Clerk will fix contract.
10. Motion by Van Nuck and seconded by Meisner to pay the accounts payable in the amount of $23,416.27, checks #31786 thru #31818. All ayes, motion carried.
Little will mention to Mr. West that according to our supervisor, our thermostat is not properly working.
Public Comment:
The family that would like Pere Cheney Cemetery to be opened for burials had several comments.
Motion by Meisner and seconded by Little to adjourn meeting at 12:10 pm.